The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday Falls On A Monday This Week

Posted on | March 14, 2011 | 8 Comments

by Wombat-socho

Apologies to all for the delay; I spent much of the weekend either in the tax mines, helping my daughter to prep for a cross-country move, or (not nearly enough) sleeping. On with the linkagery!

Too late for last week’s roundup, but still worthy, Fritz Riedel salutes science and beauty by commenting on the demonstrated brainpower of Oscar-winning scientist Natalie Portman. Also, pictures!

Elsewhere, the POH Diaries do some comparisons of redheads who are already cast (or should be) as Governor Palin in the upcoming “Game Change” movie; there are also some nice Jessica Biel bikini pix. Not to be outdone, the Rio Norte Line presents Gemma Arterton; WyBlog introduces his new Blog Assistant, Tori; and from faraway Trashcanistan, Smitty alerts us to a Cute Brunette TV Death Match featuring spokesmodels for T-Mobile and State Farm.

The ever-reliable Soylent Green presents appropriately skin-toned women for St. Patrick’s Day (Captain Kirk approved!) and goes on to question the dubious taste of his readers (NSFW and NMS) on the appropriately named WTF Friday.

Eye of Polyphemus scopes out some Malin Akerman cuteness, Fishersville Mike supplies some vintage Baltimore Colts cheerleader cuties, and Dustbury pays tribute to Cyd Charisse.

Proof Positive offers us Alexandra Bastedo and Katheryn Winnick; over at the Camp of the Saints, we have Marilyn Lange (Part II), Rule 5 Thursday, Karen Thompson, and a review of 2011’s bikini styles.

Daleygator brings us a Hometown Hottie from Houston, some DaleyBabes from Dai Nippon, and the final round in the DaleyBabe playoffs, pitting Monica Bellucci against Jessica Alba!

Finally, we come to a link sent in by regular commenter Richard McEnroe, which cannot be described; you must experience it for yourself. Somewhat more explicable is this video of Jane Russell looking for trouble.


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