Ted Cruz Vows to Lead Opposition to Dianne Feinstein’s Gun-Grab Bill
Incoming Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vowed Wednesday to “speak out loudly” against anti-gun legislation proposed by California Sen. Dianne Feinstein and supported by President Obama. Cruz said it was “wrong, cynical and misguided” for liberals to “exploit” this month’s shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, as an excuse to promote legislation that he denounced as “unconstitutional.” The […]
House Passes Fiscal-Cliff Deal 257-167
Earlier today, it was reported that House Republicans would insist on adding spending cuts to the version of the fiscal-cliff deal that the Senate passed. However, faced with the likelihood that President Obama would denounce such a measure, and the Democrat-led Senate would reject the House version, the decision has now reportedly been made to […]
Fiscal-Cliff Kabuki Nears Final Scene UPDATE: House GOP Wants More Spending Cuts Before Final Vote
Excuse my failure to comment previously on the Glorious Passage of the Great Compromise in the Senate, but I’ve been working on an American Spectator column about this shameful travesty while waiting to see what the House does. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and other House Democrats just gave a press conference demanding an up-or-down vote on the […]
Retire #Taxby Chambliss
If #Taxby Chambliss gets away with insulting Georgia taxpayers, what’s to stop him from going full-out RINO? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 26, 2012 Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss can blame no one else for his self-destructive decision to repudiate his pledge to Georgia taxpayers. His foolish decision to demonize Grover Norquist of Americans for […]
The prostitution allegations against New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez have caused the Democrat’s challenger, Republican Joe Kyrillos, to demand that Menendez release his travel records. There are important questions about Menendez’s trips to the Dominican Republic — where two prostitutes have claimed they were paid to have sex with him — and yet the senator’s […]
Dominican hookers, to be specific. This is what we’re hearing about the sex scandal involving a “powerful senator” in a headline being touted by Drudge, with a story by the Daily Caller promised late tonight. UPDATE: Shortly after the Drudge Report headline went up, my associate Ali Akbar got a tip that the story involved Sen. […]
Warren ‘Got Her Fake Native American Ass Handed to Her’ by Brown in Debate
So says Aleister at American Glob, admitting that his judgment is perhaps not entirely objective. Da Tech Guy was less sanguine: This debate was pretty much a wash, I think that helps Warren because of her slight lead. When a great part of your appeal is likability a debate that makes you want to throw […]
Department of Unfortunate Analogies
Perhaps you remember a fellow named Todd Akin. You may wish you could forget having ever heard the name, but I think you probably remember. Think back to the morning of Sunday, Aug. 19. The Republican National Convention was still eight days away, and Isaac wasn’t even a tropical depression yet. And then came the […]
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