The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrat Congresswoman’s Staff Uses Nazi Campaign Smear in Illinois

Posted on | September 17, 2010 | 19 Comments

Democratic campaign operatives working for Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-Illinois, 11th District) staged a protest against the free-market group Americans for Prosperity, carrying signs that depicted Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Halvorson’s Republican opponent with Hitler mustaches.

Larry O’Connor at Big Government has video and photos:

More from Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit and Dan Riehl. Two of those involved in the Nazi-sign incident have been identified: Anna Markowski, a Missouri-based staffer for Obama’s “Organizing For America” group who is evidently now working for Halvorson’s campaign; and Halvorson’s campaign manager Julie Merz, who formerly worked on Nancy Pelosi’s House leadership staff.

Halvorson’s Republican opponent is a 32-year-old Air Force captain named Adam Kinzinger who is demanding answers:

When I decided to run for office, I understood the nastiness of politics but never envisioned this kind of attack. Congresswoman Halvorson’s campaign has denied involvement, but video of protesters retiring to her office following the demonstration indicates otherwise. . . . I respectfully ask that she use the evidence at hand to launch an investigation into the activities of her campaign and its participation in the Joliet protest, and take appropriate action.

The following are questions that Congresswoman Halvorson and her campaign need to answer truthfully:

  • Was the protest organized or sanctioned by Halvorson, the Illinois Democratic Party or the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee?
  • Who are the individuals leading the protest and later seen with Team Halvorson?
  • Are the individuals leading the protest staffers or volunteers for Debbie Halvorson? If not, why are they seen entering the Halvorson office after their protest and laughing with Campaign Manager Julie Merz?

The Illinois 11th District is one of those previously Republican districts that flipped to Democrats in the 2008 Obama wave, but polls indicate it’s flipping back to the GOP with a vengeance now. Halvorson is a first-termer who is well on her way to being a one-termer, and this Nazi stuff is just the kind of desperation tactics we can expect from other endangered Democrats this fall.

We need to fight back hard. Go to Kinzinger’s site and give him money now.


UPDATE: Dan Riehl suggests that Brian Wolff, former Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee executive director, may also be implicated in Halvorson’s Nazi scandal.

Guess what Wolff’s role is with the Halvorson campaign? “Messaging.” Yeah, it takes a certified strategic communications genius to draw a Hitler mustache on Sarah Palin.

UPDATE II: Gee, this is interesting: It appears that not a single major news organization in Illinois — not the TV stations, nor the Chicago Tribune or Sun-Times — has done any actual reporting on this story.

Maybe there aren’t any reporters in Illinois who know how to cover a big story like this. And I notice Newt Gingrich is going to Illinois next week to hold a fundraising dinner for a Kinzinger, so that would be a big story, too.



19 Responses to “Democrat Congresswoman’s Staff Uses Nazi Campaign Smear in Illinois”

  1. Bob Belvedere
    September 17th, 2010 @ 10:55 pm

    This kind of thing* will be breaking out across the fruited plain.

    * The epidemic known as the
    latest strain of
    The Swine Flu

  2. jane308
    September 17th, 2010 @ 11:15 pm

    Thanks for covering this. I am the district adjacent to Kinzingers, my parents and a few siblings are in his district and are strong supporters. He’s a terrific guy and Halverson is worthless.

    You could do a great piece on this race. Adam has a terrific back story. Halverson is a monster who won’t meet with constituents. She’s on the Veterans Services committee yet tried to trash Kinzinger’s military record.

    If you look at the shape of this district much of it is up near Chicago, with one little tail running down to a downstate city. The folks in downstate Illinois cannot possibly be fairly represented by someone from the Greater Chicago Metro area, but that’s what redistricting has done.


  3. Dell
    September 17th, 2010 @ 11:20 pm

    It’ll be a front page story with a 48 Pt headline in tomorrow’s New York Times, for sure!!

    Oh. Wait. A Democrat did it?

    Never mind.

  4. Steve Burri
    September 17th, 2010 @ 11:27 pm

    Desperate times call for desperate measures.


  5. IloiloKano
    September 17th, 2010 @ 11:44 pm

    One of the sign carriers has been identified as Anna Murkowski with a twitter account under the name ansmlife, but she has since protected her tweets. Nevertheless, she has left an Internet trail that is easy to follow. So who is she? Well, according to her profile on OkCupid (you can find it yourself, but I archived a copy in case it disappears over the next few days) this is who she is…
    At the very end, you can see she is really proud of her huge boobs!

  6. Largebill
    September 18th, 2010 @ 12:15 am

    “I hate Illinois NAZI’s”

  7. Democrat Halvorson’s Nazi-Smear Aide Is Lesbian Who Brags About ‘Gigantic Boobs’ : The Other McCain
    September 18th, 2010 @ 2:43 am

    […] About ‘Gigantic Boobs’Posted on | September 18, 2010 | No CommentsA commenter on the earlier post about Rep. Debbie Halvorson’s “Palin-as-Hitler” protesters points out that […]

  8. Joliet Herald-News Ignores Story of Demonstrators With Nazi Signs From Local Congresswoman’s Campaign Office - South Capitol Street
    September 18th, 2010 @ 1:31 pm

    […] covering this shocking story of dirty campaign tactics including InstaPundit, Riehl World View, and The Other McCain. What will it take to get the Herald-News to cover this unfolding story in its own backyard of […]

  9. Media In Politics » Blog Archive » Joliet Herald-News Ignores Story of Demonstrators With Nazi Signs From Local Congresswoman’s Campaign Office
    September 18th, 2010 @ 1:50 pm

    […] covering this shocking story of dirty campaign tactics including InstaPundit, Riehl World View, and The Other McCain. What will it take to get the Herald-News to cover this unfolding story in its own backyard of […]

  10. malabar
    September 20th, 2010 @ 10:22 am

    Drop info all over internet. call it in. letters to editors.

  11. Unbelievable: Rep. Halvorson Now Says Hitler-Sign-Carrying Protesters Came into Her Office for Water & to Say “Hi” (video) « Frugal Café Blog Zone
    September 20th, 2010 @ 12:48 pm

    […] The Other McCain: Democrat Congresswoman’s Staff Uses Nazi Campaign Smear in Illinois: The Illinois 11th District is one of those previously Republican districts that flipped to […]

  12. Can You Smell The Fear? « The Camp Of The Saints
    September 23rd, 2010 @ 7:21 pm

    […] have come to expect from the Bolshes the attack was disgusting, with the Nazi card being played.  Stacy McCain also reported on this: Democratic campaign operatives working for Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-Illinois, 11th District) […]

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