The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’

Posted on | January 11, 2010 | 33 Comments

The war-hero Florida congressional candidate speaks out:

The revelation of Senator Harry Reid’s comments referencing “negro talk” is just indicative of the true sentiment elitist liberals, and indeed the Democratic party, have toward black Americans. . . .
One can only imagine the insanity and media outrage if Reid’s quote had come from a member of the Republican party. . . . Actually, if President Obama had any courage he would demand Reid step down as Senate Majority Leader, and discontinue any support for his Senate reelection… notice I said “if.” I am quite sure the Soros money which elevated Obama to the position of President has bought his servitude.
Why am I running for US Congress as a Republican? Simple. I would rather stand proudly and be called “an Uncle Tom and a sellout” than lose my self-esteem and be considered an inferior by liberals. . . .

Read the whole thing. I’m very grateful for Lt. Col. West’s expression of a basic truth: Liberalism’s stance toward blacks — as toward women, Hispanics, gays, “workers” and other token victim-group members of the Democratic coalition — is one of patronizing condescension, telling these people that they are incapable of pursuing success as individuals, but are in permanent need of government assistance as groups.

Necessary to that worldview is the belief that there is a conspiratorial oppressor (e.g., “Corporate America,” the Religious Right, the patriarchy, etc.) against whom liberals will lead the crusade to secure the natural condition of equality that the oppressors allegedly prevent.

It simply isn’t so. This perverse Us-Against-Them attitude, based on a false mythology of perpetual victimhood and oppression, is a fiction that falls to pieces the minute you begin to examine it in any critical fact-based manner. Are the problems of black Americans (or gays, or women, etc.) in the 21st century really all the fault of demonized oppressors? Or is the liberal victimhood ideology just a sort of conspiracy theory, akin to the blame-the-Jews propaganda of anti-Semites?

A revolution in worldview is possible — to anyone, of any race, sex or condition — merely by pursuing opportunity and finding occasions for gratitude, rather than negatively seeking out causes for grievance and grumbling. You may never become rich or powerful, but your life will be more positive, pleasant and productive once you realize that there’s no point blaming someone else for your problems. Everybody has problems, and most of our problems are ultimately self-inflicted.

As a society, once we accept the fallen nature and imperfectibility of mankind, we realize that there is neither any Golden Age in the past toward which we may return, nor is it possible to legislate our way to a future Utopia of perfect equality.

Allen West is clearly a man who has contemplated these truths, who asks of life no more than he can rightly obtain by his own effort, and who urges others to pursue the same path of honor and wisdom.


UPDATE: Just announced via Twitter, Allen West will appear Tuesday on Neil Cavuto’s Fox Business program at 6 p.m. ET.


33 Responses to “Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’”

  1. Adrienne
    January 11th, 2010 @ 10:02 pm

    This is beyond excellent!!

    So who wrote it – RSM (sender of beautiful post cards) or Smitty (purveyor of comma’s) ???

  2. Adrienne
    January 11th, 2010 @ 5:02 pm

    This is beyond excellent!!

    So who wrote it – RSM (sender of beautiful post cards) or Smitty (purveyor of comma’s) ???

  3. A Stephens
    January 11th, 2010 @ 10:10 pm

    Recently heard Colonel West on Laura Ingraham. By the time he finished, I was ready to sign up, roll up the sleeves, and follow this man anywhere he asked, in furtherance of restoring the guiding principles of this great country.

    Palin, Rubio, West, Bachmann, Liz Cheney, and the “Young Guns”. I’m as fired up as I’ve been in years.

  4. A Stephens
    January 11th, 2010 @ 5:10 pm

    Recently heard Colonel West on Laura Ingraham. By the time he finished, I was ready to sign up, roll up the sleeves, and follow this man anywhere he asked, in furtherance of restoring the guiding principles of this great country.

    Palin, Rubio, West, Bachmann, Liz Cheney, and the “Young Guns”. I’m as fired up as I’ve been in years.

  5. Mark L Harvey (aka Snooper)
    January 11th, 2010 @ 11:00 pm

    I remember this man and what he did to save his Troops! I sure hope and wish he gets elected!

  6. Mark L Harvey (aka Snooper)
    January 11th, 2010 @ 6:00 pm

    I remember this man and what he did to save his Troops! I sure hope and wish he gets elected!

