The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Stop ObamaCare 2.0: D.C. Activism Opportunity — Tuesday, March 16

Posted on | March 13, 2010 | 7 Comments

Tabitha Hale of FreedomWorks explains it all:

We are calling everyone that is able to come to Washington, DC on March 16th, 2010 for one last push against Obamacare. We will meet at the Cannon building at 9am and speak with as many representatives as possible, encouraging them to vote NO on this version of health care reform.

Here is Tabitha in the official video announcement:

Smitty and I dropped by Friday to see Tabitha at FreedomWorks, and decided that it was a good time to record an unofficial video:

OK, maybe our version lacks smooth professionalism but it’s got that crucial grassroots authenticity, you see.

Tabitha’s FreedomWorks colleague Nan Swift reports that Tuesday’s forecast in D.C. is 64 degrees and partly cloudy — great weather to go to Capitol Hill and tell Congress to stop this ObamaCare trainwreck.

Also be sure to sign the “No Reconciliation” petition — it’s already got more than 100,000 signatures.


7 Responses to “Stop ObamaCare 2.0: D.C. Activism Opportunity — Tuesday, March 16”

  1. smitty
    March 13th, 2010 @ 5:44 am

    You really should have captured the black toenail polish.

  2. smitty
    March 13th, 2010 @ 12:44 am

    You really should have captured the black toenail polish.

  3. Dandapani
    March 13th, 2010 @ 12:58 pm

    “No Reconciliation” Hah, there IS no reconciliation. The crux is that the House must pass the Senate bill AND the Prez signs it. Done deal. The Senate has nothing else to do. They don’t want to take up and extend this clusterfark any longer than they have to. We must stop the House vote on the Senate bill. Quit dancing to their tune of “Reconcilliation”.

  4. Dandapani
    March 13th, 2010 @ 7:58 am

    “No Reconciliation” Hah, there IS no reconciliation. The crux is that the House must pass the Senate bill AND the Prez signs it. Done deal. The Senate has nothing else to do. They don’t want to take up and extend this clusterfark any longer than they have to. We must stop the House vote on the Senate bill. Quit dancing to their tune of “Reconcilliation”.

  5. A Rhetorical Question, We Presume : The Other McCain
    March 13th, 2010 @ 4:43 pm

    […] up by the thought-police at Media Matters.Speaking of euthanization, we earlier mentioned the March 16 Stop ObamaCare 2.0 event in D.C., which aims to put a merciful end to this legislative abomination. Michelle Malkin publishes […]

  6. TR Sterling
    March 14th, 2010 @ 12:58 am

    If Friday is to be Pickett’s Charge (O and Pelosi for Healthcare) then Tuesday would be Little Round Top and we should cheer the soldiers of Tabitha Hale (J.L. Chamberlain of the Maine 20th) and her troops who heed the exhortation “Bayonets!” as they storm the capitol with pen, paper and video substitute for the sword of our heros.

  7. TR Sterling
    March 13th, 2010 @ 7:58 pm

    If Friday is to be Pickett’s Charge (O and Pelosi for Healthcare) then Tuesday would be Little Round Top and we should cheer the soldiers of Tabitha Hale (J.L. Chamberlain of the Maine 20th) and her troops who heed the exhortation “Bayonets!” as they storm the capitol with pen, paper and video substitute for the sword of our heros.
