The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Intifada at Ohio State Proves the Immigration-Terrorism Connection

  William Jacobson describes Monday’s Islamic terrorist attack in Columbus in which a “Somali legal immigrant rammed his car into pedestrians on the sidewalk, then attacked with what is variously described as a butcher knife or machete.” NBC News reports: An Ohio State University student posted a rant shortly before he plowed a car into […]

‘Girl Power’ and Honor in Pakistan: The Unsurprising Death of Qandeel Baloch

“I am a social media sensation, I am a fashion icon. . . . I’m a girl power. So many girls tell me I’m a girl power, and yes, I am.” — Qandeel Baloch, July 14, 2016 Fame is a dangerous commodity, and shockingly cheap in the Internet age of DIY social media, where young […]

No, SJWs, There Wasn’t A “Social Activist” Bone In Jesus’ Body

by Smitty I was triggered today by a bumper sticker: I guess if you want to freebase your own Gospel & fail the Matthew 4:9 test, you might believe this drivel: — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) November 12, 2016 The Obama and Hillary stickers you’d expect were around this little bit of noise. If you have […]

The Myth-Making of Academic Feminism

‘Rebirth of the Goddess’ author Carol Christ. “We question the most unquestioned assumption of all, the notion that scholarship is or should be objective. . . . “Feminists understand that the ethos of scholarly objectivity is in fact mythos. We know that there is no dispassionate, disinterested scholarship.” — Carol P. Christ, 1997 “If life […]

Queer Feminism at Marquette University

“To me as a queer activist and young scholar in the early 1990s, the term queer seemed to capture it all — the political urgency of combating heterosexism, my feeling and knowledge that the binaries of gender and sexual orientation were created through forced conformity and repression, the indeterminateness of my own experiences of gender […]

Wisconsin’s ‘Sodomite Whorehouse’

  The University of Wisconsin opened the football season with a victory over LSU, and the Badgers were 4-0 going into their Oct. 1 game against Michigan, which they lost 14-7, and last week Wisconsin got beat 30-23 by Ohio State. Why are the Badgers losing? Because they don’t love Jesus! “[Westboro Baptist Church] will […]

Feminist @samanthapfield Wants to Remind You: Pat Robertson Was Right

“I’m a liberal, pro-choice feminist with socialist-considering-Marxism political tendencies. I think the Democratic party isn’t liberal enough. I’m almost of the opinion that capitalism (at least in its current cis-hetero-white-supremacist-patriarchal incarnation) is evil.” — Samantha Couchoud Field, March 25, 2015 “One of the events that helped me heal from my toxic religious upbringing was discovering […]

Not the Droids You’re Looking For

Move along: The Turkish immigrant accused of gunning down five people at a Washington mall smirked at his first court appearance Monday even as reports revealed he had a blog with photo posts of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei. . . . Authorities said they have not ruled out […]

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