The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: Take Me Back To You

Posted on | May 22, 2011 | 9 Comments

Holy Freaking Crap: Time Magazine’s GOP 2012 Chart Omits Herman Cain!

The Very, Very Bad President

Frenchman Shocked to Discover It’s Illegal to Sodomize Your Hotel Maid in U.S.

Rule 5 Sunday: Soft Power

Her Name Was Simona Rudina …

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.16.11

IMF Director: French Socialist Pervert

Don’t Overthink It, Byron

Donald Trump Drops 2012 GOP Campaign, Citing Herman Cain Surge

Go, Willow, Go!

The New N-Word: ‘Food Stamps’

NY-26 Update: Tea Party Express Endorses Republican Jane Corwin

Herman Cain: Georgia GOP Speech

Schwarzenegger Shagged Her: Arnold Fathered Child With Household Staffer

The Terrorist Times

Stuff Spell-Check Won’t Fix

Newtmania: Not Happening

Tina Brown + Newsbeast = Profit?

Rachel Maddow’s ‘Man Cave’ Moment: Planned Parenthood Does Oil Changes?

REVEALED: The Secret Source Who Helped U.S. Forces Get Bin Laden

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Love Children (Yep. I Said ‘Children,’ Which Is Plural)

On Media, Money and Membership

Newt Gingrich to Democrats: ‘Hey, No Fair Quoting What I Said on National TV!’

Tiny Endangered Fish Hampers U.S. Border Enforcement in Arizona

VIDEO: Iowa Loves Herman Cain

LIVE AT FIVE – 05.19.11

NY-26 Update: Jane Corwin Ad

Obama the Neocon?

Will Folks: My Sacred Honor Compels Me to Claim That Nikki Haley (Whom I Once Shagged) Visited a Strip Club in 2009

Congratulations and Condolences

TONIGHT: Defeat Obama Radiothon UPDATE: With Herman Cain, Too!
UPDATE: Raised $56,000 in 3 Hours!

Like 31 Flavors Of AWESOME: Yeah, My Son Jim Is Graduating High School Today

Did Bibi Diss Obama?

2012 Candidates Not Named ‘Herman’

The Cain Doctrine: ‘You Mess With Israel, You Are Messing With the United States’

What Sort Of Tumor Is Progressivism?

Summa Cum Laude

World’s Youngest Blogger Rocks Him Some ‘Claustrophobic Blues’

Top linkers for this week:

  1. Little Miss Attila (9)
  2. Don Surber (8)
  3. (tie) Da Tech Guy, Lonely Conservative, That Mr. G Guy (5)

Thanks to all for the links! Blogspot bloggers, if you want to be included in next week’s roundup, please e-mail me your links with “FMJRA” or “Shameless Blogwhoring” in the subject line by May 28 at Wombat-socho, because WordPress hates you.


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