The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Humor-Deficient Charles Johnson Sides With #Occupy Movement vs. NYPD UPDATE: NYPD Investigates Occupier’s Twitter Death Threat Against Police

Posted on | March 18, 2012 | 72 Comments

Raised during the Cold War — when my uncles and cousins and neighbors were fighting the Viet Cong and the NVA, when American troops stood on guard against that doomsday moment when the Red Army decided to make a try for the Fulda Gap, when any blink of an eye might bring down a worldwide thermonuclear Armaggedon upon us — I developed a profound loathing of communism.

It was a highlight of my journalism career when the news came across the wire that former CPUSA chairman Gus Hall had died, and it was my honor to write his obituary, thus bringing good news to the world because, as every patriotic red-blooded American knows, the only good Commie is a dead Commie.

Has such a perspective become archaic or obsolete, merely because the Soviet Union collapsed into the ash-heap of history 20 years ago? Or, as I think, is it important to remember the deadly evil that Marx and Lenin unleashed upon mankind, and to stand eternally vigilant against any prospect of its recrudescence?

You may disagree with my belief that the Red Menace is still a specter that haunts us, and if you disagree, you probably don’t share my opinion that the Occupy movement represents a new iteration that menace. I understand this and so, when I denounce the Occupiers as “Commies,” it is both a serious indictment of their leftist worldview and a self-conscious jest, satirically invoking the old Cold War mentality toward beatniks and hippies and other such pinko Bolshevik sympathizers.

“They’re the kind of commie scum who give commie scum a bad name and my trademark ‘hypothetical atrocity’ rhetoric was intended to signify nothing other than my bottomless well of contempt for such people. Therefore if I were the commander of the NYPD riot squad, my orders would be to open fire and shoot to kill. We’d make Kent State look like a Sunday school picnic. The brutality would be something more on the scale of Guernica, complete with Predator drone airstrikes.”
Robert Stacy McCain, Oct. 8, 2011

If you don’t understand this, OK. But your lack of understanding is not my fault, and if I have to explain that I was friends with such refugees from Communism as the late Balint Vazonyi, if I have to remind you that Communist governments killed 100 million of their own citizens during the 20th century, if you don’t realize that Julius Rosenberg and Alger Hiss were both guilty as hell — well, why do you blame me for your own ignorance? And speaking of ignorance . . .

Little Green Footballs has evidently attracted another fool:

This “Silvio Breckman” is a useless nobody with 41 followers on Twitter, who could be even more easily ignored than his idiotic hero.

Whether Breckman is evil or merely ignorant, I don’t know.

Whenever a left-winger calls me a “fascist,” it recalls to mind the Popular Front era of the 1930s, when the Comintern used front groups to build alliances with liberals in the West in solidarity against Mussolini and Hitler. The Popular Front instantly evaporated in 1939, when the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signalled Stalin’s alliance with Hitler for the partition of Poland, with Stalin getting a green light for the conquest of the Baltic states as part of this hideous “compromise” among totalitarians. As soon as Stalin and Hitler reached that agreement, all the Reds who had been yelping about the fascist danger changed their tune overnight. Suddenly, the various Comintern “anti-fascist” front groups dissolved and reconstituted themselves as “peace” groups. And this Communist-led “peace” movement continued for 21 months.

While the Nazis conquered Poland, Holland, Belgium and France, while the Luftwaffe rained death on London — through all of this, Communist sympathizers in the United States denounced as “warmongers” any American who advocated or supported U.S. aid to Britain and other allies threatened by the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis. President Franklin Roosevelt and members of Congress who saw the need to aid the Allies and for America to increase its own military preparedness were excoriated by these left-wing “peace” groups.

Ah, but this “peace” movement ended in June 1941, when Hitler surprised Stalin by launching Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the U.S.S.R. Once more, Moscow’s American front groups were dissolved and reconstituted as part of an “anti-fascist” movement demanding U.S. entry into the war against Hitler and immediate military aid to the Soviets.

It was this trajectory of American leftist groups that exposed an important truth: The CPUSA and its various front groups were controlled by Moscow, and were thus subversive agents of a foreign government, rather than being genuinely independent democratic “progressives,” as they and their sympathizers had claimed.

