The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Craziest True Crime Story, Ever?

Two women are dead and five suspects from Cimarron County, Oklahoma, are behind bars, charged in a murder conspiracy so bizarre that, when my brother first told me about the story, he said, “You’re going to need some stick pins and a lot of yarn to explain this one.” The first article about it I […]

‘Everybody’s Dead’: Seven Bodies Found at Oklahoma Sex Offender’s Home

In 2003, when he was 19 years old, Jesse McFadden of Oklahoma was convicted of first-degree rape and sentenced to 20 years in prison. In 2017, while still in prison, “he was accused of sexting an underage girl,” but despite this, was released from prison in 2020. He was scheduled to go to trial Monday […]

He Was Yelling About His ‘Rights’

David Ware’s first arrest as an adult was when he was 18. He was drunk and urinating in a parking lot. When cops arrested him, Ware “became ‘extremely belligerent’ and [Officer Craig] Johnson and his backup officer opted to call for a special prisoner transport van rather than take Ware to jail in one of […]

Family Demands Answers

Whenever police kill a black criminal, it is now predictable — as night follows day — that the media will run a story about how the family of the deceased suspect “demands answers” about the shooting. Generally speaking, there will be a “civil rights” lawyer at the press conference, and there will eventually be a […]

Horny Teacher Sentenced to Prison

  America’s public education system is run by perverts. Consider the case of Oklahoma science teacher Hunter Day. In 2014, at age 19, she married Tyler Day, a 6-foot-tall athlete who played linebacker for the University of Central Oklahoma. Her husband became a coach at Yukon High School, where she was hired to teach science […]

More Stupid Criminal News

  The stupidity is piling up high in Oklahoma, folks: A 69-year-old Alva man, and co-owner of a number of vape shops and a medical marijuana business in the state, appeared in Oklahoma City federal court Thursday on a charge of allegedly trying to hire someone to kill a former employee and one-time lover, and […]

Woman Arrested in Hate Graffiti Case

  Wednesday, under the headline “Stupid Is as Stupid Does,” I reported on this woman whose crimes were captured on video: The Norman Police Department arrested 45-year-old Allison Johnson in connection to the recent vandalism incidents in both Norman and Oklahoma City this afternoon. Police say she turned herself in for the crimes. Johnson was […]

Stupid Is as Stupid Does

An incredibly stupid woman committed an incredibly stupid crime last week in Oklahoma City, spray-painting neo-Nazi graffiti (a swastika and “1488”) on the state Democratic Party headquarters and the offices of the Chickasaw Nation. She made no effort to disguise herself and was caught on video:   Was this a real “hate crime,” or is this […]

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