The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Shut Up and Resign Already

Few things I hate worse than a Republican politician who screws around like a Democrat politician: Rep. Vance McAllister (R-La.) asked for forgiveness Monday afternoon after a video purporting to show the congressman kissing a female staffer in his congressional office in Louisiana surfaced. McAllister, who was just elected in a November special election, has […]

Lesbian Hockey Coach, 39, Gets Year in Jail for Molesting 15-Year-Old Girl

Lesbian sexual predator Heidi Ferber. Heidi Ferber had competed in hockey all across North America and Europe, but left the sport after suffering too many concussions. In 2010, she became assistant coach to a girls’ hockey team in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The head coach of the team was Alex Petrie, whose daughter […]

Lesbian Sex Crime: Florida Dance Teacher Guilty of Molesting ‘Hot’ 15-Year-Old Girl

Dance teacher Nichol Marie Phelps molested 15-year-old girl. “Why are you so hot?” That’s what dance instructor Nichol Marie Phelps asked her 15-year-old student in March 2012, immediately before pinning the girl against a wall and kissing her. The next day, Phelps sexually molested the girl inside a car in the parking garage of a […]

#RapeCulture: Fourth Boy Says Teacher Told Him: ‘This Stays Between Us’

Meredith Powell: Teacher accused of sex with teen boys. Amid all the feminist “rape culture” lectures about sex on college campuses, I keep noticing stories about women who can’t seem to be happy unless they’ve got a high school boy’s penis in their mouth: A former Tacoma high school math teacher charged with child rape […]

‘Highly Intoxicated Vaginal Penetration’: #RapeCulture and Campus Reality

“Both sides agreed that Mr. Gilbert and the victim were at best acquaintances; both sides agreed he entered her room uninvited that night, in a highly intoxicated state, and both sides agreed that he initiated sexual contact which included vaginal penetration with the victim while she was asleep.” — “Joint Statement,” New Hampshire Coalition Against […]

#RapeCulture: Did Anybody Notice This?

Donald Douglas has mentioned how radical feminist Professor Caroline Heldman is stoking “rape culture” paranoia at Occidental College. Meanwhile, the violent oppression of women continues: A Lynwood gang member was sentenced Monday, March 31, to 30 years in federal prison for running a sex-trafficking ring that recruited girls from Inland high schools. Paul Edward Bell, […]

Internet Douchebag Patrol

Look, it’s not as if there were a shortage of actual news for me to blog about today. For example, my friend Shaun McCutcheon won a landmark Supreme Court decision today, and there’s all kinds of commentary about McCutcheon v. FEC. Here is a guy from Alabama who has bought me beers whose name is […]

‘Unintentionally Heteronormative’!

Readers will please pardon my long silence this evening, but I was doing deep research on (yet another) long post about feminism, the completion of which will have to wait because . . . this: Emily Nagoski is a Ph.D. “college health educator in Massachusetts.” Both an atheist and a progressive, Nagoski has “worked for […]

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