  7. Joe
    January 11th, 2010 @ 11:39 pm

    I am against pilloring people for some racial, as opposed to truly racist comment. Being un-PC is not and should not be a crime.

    But Harry Reid’s comments were condesending to voters as a whole and certainly hypocritical. That is why Reid is a mendacous idiot.

  8. Joe
    January 11th, 2010 @ 6:39 pm

    I am against pilloring people for some racial, as opposed to truly racist comment. Being un-PC is not and should not be a crime.

    But Harry Reid’s comments were condesending to voters as a whole and certainly hypocritical. That is why Reid is a mendacous idiot.

  9. Joe
    January 11th, 2010 @ 11:56 pm

    Hey–I just noticed Col. West is is a few shades of skin darker than Barack Obama. Not that it matters, other than perhaps having the need to take some additional Vitamin D in the winter (according to Glenn Reynolds we all need it, but the darker your skin the more you need)–would that alone affect any of you voting for him?

    It would not for me. I can assure you I would vote for Col. West over Barack Obama or virtually all of the Democrats in the House and Senate (white, black, whatever). Because I do follow Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prayer about judging a man by the content of his character, not by the color of his skin.

    Call me crazy like that.

  10. Joe
    January 11th, 2010 @ 6:56 pm

    Hey–I just noticed Col. West is is a few shades of skin darker than Barack Obama. Not that it matters, other than perhaps having the need to take some additional Vitamin D in the winter (according to Glenn Reynolds we all need it, but the darker your skin the more you need)–would that alone affect any of you voting for him?

    It would not for me. I can assure you I would vote for Col. West over Barack Obama or virtually all of the Democrats in the House and Senate (white, black, whatever). Because I do follow Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s prayer about judging a man by the content of his character, not by the color of his skin.

    Call me crazy like that.

  11. uberVU - social comments
    January 11th, 2010 @ 7:32 pm

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by rsmccain: @JasonMattera Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’: [] #tcot #teaparty PLZ ReTweet…

  12. Lt. Col. Allen West Responds to Harry Reid's 'Negro talk' | The Lonely Conservative
    January 11th, 2010 @ 8:38 pm

    […] RS McCain eloquently summed up the condescension of liberals toward the so-called ”victims”  of society. I’m very grateful for Lt. Col. West’s expression of a basic truth: Liberalism’s stance toward blacks — as toward women, Hispanics, gays, “workers” and other token victim-group members of the Democratic coalition — is one of patronizing condescension, telling these people that they are incapable of pursuing success as individuals, but are in permanent need of government assistance as groups.Necessary to that worldview is the belief that there is a conspiratorial oppressor (e.g., “Corporate America,” the Religious Right, the patriarchy, etc.) against whom liberals will lead the crusade to secure the natural condition of equality that the oppressors allegedly prevent. […]

  13. Charles Johnson
    January 12th, 2010 @ 1:58 am

    White supremacist blogger Stacy McCain proves again he is rasist by supporting fellow racist Allen West. Obviously West must a racist wingnut because he is aligned politically with RSM!

  14. Charles Johnson
    January 11th, 2010 @ 8:58 pm

    White supremacist blogger Stacy McCain proves again he is rasist by supporting fellow racist Allen West. Obviously West must a racist wingnut because he is aligned politically with RSM!

  15. ~ Representing KRAP (Keep Racism Alive Party), Jan. 2010: Harry Reid, on Black People Whose Skin is Too Dark « Critical Political Thinking
    January 11th, 2010 @ 9:03 pm

    […] Other McCain:  Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’ Was Harry Reid […]

  16. bflat879
    January 12th, 2010 @ 2:16 am

    If anyone listened to what Michelle Obama was saying, during the campaign, she felt maligned, in college, but never mentioned why. One can only guess that, being surrounded by liberals, they all made her feel that, without them and their attitudes, she would never be there.

    I always think of James Meridith, the first black admitted to the University of Mississippi, who ended up being a Conservative Republican. There was no affirmative action there. The bigots who ran the University of Mississippi, would have loved to have had any reason to keep Mr. Medidith out, but he had the scores, etc.

    Republicans are the only party that can eliminate racism from society because Democrats need this sort of polarization to win elections, the Republicans don’t.

  17. bflat879
    January 11th, 2010 @ 9:16 pm

    If anyone listened to what Michelle Obama was saying, during the campaign, she felt maligned, in college, but never mentioned why. One can only guess that, being surrounded by liberals, they all made her feel that, without them and their attitudes, she would never be there.

