The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

MA-10 GOP Candidate Jeff Perry Talks About Democrat ‘Smear and Fear’ Attacks

BOSTON — Republican Jeff Perry is leading in the race for the open seat in Massachusetts District 10, vacated by the retirement of Democrat Rep. Bill Delahunt. Perry is state legislator and former police officer, author of a book called My GOP, which explains his Reagan-inspired philosophy.  This is a district that went strongly for […]

Barney Frank’s Self-Created Problem

BOSTON — Scapegoating other people for your problems is a psychological defense mechanism that allows the narcissist to resolve his cognitive dissonance, to wit: “I think I’m wonderful, but not everyone seems to share this perception and I need to distract them (and myself) from evidence that I’m not as wonderful as I’d like everyone to […]


BOSTON — Gov. Deval Patrick’s campaign announced today that President Obama will be here Saturday for a fundraiser and public rally at the Hynes Convention Center. Every Tea Party and 9/12 group in Massachusetts is calling for volunteers to greet the president. We remember the turnout in January when Obama came to Boston to campaign […]

Barney Frank’s Pals Fannie and Freddie Helped Cause the Foreclosure Crisis

A very simple question: “[A]ren’t there a lot of seat-warmers at Fannie and Freddie who collect their salaries for the express purpose of reading mortgage documents?” Doug Ross calls our attention to the role of these “government-sponsored entities” in the massive screw-up of mortgage paperwork that now threatens to freeze the entire U.S. housing market: […]

VIDEO: Barney Frank ‘Debates’ Bielat

BOSTON — Here are two segments from last night’s 4th District debate on New England Cable News. First, on Social Security: Next on economic policy: Now, there are a couple of things we need to point out here: First, the host Jim Braude is about as neutral and objective as John Kerry. You’ll notice that […]

Where He’s Building Ace a Robot: Inside Sean Bielat’s Campaign Headquarters

BOSTON — As everyone knows, this unprecedented effort to defeat Barney Frank really caught fire Sept. 22 when Ace of Spades coined the Official Campaign Slogan: Sean Bielat For Congress When he’s not killing terrorists, he’s building fuckin’ robots Although this slogan hasn’t yet appeared on billboards in Massachusetts’ 4th District, I’m sure it’s only a […]

WRKO ‘Debate’: Barney Frank Interrupts Himself to Complain About Interruptions

BOSTON — Today’s WRKO radio debate between Barney Frank and Sean Bielat was mainly a lecture by Barney which could be summed up briefly: “You’re interrupting me! . . . Blame Bush! . . . You’re distorting what I said! . . . Predatory lending! . . . Stop laughing at me!” It was blindingly […]

On the ‘Beat Barney’ Beat

At 7 a.m. ET today, Sean Bielat is scheduled to debate Barney Frank on WRKO radio. Meanwhile, I’ve got a new article at The American Spectator: NEWTON, Massachusetts — Brian Phillips was wearing flip-flop sandals Sunday at the nondescript office near the corner of Elliot and Chestnut streets that is headquarters for one of this fall’s most […]

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