The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#Kavanaugh Hearing Update: A Few Thoughts on Prosecutorial Discretion

Remember the Kaitlyn Hunt saga? While watching today’s morning session of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, I found myself thinking about that 2013 case, in which an 18-year-old former high-school cheerleader was caught in a lesbian affair with a 14-year-old girl. When that story made nationwide headlines, I took alarm because the so-called #FreeKate movement […]

While Watching the #Kavanaugh Hearing

Not going to live-blog today’s Senate Judiciary Committee, exactly, but I do want to have a thread to share a few of my thoughts and allow the commenters to provide their own feedback. When confronted with something like Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation, intelligent people must consider the possibility that it is either true or false. […]

The Big Day: Avenatti Client Discredited, Ford’s Accusation Now Collapsing

  Wow, what an eventful 24 hours this has been! The client of the Creepy Porn Lawyer, Julie Swetnick, came forward with her wild “gang rape” tale and was almost immediately was discredited. First, we learned her ex-boyfriend had gotten a restraining order against her, then Lisa Miller (who partied with the Georgetown Prep football […]

The Democrats as Underpants Gnomes

In a comment on last night’s post, Daniel Freeman described the Democrats’ strategy in the Kavanaugh confirmation process: Step 1: Present a non-disprovable claim. Step 2: Demand that it be disproven. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit! It’s the “Underpants Gnomes” plan, you see. The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a vote on the Kavanaugh […]

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It

  How many times have I repeated that sentence in the past three years? And how many times has this simple statement been dismissed as a joke? Well, I guess you’re not laughing now, as the Kavanaugh confirmation process has been degraded into a circus by . . . what? Feminism. Many people have become […]

Left-Wing Lawyer Accuses Republican Senators of Bullying Kavanaugh Accuser

  On the day in February 2017 when Jeff Sessions was confirmed as Attorney General, ABC News interviewed D.C. lawyer Debra Katz — identifying her only as a “protester” — as she declared: “We are going to fight back,. We are going to resist. We will not be silenced.” Debra Katz, whose enthusiasm for “LGBT […]

What Does ‘Credible’ Mean in 2018?

Ever since Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser told her tale to the Washington Post, I’ve repeatedly seen the word “credible” used to describe her accusation. “It would hurt the legitimacy of the Supreme Court,” said Sarah Quinlan of Red State, “to force a confirmation through when there appears to be a serious and credible accusation without an […]

Can the GOP Win the Kavanaugh Fight?

    Whatever Happens To Kavanaugh, Feinstein Got Exactly What She Wanted — David Marcus, The Federalist The drive to sink Kavanaugh is liberal totalitarianism — Sohrab Amari, New York Post Kavanaugh Accuser Classmate: ‘That It Happened Or Not, I Have No Idea’ — Domenico Montenaro, NPR ‘We’re very confident:’ Trump, GOP growing more bullish […]

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