The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hey, Has Anybody Else Noticed That Meghan McCain Is Intensely Stupid?

Posted on | September 13, 2010 | 109 Comments

“It is impossible to read Dirty, Sexy Politics and come away with the impression that you have read anything other than the completely unedited ramblings of an idiot. . . . That a graduate of Columbia University, as Ms. McCain purports to be, produced writing this shoddy is bad; that a publishing company let this authorial abortion go to print is an insult to the collective self-worth of our thinking nation. . . . One would think hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on Ms. McCain’s education . . . would have somehow resulted in a basic understanding of the colon and semicolon, but alas — no such luck.”
Leon Wolfe, “Meghan McCain’s Dirty, Sexy Politics

UPDATE: I think “obligatory” is the proper word for this:

“So there we are in 2010 — young, pretty blonde women with huge cans are victimized by not being given enough attention on television. . . . If I’m going to hear a lot of stupid blather (and that’s going to happen most nights you’re watching cable news), I’d rather have some bazongas to look at while I gnaw the meat off my own fingers.”
Ace of Spades


109 Responses to “Hey, Has Anybody Else Noticed That Meghan McCain Is Intensely Stupid?”

  1. Miss B
    September 14th, 2010 @ 11:32 pm

    Her mom owns a beer distributorship and she still can’t get laid.

    Now she’s trolling biker bars and ride-ins.

    Daddy must be so proud.

  2. Miss B
    September 15th, 2010 @ 3:33 am

    Oh found this too…interesting ha.

    When self-professed “pro-sex Republican” Meghan McCain visited the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last year, she was with her father on the campaign trail. She’s back again this year and this time she’s looking for love.

    In a tweet posted Wednesday afternoon from the South Dakota gathering, McCain expressed her desire to find herself a pierced and tatted motorcycle man:

    (screw) harvard MBA’s, show me your nipple ring, harley and arm sleeves of tattoos and I will run away with you

    Except she didn’t use the word “screw.”

  3. Miss B
    September 14th, 2010 @ 11:33 pm

    Oh found this too…interesting ha.

    When self-professed “pro-sex Republican” Meghan McCain visited the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally last year, she was with her father on the campaign trail. She’s back again this year and this time she’s looking for love.

    In a tweet posted Wednesday afternoon from the South Dakota gathering, McCain expressed her desire to find herself a pierced and tatted motorcycle man:

    (screw) harvard MBA’s, show me your nipple ring, harley and arm sleeves of tattoos and I will run away with you

    Except she didn’t use the word “screw.”

  4. Miss B
    September 15th, 2010 @ 3:35 am

    She is a RINO, just like her dad. The media loves her, because she bashes conservatives. She sounds desperate, who cares about her boobs…it’s because she is a “chubs”….of course her boobs are big.

  5. Miss B
    September 14th, 2010 @ 11:35 pm

    She is a RINO, just like her dad. The media loves her, because she bashes conservatives. She sounds desperate, who cares about her boobs…it’s because she is a “chubs”….of course her boobs are big.

  6. O’DONNELLPHOBIA! Media Discovers Dreaded Gay-Hating Extremist Theocrat Is Related to People Who . . . Uh, Aren’t : The Other McCain
    September 16th, 2010 @ 11:51 pm

    […] probably wears push-up bras and lipstick like a cheap hussy.And if she was a liberal Democrat or Meghan McCain, this would make no difference whatsoever.Only because Christine O’Donnell is a […]

  7. Juli
    September 21st, 2010 @ 8:37 pm

    HAHAHAHA. Someone implied Mrs. McCain couldn’t hold a job? Are you incapable of googling her name? SHE is the one that makes the most money in that family. She owns a brewery (employing one of her boys as a forklift driver) and she makes plenty of her own money. If John ever left her, she would have no problems at all financially. Meghan, i’m not sure what her “job” is, but as for her mother, that lady is definitely higher up than her husband…

  8. Juli
    September 21st, 2010 @ 4:37 pm

    HAHAHAHA. Someone implied Mrs. McCain couldn’t hold a job? Are you incapable of googling her name? SHE is the one that makes the most money in that family. She owns a brewery (employing one of her boys as a forklift driver) and she makes plenty of her own money. If John ever left her, she would have no problems at all financially. Meghan, i’m not sure what her “job” is, but as for her mother, that lady is definitely higher up than her husband…

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