‘Ziz’ Misgendered and Other Highlights of Tuesday’s Court Hearing for Cult Suspects
Rebecca Francoeur-Breeden is an attorney with the public defender’s office in Allegany County, Maryland, who probably never expected she’d be representing three members of a nationally notorious Radical Vegan Transgender Death Cult, but who can predict such things? So we’re all sitting there in District Court in Cumberland — me and about a half-dozen other […]
A Celebration in ‘Killadelphia’
Longtime blog buddy Dana Pico is usually our go-to source for all Philadelphia-related news, but for some reason he had no comment on the Eagles winning the Super Bowl and the subsequent riot. Therefore, belatedly, I’ll supply the necessary update. ABC News: Dozens of people were arrested in Philadelphia after fans took to the streets […]
Election Results 2024: Trump Wins Pennsylvania, Will Be 47th U.S. President
UPDATE 1:30 a.m. ET Wednesday: TRUMP JUST WON IT! BREAKING NEWS: The Fox News Decision Desk projects that former President Trump will win Pennsylvania. pic.twitter.com/assv0ANYj6 — Fox News (@FoxNews) November 6, 2024 Per NYT Trump is likely to win the popular vote. We did it! — Katya Sedgwick (@KatyaSedgwick) November 6, 2024 .@DecisionDeskHQ Calls it […]
Election 2024: Be Prepared for Anything
The old Scout motto has always been wise advice, and as we brace ourselves for Election Day — to be followed by Election Night, and then perhaps Election Week or even Election Month — we ought to psychologically prepare ourselves for all possible contingencies. We have now entered that phase of the campaign where there […]
Election Fraud: Democrat Firm Identified as Source of Suspicious Voter Registration Forms in Four Pennsylvania Counties
Before we get to the connection between this Pennsylvania story and Arizona politician Francisco Heredia, let me first bring you up-to-date on how the story unfolded over the past several days: Lancaster County District Attorney Heather Adams provided an update on Wednesday on her office’s investigation of approximately 2,500 fraudulent voter registration applications. Adams said […]
Kamala Is Underperforming
Keep that word in mind — “underperforming” — as you contemplate the fact that Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania, a state that Joe Biden (allegedly) won by more than 80,000 votes in 2020. Let’s compare Kamala’s polls to Biden’s polls four years ago. On this date in 2020, the Real Clear Politics average showed […]
Republicans Dodged a Bullet Today — and Van Jones Tells the Truth About Why!
Folks, if Donald Trump wins in November, today will be remembered as the day that the 2024 election shifted decisively in his favor. While vice-presidential picks rarely affect the outcome of an election (Thomas Eagleton being perhaps the most egregious exception to that rule), Kamala Harris could have made the Electoral College (EC) arithmetic very […]
Secret Service Boss Resigns After Disastrous Congressional Testimony
Well, that was quick: Embattled Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle has announced she will resign from her post less than two weeks after the agency’s calamitous failure at Donald Trump’s July 13 campaign rally led to him being wounded by an assassin’s bullet. Cheatle, a 28-year veteran of the agency, faced mounting pressure to step […]
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