The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

OMFG: Zeitgeist Is ‘Right-Wing’?

It’s the liberal Rorshach test — show them an inkblot and liberals scream, “Blame conservatives!” Loughner’s Conspiracy-Fueled Rampage Has Origins on the Fringe Right Now, you don’t have to believe that Sarah Palin purchased the gun for Loughner and whispered in his ear about targets to believe that the rhetoric on the far, far right played […]

‘The End of It Is Wicked Madness’

That’s a quote from the guy that Smitty sometimes calls “Ancient Commenter Solomon,” the Book of Ecclesiastes to be exact, cited in Amanda Read’s Washington Times column about Jared Lee Loughner: “What is government if words have no meaning?” Such was the question that Jared Loughner asked Representative Gabrielle Giffords at an event in 2007. […]

Jared Loughner’s Zeitgeist Obsession:
‘He Wanted to Watch It All the Time’

Kudos to the Arizona Republic for this follow-up reporting: Loughner began fixating on a documentary: “Zeitgeist: The Movie.” The movie is a bramble of conspiracy theories involving Sept. 11, the international monetary system, and Christianity. “There are people guiding your life and you don’t even know it,” the trailer for the movie intones. “He wanted to […]

Tucson, Zeitgeist and Madness: The Obsolete Politics of Jared Loughner UPDATE: Another E-Mail From a Zeitgeist Follower; Movement Leader Issues ‘Message to Members’

In the comments of a previous post, the blogger at elbowed me as a “Tea Party enabler” — an epithet that he would also apparently apply to Glenn Reynolds — and I think it’s time to clarify a few points about why I’ve spent the past four days digging into the Zeitgeist angle on the […]

Obligatory: Video in Which Tucson Killer Jabbers About ‘Illegal Wars’ Like Your Average DKos Diarist or Cindy Sheehan

UPDATE: Someone has finally re-uploaded the video to YouTube: PREVIOUSLY: It was taken down by YouTube, but those greedy bastards at the Los Angeles Times got it through an open-records request and “embed disabled” it so you have to go to their Web site to see it. However, unlike Jared Lee Loughner, I’m cool with the whole capitalist greed […]

How to Talk to a Follower of
the Zeitgeist Cult (If You Must)

In response to my descriptions of Zeitgeist — the conspiracy-cult movie that Jared Loughner’s friend says had a “profound impact” on the Tucson massacre gunman — I today received an e-mail from a British follower of the Zeitgeist Movement. He repeated the cult’s own mantras about substituting an egalitarian global redistributionist “resource-based economy” for the […]

Zeitgeist: Watch the Conspiracy Movie That Had a ‘Profound Impact’ on Tucson Mass Murder Suspect Jared Loughner

“I really think that this Zeitgeist documentary had a profound impact upon Jared Loughner’s mindset and how he views the world that he lives in.” — Zach Osler, friend of Tucson gunman The producers of this film decided to market it virally, so it’s been available for free on the Web for three years. PART I: Attacking […]

Salvia, Zeitgeist and the Tucson Shooter

Leaving aside Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and the Left’s “blood libel” hysteria, let’s examine the factors that really motivated mass murderer Jared Lee Loughner. First, here is a four-minute Associated Press video interview with George Osler, father of Loughner’s friend Osler: “There was a lot of talk about lucid dreaming and understanding reality. . . . […]

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