The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Truly Pathetic Thing Is …

Posted on | March 21, 2011 | 2 Comments

. . . Obama never could have gotten elected without these kooks:

Just a bunch of mainstream moderate American swing voters. Meanwhile, Dennis Kucinich says the president has committed an “impeachable offense.” Apparently, Kucinich has discovered that there is this thing called a “Constitution” for which Obama has no respect.

It took more than two years for Kucinich to figure this out.

UPDATE: Monday, Obama finally got around to telling Congress we were at war. “Hey, guys, I don’t know if you’ve been watching TV over the weekend or anything, but . . . “

UPDATE II: What’s the Arabic word for chutzpah? Because Qaddafi’s got a lot of it:

Libya’s government says more civilians have been killed in a third night of air and missile strikes by coalition forces enforcing a no-fly zone.

See what I mean? Qaddafi can order the deaths of a thousand innocent Libyans before breakfast, but the minute the U.S. starts dropping bombs, “Civilians are dying! Oh, noes!

Here’s a TV news report (from a network in India, I believe) and notice the Libyan regime spokesman at the end talking about innocent civilians being killed:

Yeah, if there is one thing ruthless dictatorships are famous for, it’s their tender-hearted concern for the lives of innocent civilians.


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