The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

What’s Wrong With the Republican Party in Two Words: Mark McKinnon

Posted on | December 11, 2010 | 17 Comments

Which is a synonym for “unprincipled opportunist.”

You may recall Mark McKinnon as the Republican political strategist who worked to help John McCain win the 2008 GOP nomination, but then quit because he refused to campaign against Barack Obama.

You may recall Mark McKinnon as the Republican political strategist who accused Rick Santorum of having “a lack of character.” 

You may recall Mark McKinnon as the Republican political strategist who in May 2009 told ABC News: “If the Republican party does not expand its tent, it’s going to turn into a circus, and it’s going to become a minority freak show that sort of features Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney.”

In other words, you may recall Mark McKinnon as the Republican political strategist who is always predictably bad-mouthing conservatives (whom he accuses of “drinking the Kool-Aid”) and generally doing everything he can to turn the GOP into a carbon-copy of “those of us who don’t choose the extremes.”

Given that Mark McKinnon is a vicious backstabbing opportunistic crapweasel — an inarguable fact, I think you’ll agree — we should scarcely be surprised to find that he is a late-arriving fanboy of Marco Rubio:

If Palin chooses to run and is not the presidential nominee, Rubio fixes what will certainly be the “Palin problem” for the GOP. With her unmatched magnetic appeal, which attracts headlines as well as campaign donations, there will be enormous pressure on whomever is nominated for president to pick Palin as a running mate. The only other option that provides any real conservative cover for a VP pick is Rubio. Otherwise, you will have a grassroots riot on your hands.

Obvious Fact No. 1: The “Palin problem” (whatever that is imagined to be) exists entirely in the mind of Republican political strategist Mark McKinnon.

Obvious Fact No. 2: Republican political strategist Mark McKinnon was MIA when grassroots conservatives declared war on the GOP Establishment over the attempt of party insiders to fix the Republican primary for Charlie Crist.

If it were up to gutless worms like Republican political strategist Mark McKinnon — who spent years with his best buddy Paul Begala working for the campaigns of Democrats like Lloyd Doggett, Ann Richards and Mike Dukakis — Charlie Crist would have gotten the GOP nomination, not that radical Tea Party extremist Marco Rubio.

And let’s not forget that Sarah Palin supported Marco back when Republican political strategist Mark McKinnon was declaring that “Republicans look more like a glue factory than an idea factory.”

Helpful advice for Marco Rubio and to Republicans everywhere: Don’t hire Mark McKinnon.

Don’t return his phone calls. Don’t invite him to your events. Tell everyone on your staff to treat Mark McKinnon like a contagious disease. And if you’re a possible 2012 presidential contender, don’t let Republican political strategist Mark McKinnon anywhere near your campaign. Avoid him at all costs, even if you have to take out a restraining order to keep him away.

Because the minute it becomes public knowledge that McKinnon is an “advisor,” “consultant,” or “strategist” on your campaign, you’re doomed.

You have been warned.


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