The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Liberal Creationism,’ Revisited

William Saletan marks his 25-year anniversary at Slate-dot-com with a column discussing what he’s learned, about himself and the online audience, during his quarter-century at the original Internet magazine. Among other things, he laments the rise of Twitter warfare and the way centrifugal forces seem to be driving both Left and Right toward tribalism, with […]

The Mysterious Motive

A huge clue that Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are just using the phrase “white supremacy” to exploit fear for political gain: On Sunday, Joe Biden acknowledged the Texas synagogue hostage situation, dubbing the incident an “act of terror,” but refused to “speculate” on Akram’s motives when asked about it by reporters. […]

Everything You Love Is Cancelled Now

You can still purchase Elvis Costelo’s 1979 album Armed Forces, but who knows how much longer this will be possible? How long before we’re required to forget that it ever existed? Elvis Costello has said that he will no longer perform one of his biggest hits, “Oliver’s Army,” and has urged radio stations to also […]

Mystery Surrounds Perpetrator of ‘Deplorable Acts of Anti-Black Hatred’

In September, the Chief Diversity at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Dr. Nefertiti Walker, sent a campus-wide email warning of a “disturbing increase in anti-Black racist incidents,” saying the content of the messages was “vile” and “violently offensive”: Over the course of several weeks dating back to late August, Black student groups at the University of […]

Instapundit Goes Socialist?

Glenn Reynolds linked to and quoted a critique of the “underhanded journalism and bogus history” behind the New York Times‘ 1619 Project. When I clicked the link, I was shocked to find myself at the World Socialist Web Site, a platform of the Trotskyite “Fourth International.” And if you keep reading the article by Professor […]

Rittenhouse Verdict Reactions Show What ‘White Supremacy’ Means to the Left

Vandalism, looting and arson were minimal Friday night, as the November weather was too cold for anarchists in most cities: Protesters took to the streets of Brooklyn, Chicago, Oakland, and other cities following the not guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. After the verdict, hundreds of people took to the streets of Brooklyn, New […]

Miss Knoxville and ‘White Privilege’

One of the most toxic phrases of left-wing social-justice rhetoric is “white privilege,” which serves to demonize white people as beneficiaries of unfair advantages. This phrase originated in elite academia, where many white people do, in fact, come from privileged backgrounds. But the vast majority of white people in America are working class or lower-middle […]

The Weird Logic of Wajahat Ali

How many of y’all remember the “white feminism” discourse among progressives following Hillary Clinton’s 2016 defeat? Because I’d spent the previous two years researching radical feminism, this phenomenon caught my attention at the time. What drove this discourse was the exit polls showing that Donald Trump had won a majority of white women voters. In […]

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