The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ELECTION NIGHT RESULTS HQ UPDATE: GOP Gains Roughly 60 House Seats, Takes Over Majority From Pelosi UPDATE: O’Donnell, Angle Defeated, ‘Looking Bad’ for Joe Miller in Alaska UPDATE: Griffith and Hurt Win VA-9 and VA-5, Webster Beats Grayson in FL-8; UPDATE: Rand Paul Stomps to Victory; Marco Rubio Wins Florida Senate

Posted on | November 2, 2010 | 19 Comments

Election coverage tonight is coming from the Tea Party Patriots event at the Hyatt Capitol Hill in D.C., with Florida field reporting from Stacy, and Massachusetts from Pete, Da Tech Guy.

UPDATE 3:15 a.m. (RSM)
BOCA RATON, Fla. — It looks like Republicans will post a net gain of about 60 House seats, so that Nancy has to give up the gavel after four years of heinousness as speaker of the Worst Congress Ever.

UPDATE 3 a.m. ET (RSM):
Hey, didn’t I tell you to get a nap Tuesday? I’ve decided that being right in the middle of a victory celebration isn’t necessarily the best place to do nationwide election coverage. Everybody else is gone here at the Marriott. I just got a call from a friend (and tip-jar hitter) in Alaska who says it’s “looking bad” for Joe Miller. Ace calls it “RINOgeddon.” 

My Alaska friend says that if Murkowski wins, it will be “the start of a civil war” in the Alaska GOP. It’s pretty obvious that many Republican establishment types (secretly or not) supported Murkowski and sabotaged Miller in order to undermine Sarah Palin. Bastards.

Of course, the losses of Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle were bitter. It’s also sad to see both Ruth McClung and Jesse Kelly trailing by 3,000 votes in Arizona. And whatever magic Scott Brown had in Massachusetts, it appears to be non-transferable to other Republicans, as the Massachusetts GOP got skunked Tuesday.

UPDATE 12:10 a.m
BOCA RATON, Fla. — Just uploaded video of Allen West’s victory speech. Now on deadline for the American Spectator.

UPDATE 10:35 p.m.
BOCA RATON, Fla. — Sitting here at Allen West’s victory party, I found myself talking to Judy Kone, who told me her daughter, Susan Kone, is the Republican challenger to Jerrold Nadler in NY-8. With 2 percent of precincts reporting, Nadler has 72 percent of the vote.

Tom Marino has won in PA-10, a district I visited with Da Tech Guy a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, we’ve learned that Barney Frank has won re-election in MA-4.

UPDATE 8:45 p.m. ET (RSM)
BOCA RATON, Fla. – Just got off the phone with Doug Hoffman, whose conservative campaign in New York’s 23rd District last fall lit the grassroots fuse that’s exploding tonight. Hoffman lost this year’s GOP primary by about 700 votes and endorsed his Republican opponent, Matt Doheny. As might be expected, Hoffman is “disappointed” that he won’t be part of the 112th Congress but is excited about the powerful message being sent by voters tonight. As he said, “it’s about doing what’s good for America.”

Just heard that Morgan Griffith has defeated Rick Boucher in VA-9 – that’s a key result, because the race was rated a “toss-up.” I covered Griffith for the American Spectator last week. Also, Ali Akbar informed me by phone that Ray McKinney is leading with about 15 percent of the vote counted in GA-12. There was a big cheer here at Allen West’s victory party when Dan Webster was declared the winner over Alan Grayson, and West himself is currently leading 57-43. Nobody has yet brought me a cold Corona.

Live reports
Called races
Tea Party Patriots
Poll closing times
Others blogging

Live reports
MD-5 Lollar 54, Hoyer 44, 3% reporting, which will be salve for the wound in VA-8. The dark side of the force is strong in VA-8.

Via National Review

Sen. Jim DeMint (R., S.C.) has released this statement on Marco Rubio’s win in Florida:
I want to thank the voters in Florida for electing a true champion for freedom today. Marco knows that America is exceptional and he’s passionate about the principles of freedom that are the backbone of our nation. I was honored to support Marco’s campaign in the primary when the Washington establishment opposed him and even laughed at his chances. Now the people of Florida get to have the last laugh as they send an outstanding leader to represent them in Washington.

VA-9 Griffith leading Boucher 52-46 69%. Related RSM reporting at American Spectator.

UPDATE 8 p.m. (RSM)
BOCA RATON, Fla. — The crowd here at the Allen West victory party has been cheering all night at encouraging early results. West is leading 54-45 in early  results, and Fox News just declared Marco Rubio the winner in the Florida Senate race. Meanwhile, Kentuckians have given elected Rand Paul to the U.S. Senate. A stomping good night for the GOP so far.

Pete Da Tech Guy reports record turnout in all districts. Exceeding Scott Brown, and 2008 turnout. Democrat pollwatchers seem worried, Republican and Independent turnout is huge. Da Tech Guy’s latest post: Check the photo of “Bill Gunn (r) and congressman John Olver (D) civil and honorable opponents”.

Stacy McCain reports 54-45 Allen West leading in early returns

Called races:
1908EST KY for Rand Paul
1909EST SC for DeMint
1922EST IN for Coats
1930EST OH for Portman

Tea Party Patriots
The Tea Party Patriots held an event on the West Lawn of the Capitol, where they planted a brace of flags, the Stars and Stripes and the Gadsden Flag, reclaiming our government for We The People.
Thanks to Chris Cassone for the photos.

Keli Carender, who famously held the original Tea Party over in Washington, with the charming Cassone:

Poll closing times:
6:00 pm ET
Eastern Kentucky
7:00 pm ET
Florida (except Western panhandle which close at 8 pm.)
Western Kentucky
New Hampshire
South Carolina
7:30 pm ET
North Carolina
West Virginia
8:00 pm ET
Washington, D.C.
New Jersey
8:30 pm ET
9:00 pm ET
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
10:00 pm ET
11:00 pm ET
12:00 am ET

Others blogging:


19 Responses to “ELECTION NIGHT RESULTS HQ UPDATE: GOP Gains Roughly 60 House Seats, Takes Over Majority From Pelosi UPDATE: O’Donnell, Angle Defeated, ‘Looking Bad’ for Joe Miller in Alaska UPDATE: Griffith and Hurt Win VA-9 and VA-5, Webster Beats Grayson in FL-8; UPDATE: Rand Paul Stomps to Victory; Marco Rubio Wins Florida Senate”

  1. Svt1999
    November 2nd, 2010 @ 7:04 pm

    We have EXTENSIVE Election coverage posted right now on Common Cents now…

    ps. Thanks for you help on the Murray Campaign! I hope to see you at Baileys! I will be wearing a Red Harley Davidson sweatshirt…

    Steve – Common Cents
