Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!! (Parte Dos)
— compiled by Wombat-socho The votes are in from the commentariat, and the appetizer for this week is this fine-looking redhead in a “Confederate” bikini. Somehow, I doubt either Bobby Lee or Stonewall Jackson would have approved, but those were different times. As always, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, […]
Rule 5 Sunday: OUTRAGE!
— compiled by Wombat-socho Not going to lie: the BS on full display in the media over the last couple of weeks has got my Irish up, and for the last day or so I’ve been dithering between Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS or a random hot babe in a Confederate bikini because I couldn’t […]
Rule 5 Monday: Taylor On Top
— compiled by Wombat-socho In today’s news, it looks like Taylor Swift has won her sexual assault trial against a former Denver DJ who was dumb enough to sue the pop star after being fired for grabbing her butt during a meet and greet. Damages are just $1 (at Swift’s insistence) but now this fool […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Tuesday Weld
— compiled by Wombat-socho I am in the process of slowly replacing my once-extensive collection of electronic music, which included (and soon will again) the soundtrack to the Michael Mann movie Thief, starring James Caan and this week’s appetizer, Tuesday Weld. This pic isn’t from the movie, but it does show off Ms. Weld’s physical […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Burger Girls
— compiled by Wombat-socho As you might imagine, I’m not too thrilled with the current crop of Carl’s Jr. ads, which deprecate the attractive models formerly used to help sell their delicious burgers in favor of some weird sitcom-like spots featuring “Carl Hardee Sr.” coming back to take charge of the company from his feckless […]
Early Morning Rule 5 Monday
— compiled by Wombat-socho Body clock’s been thoroughly disarranged by a sleep study last night, so I figure I’ll take care of this before I nod off for the day. If I can. This week’s appetizer by Edward D’Ancona looks like she’s ready for bed, but not for sleep. As usual, most of the following […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Fast Cars & Fast Women
— compiled by Wombat-socho So here I was, sitting in the apartment on a Sunday afternoon, wondering what I was going to use as a topic this week, and I open the blog – and Smitty comes to my rescue! Chicks with turbos! I don’t know who this model is with the Ford GT40, but […]
Rule 5 Sunday: (Snap-On) Tool Time
— compiled by Wombat-socho One thing lost to our culture thanks to “progressive” political correctness is the custom of tool & other companies providing calendars for garages and other workplaces – calendars featuring pin-up pics of young ladies who were sometimes using the products being advertised and sometimes not. This week’s appetizer harks back to […]
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