The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Predictably, Major Media Interpret Primaries as Good News for Obama

After updating the election results last night, I Tweeted this: To which Smitty replied: To which I replied: Stop looking forward to 2012 — i.e., how did the Palin Factor play? — and focus on the here and now. Ken Buck’s defeat of Jane Norton was a defeat for John McCain, John Cornyn and every other member of the GOP […]

PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS HQ UPDATE: Buck Beats Norton in Colo. UPDATE: Recount Likely for Georgia Republican Gubernatorial Candidates UPDATE: McMahon, Caligiuri Win in Connecticut Republican Primaries UPDATE: Ray McKinney Wins GA-12

UPDATE 11:33 p.m.: Michelle Malkin reports from Colorado that Jane Norton has conceded in the Republican Senate primary: It’s official: Norton concedes to Buck, via CBS4Denver: “I fully endorse Ken Buck, and I encourage you to do the same.” 11:50 p.m. ET: Associated Press: Tea party favorite Ken Buck has defeated former Lt. Gov. Jane […]

Karen Handel: ‘She’s No Nikki Haley’

So says my friend Orit Sklar, referring to Georgia Republican gubernatorial candidate Karen Handel. Orit is supporting the rival campaign of Nathan Deal. The GOP primary is Tuesday and the latest poll shows the race a dead heat. Orit is quoted in an Associated Press article about the campaign: Critics say Handel is trying to have […]

VIDEO: Shirley Sherrod’s Husband Says, ‘We Must Stop the White Man and His Uncle Toms From Stealing Our Elections’

Dan Riehl has the big scoop today at Riehl World View: And just so you know where the Sherrods are coming from: When their daughter was born in 1967, while America was at war with communist North Vietnam, Charles and Shirley named their baby girl Russia — “with love,” no doubt. Read the rest at […]

Georgia Primary: Ray McKinney Leads 12th District; Liz Carter Leads 4th District

With 60% of precincts reporting in the GA12 GOP primary — to take on Democrat Rep. John Barrow in November — Ray McKinney has 45% of the vote in a four-candidate field. Unless he gets more than 50%, there will be an Aug. 10 runoff. Barrow holds off Democratic primary challenger Regina Thomas by a 2-to-1 margin, which will disappoint […]

Georgia Primary Today

Just a reminder that it’s primary day in Georgia and we’ll be watching the results for two congressional candidates we’ve been following for months: Liz Carter in the 4th District (Yank Hank!) and Ray McKinney in the 12th District (Beat Barrow!).

There Are Some Things That Only Democrats Can Get Away With; UPDATE: Shirley Sherrod Resigns!

Including public declarations of racial discrimination: Speaking of rural Georgia, if you live in Georgia’s 12th District and don’t like being represented by Shirley Sherrod’s fellow Democrat John Barrow, remember to vote Tuesday for Ray McKinney, who just got endorsed by the Tea Party Express. UPDATE: Fox News: The Agriculture Department announced Monday, shortly after published […]

‘Just One Tweet’: Conservative New Media Get Results in Georgia 4th District Story

Readers may remember the headline here Wednesday morning: Obama-Endorsed Rep. Hank Johnson to Participate in Segregated Forum? It was Dan Riehl who tipped me to that story, which originated with a Facebook post from Republican congressional candidate Liz Carter, who had been excluded from an Atlanta political event, the Newsmakers Live forum. Da Tech Guy jumped on the story […]

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