This revelation shocked many liberals into a new understanding of what the CPUSA really was — a tool of Stalinist policy — and the Party’s membership collapsed along with whatever prestige it had previously enjoyed in the United States. When, in the wake of World War II, it was believed that Eastern Europe had been surrendered to Stalin at Yalta, and that Truman had betrayed our anti-Communist allies in China, the reaction of ordinary Americans was harsh and furious. Had we just fought a bloody, costly war against one totalitarian menace, only to deliver half the world into the grasp of another totalitarian menace?

Such was the understanding and sentiment which gave rise to the post-war American anti-Communist movement, which is nowadays ridiculed or denounced as a needless hysteria incited by demagogues. But there really was a Soviet threat, and there really were agents of espionage and subversion who secretly sought to advance the ideology, policy and interest of Moscow, and among those who took alarm at this danger was a former bleeding-heart liberal Democrat named Ronald Reagan.

How many times was Reagan called a “fascist”?

How many stars in the sky?

When Reagan became governor of California and cracked down on the “peace” protesters in Berkeley, he was demonized worse than any conservative nowadays can ever imagine. But Reagan well knew whose side the protesters were on, whether they knew it or not. (True fact: During the 1940s, the bleeding-heart Reagan had unwittingly joined at least two Communist front groups.) For all the scorn and mockery he endured, it was Ronald Reagan who was destined to enact the policies that ultimately brought about the end of the Soviet Union.

All this history I recite, so that Silvio Breckman and anyone else may know that I am not ignorant of how “fascist” has been used over the years to stigmatize the Left’s enemies. And I hope that everyone can see how, in this conflict between the NYPD and the Occupy movement, Silvio and his hero Charles Johnson have sided with the Occupiers.

If I sometimes crack wise about my contempt for “Commie scum,” my contempt for them is yet quite serious. What was true during the Cold War is still true: There are no good Communists this side of Hell.



UPDATE: The ex-Lizards at Diary of Daedalus always enjoy a laugh: Occupy Jazzy McBikeshorts!

UPDATE II: Charles Johnson loves him some Occupiers and, gee, those Occupiers sure hate cops, don’t they?

Police are investigating an apparent Occupy Wall St. protester’s online threat to kill cops.
Someone with the Twitter handle “smackema1” tweeted this message at 11:39 p.m. Saturday, following a clash at Zuccotti Park.: “we wont make a difference if we dont kill a cop or 2.”
The NYPD is seeking a subpoena to find out who’s behind the Twitter account, according to Paul Browne, the department’s top spokesman.

How long until Johnson starts selling “Free Mumia” T-shirts?


72 Responses to “Humor-Deficient Charles Johnson Sides With #Occupy Movement vs. NYPD UPDATE: NYPD Investigates Occupier’s Twitter Death Threat Against Police”

  1. elaine
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:08 pm


    A democrat acquaintance of mine and I were talking about some protest which was being organized against one of Glenn Beck’s rallies (think it was the left’s anti-9/12 protest) and I mentioned how socialist and communist groups were among the organizers; and I said “these people are big movers and shakers within the democrat party.”  I then sent him the list from the organizers’ own website of the groups involved in the protest, so he could check them out himself.

    Somehow, though, he still wouldn’t admit (or couldn’t make the logical connection) that these communist groups were not simply working in concert with the democrat party but that they were made up of and supported by good democrats.

    When you have a group of people who talk about being anti-capitalists, anti-democracy collectivists, they’re socialists and communists.  And that’s exactly the rhetoric of Occupy.  These people aren’t to be laughed at; they’re to be fought tooth and nail until their sorry beliefs get buried along with them.

    The thinkers and leaders of the left — people like Francis Fox Piven, for example — are stirring the pot of class dissension.  They HOPE this all leads to violence and revolution.  They don’t care how many idiot young people up to their necks in ill-advised college debt have to die to make their point.  Like my democrat friend, these young people are merely pawns of the people who really run the DNC.  And one need look no further than our dear leader to know where their true allegiance lies.

