The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Wishing AllahPundit Could Be Less Gushing

Posted on | May 12, 2010 | 8 Comments

by Smitty

AllahPundit is entirely too optimistic about YouCut. Not everybody shares your passion for auto-budgetary-circumcision, man.
Eric Cantor is also just a bit too happy about “Putting Uncle Sam on a diet.”
But let’s consider:

  • The notion that individual citizens can take an active roll in budgetary decisions is worth fostering. As long as the 16th Amendment gives DC eminent domain over every American wallet, making a bad idea bi-directional is an improvement.
  • The GOP takes the lead in exposing a half a dozen Really Dumb Ideas every week. If Cantor can get DayByDay to provide some cool art, as in for the Obamaturism of the Day/Week, that would be a good thing.
  • A few billion here, a few billion there, and the amounts involved depart human imagination and enter the divine realm of Real Money.
  • The Left, ever incapable of real ideas of their own, could accidentally co-op the concept of fiscal responsibility, in a show of one-upmanship. OK, that’s a stretch.
  • The phone company will make a killing on text messages. That’s the real point of this exercise.

From little saplings grow mighty oaks, he said, studiously avoiding the use of the word ‘acorn’. It’s starting small and a trifle gimmicky, but, if you don’t overplay it, AllahPundit, it could be another brick in the wall of recovery.


8 Responses to “Wishing AllahPundit Could Be Less Gushing”

  1. Ron Jones
    May 13th, 2010 @ 6:35 am

    Nothing will change until we demolish the entitlement system that sustains the welfare/warfare state.

    Like every other republican initiative during their “opposition” years (think ‘contract with America’), this one is too little by far.

    The upside (if you’re a typical republican) is that it’s a baby step in the right direction.

    I, however, am most assuredly NOT a typical republican. A quick review of will confirm for all but the most clueless of mullet-wearing morons that the federals have amassed a staggering amount of debt, leveraged against our children.

    “…As long as the 16th Amendment gives DC eminent domain over every American wallet…”

    The above point bears repeating. It’s not just eminent domain. It is nothing less than a prior lien on the fruits of your labor…and, by extension, your labor itself.

    Ergo, a skilled rhetorician could make the case that the 16th amendment amounts to slavery. At the very least, it infringes upon an individual’s natural right to own what he produces.

    In his 1954 book “The Income Tax: Root of all Evil,” Frank Chodorov made the [very compelling] case that that the income tax, more than any other legislative change in American history, made it possible to violate individual rights that were at the core of the founding.

    Further, he argues that income taxes are different from other forms because they deny the right of private property and presume government control over all things.

    If we want to avoid privation and serfdom for ourselves and our posterity…We must act quickly. Beginning with Social Security, Medicare, Medicare Part D, Welfare, Corporate Subsidies, Foreign Aid, and a host of other programs and federal bureaucracies must be eliminated.

    Not “phased out” or “rolled back” But destroyed, “Cold Turkey” as they say.

    If you’re not willing to give up the Public School system that has brainwashed your children, the Social Security [you’ve payed into for 20 years] that keeps your parents destitute, or the Medicare that will kill them off…then STOP COMPLAINING, GET BACK TO WORK, AND ACCEPT YOUR ROLE AS A ‘YANKEE MILK COW’…because you will deserve your fate.

    But your kids too?…do they deserve to suffer for your unwillingness to give up ‘other people’s money?’

  2. Ron Jones
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:35 am

    Nothing will change until we demolish the entitlement system that sustains the welfare/warfare state.

    Like every other republican initiative during their “opposition” years (think ‘contract with America’), this one is too little by far.

    The upside (if you’re a typical republican) is that it’s a baby step in the right direction.

    I, however, am most assuredly NOT a typical republican. A quick review of will confirm for all but the most clueless of mullet-wearing morons that the federals have amassed a staggering amount of debt, leveraged against our children.

    “…As long as the 16th Amendment gives DC eminent domain over every American wallet…”

    The above point bears repeating. It’s not just eminent domain. It is nothing less than a prior lien on the fruits of your labor…and, by extension, your labor itself.

    Ergo, a skilled rhetorician could make the case that the 16th amendment amounts to slavery. At the very least, it infringes upon an individual’s natural right to own what he produces.

    In his 1954 book “The Income Tax: Root of all Evil,” Frank Chodorov made the [very compelling] case that that the income tax, more than any other legislative change in American history, made it possible to violate individual rights that were at the core of the founding.

    Further, he argues that income taxes are different from other forms because they deny the right of private property and presume government control over all things.

    If we want to avoid privation and serfdom for ourselves and our posterity…We must act quickly. Beginning with Social Security, Medicare, Medicare Part D, Welfare, Corporate Subsidies, Foreign Aid, and a host of other programs and federal bureaucracies must be eliminated.

    Not “phased out” or “rolled back” But destroyed, “Cold Turkey” as they say.

    If you’re not willing to give up the Public School system that has brainwashed your children, the Social Security [you’ve payed into for 20 years] that keeps your parents destitute, or the Medicare that will kill them off…then STOP COMPLAINING, GET BACK TO WORK, AND ACCEPT YOUR ROLE AS A ‘YANKEE MILK COW’…because you will deserve your fate.

    But your kids too?…do they deserve to suffer for your unwillingness to give up ‘other people’s money?’

  3. Aileen
    May 13th, 2010 @ 12:34 pm

    Like me, most viewers of YouCut have never heard of these appropriationss, and each week there will be new ones posted to vote on. In time, the visitors to that site will realize that they’re paying for innumerable programs that they have never heard of. The educational role of the gimmick justifies it.

  4. Aileen
    May 13th, 2010 @ 7:34 am

    Like me, most viewers of YouCut have never heard of these appropriationss, and each week there will be new ones posted to vote on. In time, the visitors to that site will realize that they’re paying for innumerable programs that they have never heard of. The educational role of the gimmick justifies it.

  5. wombat-socho
    May 13th, 2010 @ 1:26 pm

    Agree with Aileen. Anything that gets people involved in looking closer at the mulligan stew of favoritism, logrolling, and plundering of the fisc is a good thing.

  6. wombat-socho
    May 13th, 2010 @ 8:26 am

    Agree with Aileen. Anything that gets people involved in looking closer at the mulligan stew of favoritism, logrolling, and plundering of the fisc is a good thing.

  7. molonlabe28
    May 13th, 2010 @ 2:15 pm

    You-cut sounds like a very good start to revealing (and hopefully correcting) Federal government waste.

    Kudos and good luck to Cantor, whom I like (at least from what I can tell about him).

    Allah gushes over most GOP hopefuls for 2012 who aren’t Sarah Palin.

    He is a great blogger, but he misses the mark on her ability to inspire and connect with the 53% of us who pay taxes.

    I know that she is not polling well now, but polls go up and down – as POTUS certainly knows at this point.

    I am open to any quality candidates for 2012, but I want no part of any candidates with statist histories (e.g. Mitt).

  8. molonlabe28
    May 13th, 2010 @ 9:15 am

    You-cut sounds like a very good start to revealing (and hopefully correcting) Federal government waste.

    Kudos and good luck to Cantor, whom I like (at least from what I can tell about him).

    Allah gushes over most GOP hopefuls for 2012 who aren’t Sarah Palin.

    He is a great blogger, but he misses the mark on her ability to inspire and connect with the 53% of us who pay taxes.

    I know that she is not polling well now, but polls go up and down – as POTUS certainly knows at this point.

    I am open to any quality candidates for 2012, but I want no part of any candidates with statist histories (e.g. Mitt).
