The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Democratic operatives are once again planning to expose the scandalous news that a GOP candidate has a daughter who looks hot in a bikini, sources say. Longtime New York political observers were shocked by the disclosure that Republican Joe DioGuardi has a daughter, Kara, who was a judge on American Idol, during which she revealed what one […]

UPDATE: Republican Bill Hudak Hits Democrat Tierney on Taxes, Racketeering

While Sean Bielat’s fun-filled campaign against Barney Frank has been getting lots of national coverage, the Republican Bill Hudak’s campaign in Massachusett’s 6th District has been chugging along against embattled Democrat Rep. John Tierney, whose wife was convicted of federal tax charges two weeks ago. A poll by the local Lynn Daily Item found that 46% don’t […]

VIDEO: Do the Barney Shuffle!

It’s the dance sensation that’s sweeping the nation! The New York Times did a feature on Ladd Ehlinger Jr. (“a periwinkle gray T-shirt the color of his eyes”? Dude, I told you that chick was hot for you) recognition that is way overdue, as it’s been nearly a year since I declared: “Clearly, this man is destined […]

Sean Bielat: ‘Hey, Thanks. I Guess You Want Me To Build You a Robot, Too?’

Barney Frank must be so disappointed. He did his darnedest to try to win Sarah Palin’s endorsement, but . . . Remember what it was like in January 2010 when Massachusetts shocked the political world?  It’s that time again.  Sean Beilat is running against a Democrat incumbent who has been in government office for over 30 years.  […]

Barney Frank Makes Me Nervous

“[In March 1987], the ABCC [Alien Border Control Committee] had its first notable success. The CIA tipped off the FBI to a group of suspected Palestinian terrorists in Los Angeles. The Bureau arrested eight men. But instead of being lauded, the Bureau and the Agency came under harsh attack from civil liberties groups who argued […]

Desperate Barney Frank Now Begging for More Democratic Baby-Killer Money

“A vote for me is a vote to save your right to destroy your inconvenient unborn children.” — Barney Frank Oh. Wait. Barney didn’t actually say that. But as Pundette says, that’s what he meant when he said this: My opponent, Sean Bielat, supports the reversal of Roe v. Wade. When asked by a reporter […]

Mrs. Patrick’s Tax-Funded Aide

They don’t call it Taxachusetts for nothing: Rose Arruda, who makes $55,000 a year to run [Gov. Deval] Patrick’s ribbon cuttings and speaking engagements across the state, also works on up to 52 events a year for the governor’s wife, who’s a lawyer at the prestigious Hub firm Ropes & Gray. Republicans immediately seized on […]

Barney Frank Is Scared, and He Hasn’t Even Seen Ladd Ehlinger’s Next Video

When an incumbent congressman has to lend money to his own campaign, the crisis must be very dire indeed. Allahpundit wonders, “What on earth are his internal polls showing him . . . ?” Hey, when a congressman and his heckler boyfriend fly to the Virgin Islands aboard the private jet of a hedge-fund billionaire in the […]

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