Greetings From the Quad City
DAVENPORT, Iowa — Woke up late today — too late for the complimentary breakfast here at the Radisson Quad City Plaza — and thought, “Hey, no need to hurry today.” Monday I flew into Cedar Rapids and had to go halfway across the state to a Rick Santorum event, then back to Iowa City. Then […]
Fear and Loathing at BWI
BALTIMORE-WASHINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT They’ll call final boarding in less than an hour, so there’s no time now for a lot of fancy stuff. I’m scheduled for a three-hour flight to Detroit, a one-hour layover and then a 40-minute hop to Cedar Rapids. The big headline on Memeorandum: Mitt Romney’s secret money What does it mean? Who […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk: How’s the Weather Today in Vanuatu?
“Santorum is a social conservative, and everybody seems to have convinced themselves that social conservatives are a dead weight impeding the Republican Party and therefore no one should ever express support for any social conservative anywhere, under any circumstance.” — Robert Stacy McCain, “Slouching Toward Cedar Rapids” “How long, O Lord, how long? Where will […]
The Weird Turn Pro
“Some people claim that the ancient Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world in 2012. While I am generally skeptical toward such doomsday prophecies, recent events have undermined my habitual skepticism and filled me with foreboding premonitions. If 2012 doesn’t bring the end of the entire cosmos, there are those who say it is […]
Slouching Toward Cedar Rapids
One of the hardest things about blogging is maintaining morale during times of discouragement. And so I’m grateful to the readers who responded to last night’s emergency request for contributions to the Shoe Leather Fund for my rapidly approaching Iowa trip: Jeff in Walla Walla, Richard in North Hollywood, and Glen in Dubai — yes, […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Strange Rumblings in the Heartland
By this time a week from today — Dec. 26, the day after Christmas — I’ll be in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, covering the final campaign leading up to the Jan. 3 caucuses, and I’m already getting advance vibes of serious Fear and Loathing in the Hawkeye State. There is so much to do between now […]
Two Weeks From Today …
. . . on Dec. 26, the day after Christmas, I’m flying to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to begin my coverage of the campaign leading up to the Jan. 3 caucuses. I’ve already booked my flight ($275) to Cedar Rapids as well as my Jan. 5 flight from Des Moines to Boston ($205) to cover the New […]
My Day (and Night) in D.C.
ROSSLYN, Virginia Greetings from the ninth-floor office overlooking the Potomac River that is headquarters of The American Spectator. I’m working on a borrowed computer that doesn’t have a slot for the digital memory chip that contains photos and video I shot today at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s Presidential Candidate Forum. So I’ll upload that tomorrow. […]
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