The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Not really a new beginning

Posted on | November 20, 2010 | 6 Comments

Hi. This is my first FMJRA. I’m not as creative as Smitty, so you won’t be seeing creative backronyms any more unless you want to suggest some. You also won’t be seeing links back to sites on Blogger unless you submit them to me; please e-mail those no later than Friday so I can add them to the appropriate FMJRA post, just as you would your Rule 5 links.

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.13.10

‘The Demagogic Bloggers on the Right’

Professor Palin and the Class of ’12

‘President of the Back of the Bus’

Ezra Klein Is a Liberal. Is It Redundant to Say That Ezra Klein Is Also Insane?

Buying Gold? Caveat Emptor

Kill the Rich!

What’s the Very Best Thing About Republicans Winning the Election?

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.15.10

What Causes Islamophobia

Keith Olbermann and Sam Francis

Team Obama: No Moderates Allowed

Sarah Palin and ‘Feminism’

‘As I Am Big-Busted and Like to Have Fun, Guys Are Instantly Interested in Me’

Wait Until Glenn Beck Sees This!

EUROPE IN CRISIS: Sudden Financial Emergency Strikes EU Zone
UPDATE: Götterdämmerung?

Not Just No, But Hell, No! John Cornyn Uncontested in Bid for NRSC Chair?

Europe: ‘Crisis? What Crisis?’

Behind-the-Scenes Video: Fox News Colleagues Mocking Sarah Palin

Charlie Rangel: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

Great News: Treacherous Bastard Cornyn Unanimously Re-Elected as NRSC Chair

The Wheel Turns

Bolsheviks for Monarchy

Shocker: Sarah Palin’s Teenage Daughters Act Like Teenage Girls on Facebook

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.17.10

Worst. Headline. Evah.

Post-Weigel Journalism? Impossible!

Andrew Sullivan: Does the Phrase ‘And the Horse You Rode In On’ Ring a Bell?

‘By Any Means Necessary’

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.18.10

Emergency! Democrats Trying to Shove DREAM Amnesty Through Lame-Duck

Is Marriage Becoming ‘Obsolete’? Women, Children, Minorities Hardest Hit

Remember When Nancy Pelosi Promised Democrats Were Going to Clean Up the ‘Culture of Corruption’ in Washington?

A Year in Detention

LIVE AT FIVE – 11.19.10

More Lame-Duck Madness

BREAKING: Renee Ellmers Wins Recount; Bob Etheridge to Concede; UPDATE: In Concession Speech, Dem Says He Was Victim of ‘Dirty Politics’

Ann Marie Buerkle Win in NY-25 Would Give GOP Biggest Majority Since 1949

Please Permit Me to Remind You . . .

Compiled by Wombat-socho with a lot of help from Smitty.


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