The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Keith Olbermann Once Again Displays His Astonishing Lack of Self-Awareness

Posted on | February 12, 2010 | 4 Comments

He begins by chastising Rush Limbaugh for having a huge ego — never mind that Rush’s audience on is at least 20 times as big as Olbermann’s, or that Olbermann is a 24K-gold-plated narcissist — and ends by predicting that Michelle Malkin will die in obscurity:

Olbermann’s career is one of the most spectacular failures in TV news history. There is no opportunity so ripe that he can’t find some way of squandering it. Even in the Smug Lefty Rodeo competition that is MSNBC, he’s rapidly losing out to Rachel Maddow. Think about that epitaph, Keith:

Here Lies Keith Olbermann, Who Was
Even Less Popular Than Rachel Maddow

Just sayin’ . . .


4 Responses to “Keith Olbermann Once Again Displays His Astonishing Lack of Self-Awareness”

  1. Roxeanne de Luca
    February 13th, 2010 @ 6:45 am

    Even if Michelle Malkin were to become a hermit tomorrow and join Bin Laden in his cave, she would still have had a profound influence on the conservative movement in this country that will last for many years.

    As a random question, when was the last time that Keith Olbermann wrote a best-seller?

  2. Roxeanne de Luca
    February 13th, 2010 @ 1:45 am

    Even if Michelle Malkin were to become a hermit tomorrow and join Bin Laden in his cave, she would still have had a profound influence on the conservative movement in this country that will last for many years.

    As a random question, when was the last time that Keith Olbermann wrote a best-seller?

  3. paul mitchell
    February 13th, 2010 @ 2:27 pm

    When was the last time that Keith Olbermann did not get fired from ESPN for being too much of a douchebag? Put it in perspective. Keith got fired from ESPN for being too stupid to read SPORTS.

    For an intellectual reference, John Kruk works for ESPN and Emmitt Smith worked for ESPN until last year. Two intellectual GIANTS.

  4. paul mitchell
    February 13th, 2010 @ 9:27 am

    When was the last time that Keith Olbermann did not get fired from ESPN for being too much of a douchebag? Put it in perspective. Keith got fired from ESPN for being too stupid to read SPORTS.

    For an intellectual reference, John Kruk works for ESPN and Emmitt Smith worked for ESPN until last year. Two intellectual GIANTS.