  2. robertstacymccain
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:22 pm

    Thanks for your support, Elaine. Going back to the protests against “globalization” in the late 1990s, I remember how the various Marxist groups — WWP, CPUSA, RCP, etc. — were openly represented, and yet the “mainstream” media ignored this radical presence, instead preferring to convey to readers the misleading idea that this was a spontaneous, broad-based grassroots movement. The same dishonest charade was maintained vis-a-vis the “anti-war” movement (same Commies, different cause) during the Bush years. And now we see once more how the Marxist Left is deeply involved in the Occupy movement, and yet the “mainstream” media refuses to acknowledge this phenomenon, much less explain its all-too-obvious significance.

  3. FrancisMcManus
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:29 pm

    Whether you agree with their politics or not, there’s nothing funny about police using excessive force against Americans.

    You should come clean and admit that you think the NYPD should be judge and executioner (who needs courts an a trial) , or at least they should kill as many of these people as were killed at Kent State, for walking in the street or staying in the park past curfew. 

    You ever notice that the ones the quickest to scream “Marxist!” at their enemies are also the folks who would make Stalin smile at their bloodlust?

  4. robertstacymccain
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:36 pm

    Bring out the Ohio National Guard, I say!
    And while you’re at it, deport Neil Young!

  5. Bob Belvedere
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:39 pm

    Well put, Elaine.

    You wrote: Like my democrat friend, these young people are merely pawns of the people who really run the DNC.

    Two old Cold War descriptors fit these kind of people: ‘Useful Idiots’ and ‘Dupes’.

  6. FrancisMcManus
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:40 pm

    Is the right more afraid of liberals, protestors, Muslims or Marxists?

  7. robertstacymccain
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:42 pm

    Take a poke at CJ, and the fools come running to his defense.

  8. Bob Belvedere
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:43 pm

    When people advocate the overthrow of The Constitution, as all Communist groups do, and they illegally assemble, then the police may use force to stop them.  And we should support them.

    I say this as someone who has been very critical of the militarization of our police forces.

  9. FrancisMcManus
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:44 pm

    There is a difference between understanding the police have a difficult
    job to do and wishing the police would massacre your fellow citizens
    because you disagree with them.

  10. JeffS
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:45 pm

    There are no good Communists this side of Hell.

    Amen.  I served in West Germany, during the Cold War, as a young officer, training for the day should the Soviet Army came rolling across the East German border.  I was south of Fulda Gap, but no one really thought that would make a difference.  The crap I put up with from my fellow Americans for serving in the military merely reinforced my intent to kill 6 invaders as my honor guard into the beyond.

    If fools wish to associate themselves with mass murderers, or openly join with those mass murders, I have no pity for them.

  11. FrancisMcManus
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:47 pm

    Suspend the Constitution you say, because a thousand people, who you claim are Communists, gather in a park?

  12. Mike G.
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:48 pm

    You mentioned Alger Hiss and Julius Rosenberg as being guilty as hell. Yes they were, but we can thank Hiss for the UN. He was one of the main architects of the UN charter before he was outed as a Communist spy. Hiss was also at Yalta and had FDR’s ear as a top adviser. Coinkydink?

  13. Bob Belvedere
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:49 pm

    The Left is very talented in taking a word and twisting it’s meaning so that people begin to believe it means the exact opposite of it’s real meaning.

    The word ‘Fascist’ is a perfect example.  A Fascist is on the Left.   Fascism is the stage before Communism/Socialism.  Private Property still exists, but it is controlled by the government in all aspects.  Also, Big Business and government join forces to control the economy and society.

    The Left’s greatest trick was to convince people that it wasn’t Fascist, much like the Devil’s greatest trick was to convince people he did not exist.

  14. JeffS
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:52 pm

     Y’know, I really don’t want to see people beaten up by cops.  Or anyone, for that matter.  It’s a painful, humilating process that no one should experience.  Nor should peaceful demonstrators be in fear of the police.

    On the other hand, when a bunch of ignorant, destructive louts decide to threaten the stability and peace of innocents, for nothing more than their own aggrandizing, bring it on!  Clubs and CS speak an elegant truth of their own. 

    And that’s all what the #OccupyWallStreet cretins are about:  themselves.  So give them the attention they deserve.  Just not the attention they want.

    And if hyperbole makes this point abundantly clear, then bring on the Vickers as well.  Or the MG-42s, if you feel the need to be truly European.

