The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Poor Lost Soul

Posted on | May 14, 2011 | 2 Comments

VIDEO: Michael Moore Tells Americans How to Be Good Americans — Like Him!

Moms, ‘Myths’ and Cultural Marxism

‘Start the War From Right Here’

VIDEO: Gingrich Fatigue?

Herman Cain: Viva Las Vegas!

Sex + Coffee = DEATH?

Happy Mothers Day From Charlie Sheen

Egyptian Muslims Attack Christian Church, at Least 12 Reported Dead

Large Crowd of Unattractive Women Attend ‘Slutwalk’ Parade in Boston

The End-Game of Kellerism

VIDEO: Chomsky vs. Israel

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.09.11

Housing Market Plummets Unexpectedly?

Herman Cain Now the Hot Ticket

Congratulations, Ed Schultz!

Rule 5 Monday

Passenger With a Yemeni Passport Charges Cockpit Yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’

BREAKING: Arnold Schwarzenegger Dumps Liberal Wife Maria Shriver

Pakistan: Friend or Foe?

You Saw This Coming, Right?

NY-26 Special Election: Stealth Democrat Crazy Jack Davis Plays ‘Tea Party’ Spoiler

You Know What America Needs?

Obama’s Predictable Immigration Lies

‘It Was the Pronouns! They Were Overwhelmingly Masculine Gendered.’

How Not to Fix Your Economy

Obama’s Private $35,000 Fundraiser

U.S. Government Program Providing Global Opportunities for Women

NY-26 Update: New TV Ad; NRCC Gets Involved; Whither David Ballavia? UPDATE: Holy Freaking Crap! Donald Trump Now Blaming Paul Ryan?

Of Straw Men, Politics and Policy

Another Bad Liberal Idea That Failed

NY-26 Update: Fake ‘Tea Party’ Candidate Davis Skips Debate, Attacks Cameraman

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.13.11

Kiss and Tell at the Revolving Door

Obama Lies About Unemployment

Osama bin Laden’s Porn Stash?

Where Have I Been?

Eyes of Texas on Herman Cain

Whatever Happened To AuH2O?

Newt? No Problem.

Sen. Barbara Boxer Uses Bin Laden’s Death To Promote Afghan Pullout

Top linkers this week include some surprising names:

  1. Lonely Conservative (10)
  2. Don Surber (8)(!)
  3. Instapundit (6)(!!)

Thanks to all for the linky-love! Want to be listed in next week’s FMJRA? Sad that because you have a Blogspot blog, WordPress hates you? No worries – e-mail me at Wombat-socho by Friday, May 20 with [FMJRA] or [Shameless Blogwhoring] in the subject line and you, too, will get the linkup.


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