The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Priorities: Plastic Straws or Fentanyl?

Did you know that the idea of banning plastic straws was inspired by a nine-year-old boy’s science project? After reading that startling fact, I found myself going down a research rabbit-hole, during which I discovered that in 2018, Seattle became “the first major U.S. city to ban single-use plastic straws and utensils in food service.” […]

‘Our Recreational Drug Use Began About a Year Ago … It Increased Recently.’

The Understatement of the Year competition just got tougher thanks to Meghan Griffin, who offered the quote above in a statement to police after an April incident at a QFC grocery story in Redmond, Washington, where her husband was found in a state of paranoia with “visible white powder on his lips” and carrying a […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Historic Church Burned by Right-Wing White Supremacist — just imagine the 24/7 coverage on CNN and MSNBC if that were the headline about the arsonist responsible for this crime. But that’s not the headline, and the media are ignoring it, because it’s a transgender nutjob: An arson attack that destroyed a 117-year-old church in downtown […]

Julie Jaman, Mayor David Faber and the Transgender War Against Women

Shocking news from Washington State: Julie Jaman, 80, was banned from Port Townsend’s Mountain View Pool after complaining about a biological male ogling young girls in the changing room. Jaman had been swimming at the pool for 35 years without incident, yet it was she who was banned and insulted by the employees and management. […]

Bedlam in Bellingham

Joe Biden got 61% of the vote in Whatcom County, Washington, which probably explains something about how Jenn Mason got elected to the school board in Bellingham. In case you haven’t heard — maybe you’ve been off the Internet all week, I don’t know — Mason is also the owner of Wink Wink, a “sex […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

There are no mugshots of William Michael Stephens, 39, but there is surveillance video of the dangerous lunatic’s final suicidal episode, in which he rammed his pickup truck into a federal building in downtown Seattle and emerged firing a rifle before being felled by police gunfire. Given the location, I thought when this incident was […]

Seattle: Mecca of White Guilt Syndrome

Why is Primila Jayapal a member of Congress? Radical Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) broke “into tears” Wednesday while pleading with President Biden to include amnesty into the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package. During Biden’s attempt to resolve the Democrat infighting over the his tax and spend measures, Jayapal cried in front of the President of the […]

Trump-Hating BLM Activist Charged for Attacking Asian Women in Seattle

News that doesn’t fit the preferred media narrative: A Black Lives Matter activist and fervent Democrat Party supporter is accused of committing anti-Asian hate crimes in Seattle. King County prosecutors charged 51-year-old Christopher Allen Hamner, of SeaTac, Wash., with a felony hate crime for targeting multiple Asian victims on two separate occasions in March. Hamner, […]

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