The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herman Cain Speaks Bluntly: ‘I Believe Homosexuality Is a Sin … Their Choice’

Posted on | June 9, 2011 | 68 Comments

In an interview on CBS News:

“I believe homosexuality is a sin because I’m a Bible-believing Christian, I believe it’s a sin. But I know that some people make that choice. That’s their choice.”

OK, I know for a fact that Herman Cain has GOProud supporters, and it will be interesting to see their reaction to this.

Cain is trying to focus his campaign on jobs, the budget and economics — these are his strengths, as a business executive — but he necessarily gets asked by reporters about all sorts of issues. A key factor in Cain’s appeal is his plain-spoken nature and, when asked about homsexuality, he stated (a) his personal belief as a Christian, and (b) his libertarian understanding that people have to live their own lives according to their own choices.

For two decades at least, gay activists have used the “born that way” argument in an effort to gain civil-rights protection for homosexuals, attempting to make sexual preference a hereditary factor analogous to race. So Cain’s remark about sexuality as a “choice” is likely to offend gay activists as much as his remark about “sin.” But I think it’s important to grasp the libertarian sense in which he uses “choice.”

Beyond that, will this help or hurt Cain?

Remember that Iowa is the No. 1 objective for Team Herman. If he were to win the Iowa caucuses, that would be a political earthquake, and his campaign leadership really believes that they can make that happen with a volunteer-based grassroots effort.

So, consider what Cain said, and ask yourself: Is this likely to offend the typical grassroots conservative Republican in Iowa?

Nope. Not even a blip on the radar.

By the way, Herman Cain will be one of the featured speakers at Right Online, which starts June 17 — a week from Friday — in Minneapolis. You should sign up now.

UPDATE: GOProud activist Christopher Barron:

The truth is that Herman Cain is running on a campaign centered on conservative policies that would improve the lives of all Americans – including gay Americans.

UPDATE II: Linked by Lisa Graas — thanks!


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