The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Alyssa Milano in Lingerie
UPDATE: ‘#GoKings’ Raises $29,374 for Children’s Hospital in NHL Hashtag Battle

Posted on | October 23, 2010 | 8 Comments

Just because we can:

Obviously, there is no need to justify Alyssa Milano in lingerie. But I was noticing it’s kind of been a bit too much all-politics-all-the-time here and I figured the readers might be getting bored. However, it’s also for a good cause, because look what Alyssa just Tweeted:

So go Tweet “#GoKings” (until 9 pm. PT, which is midnight ET) and help raise money for a good cause. I think you’ll find it easier to do if you’ll Tweet with both hands.


UPDATE II: Shortly after 11:20 p.m. ET, guess who joined in? Only the world’s most famous hockey mom, that’s who!

Pretty cool, huh? Here’s the story of the NHL hashtag battle:

When the two clubs meet Saturday at the Pepsi Center in Denver, fans will be encouraged to log onto their club’s corresponding Twitter Page and tweet information with the hashtag “#GoKings” or “#GoAvs.” For every tweet with those hashtags during the game, $1 will be donated to that team’s cancer-related charity of choice. The contest will begin at the opening puck drop (6 p.m. PT) and conclude at the game’s final buzzer. The Kings will donate to Childrens Hospital Los Angeles and the Avalanche and Kroenke Sports Charities will donate to local cancer organizations involved with their Hockey Fights Cancer initiative.

It’s now past midnight, so it’s over. According to the LA Kings (who won the game 6-4), they raised $29,374 while the Avalanche raised $13,876. That’s a lot of Tweets!


8 Responses to “Alyssa Milano in Lingerie
UPDATE: ‘#GoKings’ Raises $29,374 for Children’s Hospital in NHL Hashtag Battle

  1. MrPaulRevere
    October 23rd, 2010 @ 11:39 pm

    Alyssa Milano: Proof positive that God does indeed exist…

  2. JeffS
    October 23rd, 2010 @ 11:45 pm

    Rule 5 rules!