    I always think of James Meridith, the first black admitted to the University of Mississippi, who ended up being a Conservative Republican. There was no affirmative action there. The bigots who ran the University of Mississippi, would have loved to have had any reason to keep Mr. Medidith out, but he had the scores, etc.

    Republicans are the only party that can eliminate racism from society because Democrats need this sort of polarization to win elections, the Republicans don’t.

  18. Philip P
    January 12th, 2010 @ 3:34 am

    “Republicans are the only party that can eliminate racism from society because Democrats need this sort of polarization to win elections, the Republicans don’t.”

    Yeah, the GOP has never exploited white racial anxiety to its profit at the ballot box. Snort.

    Both parties are guilty of playing the race card, albeit in very different ways. This is, of course, inevitable given the tribal inclination of politics.

    As I see it, America is a nation that takes naturally to grievance-airing. Independence-minded colonists were the original self-pitying victims, painting a ridiculous portrayal of America-dwelling British as horribly oppressed, when in reality they were in most ways better off than the king’s subjects in the homeland.

    Hell, we even wrote whining right into the Constitution: The proper redress of grievances and all that. Okay, before anyone goes all WTF on my ass, I’m being facetious.

    But seriously, I sense some contradiction in many conservatives’ easy dismissal of “victims.”

    Don’t we posit a world of scarce resources, fallen souls, imperfect systems, and so on and so forth? Isn’t existence “poor, nasty, brutish, short”? These conditions being so, it follows to reason that imbalanced power dynamics will flourish: Groups with strength will oppress and exploit those groups without strength . . .unless the oppressed articulate their state and work to actively oppose it by advocating on their own behalf. That is, making known their victimhood, making it known loudly, and struggling against it. Which, really, is the starting point of opportunity.

    Just some thoughts.


  19. Philip P
    January 11th, 2010 @ 10:34 pm

    “Republicans are the only party that can eliminate racism from society because Democrats need this sort of polarization to win elections, the Republicans don’t.”

    Yeah, the GOP has never exploited white racial anxiety to its profit at the ballot box. Snort.

    Both parties are guilty of playing the race card, albeit in very different ways. This is, of course, inevitable given the tribal inclination of politics.

    As I see it, America is a nation that takes naturally to grievance-airing. Independence-minded colonists were the original self-pitying victims, painting a ridiculous portrayal of America-dwelling British as horribly oppressed, when in reality they were in most ways better off than the king’s subjects in the homeland.

    Hell, we even wrote whining right into the Constitution: The proper redress of grievances and all that. Okay, before anyone goes all WTF on my ass, I’m being facetious.

    But seriously, I sense some contradiction in many conservatives’ easy dismissal of “victims.”

    Don’t we posit a world of scarce resources, fallen souls, imperfect systems, and so on and so forth? Isn’t existence “poor, nasty, brutish, short”? These conditions being so, it follows to reason that imbalanced power dynamics will flourish: Groups with strength will oppress and exploit those groups without strength . . .unless the oppressed articulate their state and work to actively oppose it by advocating on their own behalf. That is, making known their victimhood, making it known loudly, and struggling against it. Which, really, is the starting point of opportunity.

    Just some thoughts.


  20. Hey, Reid, Blago, Clinton: Check Out Hilarious SNL ‘MacGruber’ Spoof on Racism (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
    January 12th, 2010 @ 12:18 am

    […] of Obama’s Reaction in Harry Reid Contretemps Vs. Christmas Panty-Bomber The Other McCain: Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’ Redstate: Harry Reid Among The Race Hypocrites – It Is OK When We Say It, Boy Libertarian […]

  21. The Black Sphere Presents “Great Moments in Democrat Racist History” (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
    January 12th, 2010 @ 12:18 am

    […] as Victim, Treated Lott as Racist and Harry Reid’s History of Racial Posturing The Other McCain: Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’ Redstate: Harry Reid Among The Race Hypocrites – It Is OK When We Say It, Boy Libertarian […]

  22. Black Caucus & Rev. Al Sharpton Forgive Harry Reid’s Racist Comment… Ann Coulter Challenges Sharpton on Democrats’ Race Card Double Standard (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
    January 12th, 2010 @ 12:20 am

    […] Today than at any Time. Watch it. Mcnorman’s Weblog: POTUS, The Hypocrite The Other McCain: Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’ Redstate: Harry Reid Among The Race Hypocrites – It Is OK When We Say It, […]

  23. Harry Reid on his way out -
    January 12th, 2010 @ 1:40 am

    […] week by making comments about “Negro dialects”.(Opinion on Reid’s comments from the right and the […]

  24. Joe
    January 12th, 2010 @ 6:41 am

    To paraphrase: A hero is a terrible thing to waste.

