The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Trump Getting 50% of the Catholic Vote

The abortion issue is hurting Biden: Catholic voters have an opportunity in November to help elect only the second Catholic president in U.S. history in former Vice President Joseph R. Biden, but already the more devout followers are lining up behind President Trump. Gone are the days when nearly 80% of Catholic voters united to […]

‘Climate Scientist Explains …’

When I was in school, back in Ye Olde Ancient Tymes, we were taught that skepticism was necessary to science. That is to say, our teachers emphasized the distance between theory and proof, teaching an experimental approach to the scientific method — trial and error, etc. During the past several decades, however, the emphasis on […]

Muslim Immigrant Attacks Police

  Is it OK to stop calling this “mostly peaceful” yet? Authorities are looking into whether the Wednesday night stabbing of an NYPD officer in Brooklyn was a terror-inspired attack, law enforcement sources said Thursday. One officer was stabbed in the neck and two others were shot during the confrontation in the Flatbush neighborhood. All […]

‘For the Wrath of God Is Revealed From Heaven Against All Ungodliness …’

Thus begins one of the most powerful passages of Scripture, and I was pleased today to learn from Denise McAllister that this has become the inspiration for a new website, Romans One. It is an ambitious and high-minded project, as the editors explain their intended mission: Why choose this part of the Bible as the […]

Fish Stories

— by Wombat-socho “Mermaid’s Dinner” by Sue Halstenberg For some reason we don’t have a Food category among our tags, which is odd because I distinctly recall doing at least one post on burgers in my decade of blogging here at The Other McCain. In any case, this being Lent, it’s time to provide a […]

A Curse Be Upon Them: NY Times Blames America’s Christianity for #Coronavirus

  The New York Times is published by atheist perverts who hate America, and who have covered themselves in disgrace for decades. They forfeited whatever credibility they still had when they refused to return the Pulitzer they got for Walter Duranty’s Stalinist propaganda during the Soviet “show trial” era, and their irresponsible reporting about the […]

Terrorist in London Stabbing Attack Had Just Been Released From Prison

  Just another random coincidence: A man shot dead by police after he stabbed people in south London had been released from prison in January. Sudesh Amman, 20, was released about a week ago after serving half of his sentence of three years and four months for terror offences. He was under active police surveillance […]

A ‘Hate Crime’ CNN Won’t Mention

  “Intersectionality” in action: Jasmine Renee Campbell is the Oregon woman facing hate crime charges after investigators said she tried to strangle a woman using the victim’s hijab. The confrontation happened at the TriMet MAX train station in Portland on November 12, 2019. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s office announced the charges on January 3, […]

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