  15. JeffS
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:54 pm

    Deliberate obtuseness is an indication of trollish behavior. 

    Just sayin’ is all.

  16. JeffS
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:55 pm

     I fear for liberty at the hands of tyrants, especially those who are aided by fools and useful idiots who think a wee bit too highly of themselves.

  17. JeffS
    March 18th, 2012 @ 7:59 pm


  18. FrancisMcManus
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:00 pm

    By the way, it is grossly unethical for  Charles Johnson to call you a racist without substanting the assertion:

    “Last night, police moved into New York’s Zuccotti Park to clear out
    the Occupy Wall Street protesters, and by all accounts they weren’t
    exactly gentle about it.

    But right wing neo-Confederate racist Robert Stacy McCain didn’t get enough blood.

    Today he’s so excited you can almost see the slobber on his keyboard,
    as he wishes the police would simply gun down the protesters.”

    And wrong of you to go beyond acknowledging the difficult and important work the police do, to call for violence and injury to Americans who are doing what the Constitution guarantees is their right.

  19. Dianna Deeley
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:05 pm

    I’m always astonished by the willingness of the left to pretend history did not happen.

    The Communists switched from being anti-fascist to screaming “Social fascists!” at the anti-fascists. 

  20. Charles Johnson
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:05 pm

    Have I banned you yet from the inter web?  If not, I should and consider this your ban.  Your arguments must be wrong because I do not understand them and they make me feel comfortable.  So that makes them wrong.  Plus you are on RSM’s hate site.  

    I like the dark.  

  21. Charles Johnson
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:06 pm

    They make me feel un-confortable.  

  22. filbert
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:14 pm

     I think you were right the first time.

    It’s called “cognitive dissonance.”

    You really should be used to it by now, seeing as how you’re on the side of Progresssssssive Wisdom And Sagacity In This Oh So Ignorant World Where We Morally Superior People Must, For Now, Disdainfully Tolerate The Existence of NASCAR-attending Neanderthals.

  23. filbert
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:17 pm

     And yes, for you Progressive humor-deficient drones, I do get the joke.

  24. Charles Johnson
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:22 pm

    We will always have bike riding filbert.

  25. filbert
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:28 pm

     I love you too, man.


  26. Garym
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:33 pm

    Doen’t it bother you that our “Dear Leader” is aleast 2 of these. As for “liberals”, there is NOTHING liberal about progressives.

  27. Blue Hen
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:37 pm

     Dunno, it isn’t like at least of the groups you listed openly espouse violence or anything. Is this like a trick question? Or are you just stupid?

  28. Blue Hen
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:39 pm

     setting up rape tents that stand for months is now “gathering in a park”? People meeting for a picnic is an example of people gathering in a park. People screaming filfth and raping others ain’t in it.

  29. Quartermaster
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:41 pm

    Zucotti Park is private property, and the dupes have no right to squat there. Even if it were public property, they have no right to squat there.

    If they want to protest, fine. Do it within the law and you will have no trouble. The left, however, thinks the law has no application to them because they are under a higher law. Alas, their higher law originates within their movement and the rest of society has a right to civil peace. Of the louts who are playing at 60s type disobedience, then they should bear the cost without whining about it.

    However, mere protest is not what they are involved in. Their desire is to destabilize and pull down. When people try to do that, society has the right to defend itself, and the wee nobbuts that think they are being hard used have no right to complain about what they get.

    The truth is, they are being hard used, but not by society, but by the people behind the Dimocrat Party. So they need to take their complaint to the source and leave the rest of us alone.

    And, yes, you are deliberately obtuse.

  30. William_Teach
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:42 pm

     Interestingly, at least the radical Islamists are fighting for something based on beliefs, no matter how unhinged. Liberals, Occutards, Marxists (but, I repeat myself) just want people to give them stuff.

  31. Garym
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:44 pm

    “I’m always astonished by the willingness of the left to pretend history did not happen.”
    Careful Dianna, you’ll get lefties reading this start holding thier collective breaths, intil you take this sentence back. ; )

  32. Blue Hen
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:46 pm

     Gee, I didn’t know that twittering to kill cops and rape people was guaranteed in the constitution. