The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bloggers Cause Danica Patrick Wreck at Daytona; Bikini Photos Survive Accident

Posted on | February 13, 2010 | 25 Comments

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Danica Patrick’s bikini photos were uninjured after a 12-car accident ended this weekend’s Daytona International Speedway NASCAR debut for the pinup hottie known as “The Anna Kournikova of Auto Racing.”

Patrick was in 21st place when she was caught in a four-way Rule 5 blog pileup involving Lance Burri, Donald Douglas, Bob Belvedere and Doug Hagin.

“It was terribly distracting,” Patrick said in the pit area afterwards, as she stripped off her fireproof racing suit to reveal a stunning black bikini. “I was trying to concentrate on achieving yet another mediocre finish when suddenly I started getting all these Google alerts on my iPhone. I was trying to Twitter a message to Donald — I mean, yeah, Troglopundit is totally trying to hog the action — and then, ‘Blam!’ Some guy rams into me and I’m out of the race. Bummer.”

The 300-mile Nationwide Series race was won by veteran NASCAR driver Tony Stewart, who has never posed in a bikini.

Anne Hathaway’s breasts could not be reached for comment.


25 Responses to “Bloggers Cause Danica Patrick Wreck at Daytona; Bikini Photos Survive Accident”

  1. Steve Burri
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:22 am

    While talking to the other drivers involved in the wreck, I found that 7 of them were ‘reading’ The TrogloPundit using their onboard computers that displayed the image onto their windshields.

  2. Steve Burri
    February 13th, 2010 @ 11:22 pm

    While talking to the other drivers involved in the wreck, I found that 7 of them were ‘reading’ The TrogloPundit using their onboard computers that displayed the image onto their windshields.

  3. Americaneocon
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:35 am

    Look’s like Robert’s making up for lost time on the the Rule 5 front! Danica is hot, so Troglo’s going have some competition. Although I must say, TCL’s Hathaway post has set a new standard of female-ogling righteousness!!

  4. Americaneocon
    February 13th, 2010 @ 11:35 pm

    Look’s like Robert’s making up for lost time on the the Rule 5 front! Danica is hot, so Troglo’s going have some competition. Although I must say, TCL’s Hathaway post has set a new standard of female-ogling righteousness!!

  5. paul mitchell
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:45 am

    They should have taken her cell phone and mascara away from her before the race started.

  6. paul mitchell
    February 13th, 2010 @ 11:45 pm

    They should have taken her cell phone and mascara away from her before the race started.

  7. Red
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:50 am

    Here’s some rule five action for the fellas at Horndog, er Corndog. You are all depraved.

  8. Red
    February 13th, 2010 @ 11:50 pm

    Here’s some rule five action for the fellas at Horndog, er Corndog. You are all depraved.

  9. Red
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:51 am

    It’s only fair that the ladies have their rule five as well.

  10. Red
    February 13th, 2010 @ 11:51 pm

    It’s only fair that the ladies have their rule five as well.

  11. Robert Stacy McCain
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:53 am

    Red, my wife has never caught me with either Charlize Theron or a corndog.


  12. Robert Stacy McCain
    February 13th, 2010 @ 11:53 pm

    Red, my wife has never caught me with either Charlize Theron or a corndog.


  13. Attention, Ugly Women: You Do Not Have the Right to a Job as a Stripper : The Other McCain
    February 14th, 2010 @ 1:13 am

    […] might not need to be told this. Obviously, being a stripper is one of those jobs — like NASCAR driver — where good looks are very important. Most ugly women understand this concept, and therefore […]

  14. Dave C
    February 14th, 2010 @ 1:41 pm

    At least the right guy won the race.

    Tony Stewart

  15. Dave C
    February 14th, 2010 @ 8:41 am

    At least the right guy won the race.

    Tony Stewart

  16. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    February 14th, 2010 @ 10:48 am

    […] 5 Sunday at The Other McCain (last weeks. Will link when new one goes up. In the meantime, Danica Patrick’s bikini photos were not hurt during a NASCAR […]

  17. Red
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:00 pm

    You mean she hasn’t outed you yet. Women always know.

  18. Red
    February 14th, 2010 @ 11:00 am

    You mean she hasn’t outed you yet. Women always know.

  19. Bob Belvedere
    February 14th, 2010 @ 9:37 pm

    Dear Colonel McCain:

    To heap Doug and I in with an obviously mentally ill individual [Lance, who I staged an Internet Intervention on] and suspected perverted Professor [at least he claims to be one; for all we know, Donald is Rianne Theriault-Odom’s Manager] Donald Douglas is an insult of the highest order. To imply that I would take any action to cause Miss Patrick any distress [especially considering I am about to take action to adopt her] is contemptible. I am tempted, sir, to have my second contact your second unless an apology is forthcoming.

    I await your reply and remain your humble and…
    Col. Beauregard ‘Bob’ Oswald Belvedere

  20. Bob Belvedere
    February 14th, 2010 @ 4:37 pm

    Dear Colonel McCain:

    To heap Doug and I in with an obviously mentally ill individual [Lance, who I staged an Internet Intervention on] and suspected perverted Professor [at least he claims to be one; for all we know, Donald is Rianne Theriault-Odom’s Manager] Donald Douglas is an insult of the highest order. To imply that I would take any action to cause Miss Patrick any distress [especially considering I am about to take action to adopt her] is contemptible. I am tempted, sir, to have my second contact your second unless an apology is forthcoming.

    I await your reply and remain your humble and…
    Col. Beauregard ‘Bob’ Oswald Belvedere

  21. uberVU - social comments
    February 14th, 2010 @ 9:17 pm

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by rsmccain: @jimmiebjr @AmPowerBlog Bloggers Cause Danica Patrick Wreck at Daytona; Bikini Photos Survive Accident:

  22. I was Danicablogging before Danicablogging was cool. « The TrogloPundit
    February 15th, 2010 @ 12:43 am

    […] Robert Stacy McCain: “It was terribly distracting,” Patrick said in the pit area afterwards, as she stripped off her fireproof racing suit to reveal a stunning black bikini. “I was trying to concentrate on achieving yet another mediocre finish when suddenly I started getting all these Google alerts on my iPhone. I was trying to Twitter a message to Donald — I mean, yeah, Troglopundit is totally trying to hog the action — and then, ‘Blam!’ Some guy rams into me and I’m out of the race. Bummer.” […]

  23. Dan
    February 15th, 2010 @ 8:25 am

    I’ll put my money on Chrissy Wallace having a better season.

  24. Dan
    February 15th, 2010 @ 3:25 am

    I’ll put my money on Chrissy Wallace having a better season.

  25. Bloggers Cause Danica Patrick Wreck at Daytona; Bikini Photos … | Drakz Free Online Service
    February 19th, 2010 @ 2:32 pm

    […] more: Bloggers Cause Danica Patrick Wreck at Daytona; Bikini Photos … Share and […]
