Anthropomorphic Lint Blames GOP
by Smitty Harry “Dingius Maximus” Reid remains among the worst politicians ever to beset this country. Breitbart: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) on Friday blamed Republicans for the poor August jobs report in which 96,000 jobs were added and the unemployment only went down to 8.1% because 368,000 people gave up, lost hope, and […]
We Are Once Again Reminded Why You Can’t Spell ‘Huckabee’ Without an ‘F’
Going back to 2007, at least, I’ve borne a grudge against Mike Huckabee. When the “Fredhead” phenomenon collapsed — when Fred Thompson proved to be a far weaker presidential candidate than we had hoped — the question became, “Who can stop John McCain?” No conservative wanted McCain to get the nomination, but Republicans were horribly […]
E-Mail From Mrs. Akin
Depressed by the Politics of Dumb, I went to bed early, but woke up after an hour and checked my e-mail to find . . . this: Dear Friends, My husband is a man of principle and courage. He’s a great husband and a wonderful father to our daughters and sons, but he’s not perfect. […]
The Politics of Dumb
In a Twitter exchange with Steve Ertelt of — who has called on Todd Akin to step aside — I made this point: There is a price to be paid for pandering and dumbing down: You attract stupid voters — and stupid candidates. There are people who claim that Todd Akin is not irremediably stupid. […]
Top Missouri Republicans Call for Akin to Quit Senate Race; He Says He’s Staying In
Statement issued from the office of Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) and endorsed by former Missouri Republican senators John Ashcroft, Kit Bond, John Danforth, and Jim Talent: “We do not believe it serves the national interest for Congressman Todd Akin to stay in this race. The issues at stake are too big, and this election is […]
Rove: Akin ‘Irreparably Damaged’; UPDATE: NRSC Turns Against Akin
Karl Rove just appeared on Fox News and pronounced Todd Akin’s campaign doomed beyond hope of redemption, saying that his Crossroads GPS super-PAC would not “throw good money after bad” for the “irreparably damaged” Republican Senate candidate. Rove pointed out that calls for Akin to step aside have been nearly universal, from the party leadership […]
Objectively, Todd Akin Is Doomed
Got offline for a few hours during which, among other things, I discussed the Todd Akin situation by phone with a couple of people. A point I made: This isn’t “Macaca” — it’s not as if the Left ginned up a controversy over a ridiculous bit of nothing. And another point: Compared to this, Trent Lott’s […]
Report: Republican Todd Akin Will Withdraw From Missouri Senate Race
Ace of Spades reports that both Erick Erickson and Richard Grinnell are saying on Twitter that Akin will exit the campaign. The furor over Akin’s remarks about “legitimate rape” — as Michelle Malkin calls it, “The Todd Akin Mess” — currently accounts for the top 23 threads on Memeorandum. UPDATE: This horrible botch can be blamed […]
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