The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | January 7, 2023 | Comments Off on Crazy People Are Dangerous

Historic Church Burned by Right-Wing White Supremacist — just imagine the 24/7 coverage on CNN and MSNBC if that were the headline about the arsonist responsible for this crime. But that’s not the headline, and the media are ignoring it, because it’s a transgender nutjob:

An arson attack that destroyed a 117-year-old church in downtown Portland, Oregon, this week has become a symbol of disorder in the city.
Cameron David Storer, a trans woman also known as “Nicolette Fait,” was arrested following an investigation by the Portland Fire & Rescue Fire Investigations Unit. The 27-year-old is charged with two counts of first-degree arson, one count of second-degree arson, and two counts of second-degree burglary — all felonies.
According to prosecutors, Storer walked into the Multnomah County Detention Center and confessed to setting the church on fire using a lighter.
“Storer stated that they heard voices in their head saying they would ‘mutilate’ Storer if they did not burn the church down and that they had planned it up to one day in advance,” said the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office in a press release. Storer allegedly told investigators she was taking oxycodone and had a history of mental illness.
Fire crews responded to sky-high flames that had consumed the historic Portland Korean Church in downtown around 5:30 p.m. Jan. 3. The Protestant church was built in 1905 and was previously known as the First German Evangelical Church. The church had remained unused for a number of years after its congregation moved to a suburb. . . .
The suspect was arraigned on Thursday afternoon and prosecutors asked that Storer be denied bail. Storer did not appear to enter a plea, according to court documents.
Storer’s last address is in Rhode Island, where the landlord has an open eviction case against her.

Cameron Storer, a/k/a, “Nicolette Fait”

Crazy People Are Dangerous.



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