The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats Believe Secret to Winning Back Congress Is … Pro-Abortion Voters?

Dave Weigel at Slate has the lowdown on their strategy: The man in charge of taking back the House for Democrats is talking about rape. When the Republicans took Congress, says Rep. Steve Israel, a New York Democrat, they didn’t focus on creating jobs. “They focused on redefining rape.” He’s referring to the No Taxpayer […]

Rep. Chris Lee (R-Stupid) Quickly Becomes Former Congressman

The illusion of online anonymity strikes again: Rep. Christopher Lee is a married Republican congressman serving the 26th District of New York. But when he trolls Craigslist’s “Women Seeking Men” forum, he’s Christopher Lee, “divorced” “lobbyist” and “fit fun classy guy.” . . . On the morning of Friday, January 14, a single 34-year-old woman […]

Amity Shlaes for Senate?

Adam Brickley has an interesting suggestion for New York Republicans: The GOP needs a high profile opponent who will force Gillibrand to explain herself – and given her record we don’t think she can. The only question is who can do this while raising the money to compete in expensive New York Our suggestion is […]

Media Shocked — Shocked! — To Discover That Ann Marie Buerkle Is Pro-Life

Da Tech Guy and The Lonely Conservative call attention to the latest “news” from those pillars of journalistic objectivity at the Syracuse Post-Standard: After steering clear of abortion politics during her campaign last year, U.S. Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle is now seizing chances in her first month in office to change federal laws as “an […]

The 9/11 Memorial Rip-Off

Schoolchildren “thought their penny jars and bake-sale proceeds would go toward building a 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero — not the six-figure salaries of nonprofit execs.” Foundation President Joseph Daniels, 38, pocketed $371,307 after receiving hefty raises three years in a row — 28 percent in 2006, when he was promoted from acting president, followed […]

Ann Marie Buerkle Sworn In
UPDATE: Alas, Poor Marco Rubio!
UPDATE: Catching Up With Griffith
UPDATE: Interview With Renee Ellmers

Wednesday’s trip to Capitol Hill was amazing. I spent most of the afternoon with Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, her staff, supporters and family, including a trip to the basement of the Capitol for her ceremonial swearing-in photo with Speaker John Boehner. The lady in the middle holding the Bible is Congresswoman Buerkle’s 89-year-old mother. I’ll […]

RINO No More: Dede Scozzafava Appointed to Job by Democrat Cuomo

She finally gets her 30 pieces of silver: Former North Country Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava — who became a household name across America during a tough 2009 congressional race — was appointed today by Gov. Andrew Cuomo as deputy secretary for local government at the state Department of State. Scozzafava, a Republican, dropped out of the […]

Election 2010 Finally Ends as Republican Randy Altschuler Concedes in NY-1

Painfully close, but not close enough: New York Republican Randy Altschuler has conceded to Democratic Rep. Tim Bishop, bringing the final undecided House race of the 2010 election cycle to a close. The final margin was less than 300 votes. I’d blogged Monday about suspicions of Democrat vote shenanigans. Sam Foster at Left Coast Rebel has […]

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