    Go West!

  25. Joe
    January 12th, 2010 @ 1:41 am

    To paraphrase: A hero is a terrible thing to waste.

    Go West!

  26. Amy P.
    January 12th, 2010 @ 2:10 pm

    I’m very grateful for Lt. Col. West’s expression of a basic truth: Liberalism’s stance toward blacks — as toward women, Hispanics, gays, “workers” and other token victim-group members of the Democratic coalition — is one of patronizing condescension, telling these people that they are incapable of pursuing success as individuals, but are in permanent need of government assistance as groups.

    Yes. The left thinks they own all the aforementioned groups; we’re not people, but possessions.

    As a woman, the most depressing misogyny and denial of my rights and freedoms has ALWAYS come from the left. Always.

  27. Amy P.
    January 12th, 2010 @ 9:10 am

    I’m very grateful for Lt. Col. West’s expression of a basic truth: Liberalism’s stance toward blacks — as toward women, Hispanics, gays, “workers” and other token victim-group members of the Democratic coalition — is one of patronizing condescension, telling these people that they are incapable of pursuing success as individuals, but are in permanent need of government assistance as groups.

    Yes. The left thinks they own all the aforementioned groups; we’re not people, but possessions.

    As a woman, the most depressing misogyny and denial of my rights and freedoms has ALWAYS come from the left. Always.

  28. Richard McEnroe
    January 12th, 2010 @ 4:12 pm

    Barack Obama has maybe 6% African ancestry. Why should he care who gets called a Negro? He has more in common with the folks who bought and sold black slaves than he does with any African-American.

  29. Richard McEnroe
    January 12th, 2010 @ 11:12 am

    Barack Obama has maybe 6% African ancestry. Why should he care who gets called a Negro? He has more in common with the folks who bought and sold black slaves than he does with any African-American.

  30. Ken Van Doren
    January 12th, 2010 @ 8:04 pm

    The news is even better than portrayed in this story. There are a number of Black candidates running on pretty much the same platform throughout the country.

    And I recently came from a common law/freeman seminar, and included in the audience were refugees from communist countries, a Korean, Nicuaraguan, and a few blacks. Perhaps, the message of liberty will yet prevail, with help from those who reject the victimhood ideology that has so harmed those it ostensibly was designed to help.

  31. Ken Van Doren
    January 12th, 2010 @ 3:04 pm

    The news is even better than portrayed in this story. There are a number of Black candidates running on pretty much the same platform throughout the country.

    And I recently came from a common law/freeman seminar, and included in the audience were refugees from communist countries, a Korean, Nicuaraguan, and a few blacks. Perhaps, the message of liberty will yet prevail, with help from those who reject the victimhood ideology that has so harmed those it ostensibly was designed to help.

  32. Bob Belvedere
    January 13th, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    The race hucksters, like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, et. al., all know that the white Leftists are condescending and are patronizing them, but, being grifters and parasites, they let the Caucasian Lefties prattle on as they keep putting one over on them [The Man] and accumulating more power and riches for themselves and their minions. Meanwhile, the people they supposedly represent and who believe in them are the ones who suffer [Please don’t misunderstand me: I believe in Free Will, so I do believe that these people share the responsiblity for their sad conditions].

    Quoted from and Linked to at:
    More On Reid The Weed

  33. Bob Belvedere
    January 13th, 2010 @ 11:05 am

    The race hucksters, like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, et. al., all know that the white Leftists are condescending and are patronizing them, but, being grifters and parasites, they let the Caucasian Lefties prattle on as they keep putting one over on them [The Man] and accumulating more power and riches for themselves and their minions. Meanwhile, the people they supposedly represent and who believe in them are the ones who suffer [Please don’t misunderstand me: I believe in Free Will, so I do believe that these people share the responsiblity for their sad conditions].

    Quoted from and Linked to at:
    More On Reid The Weed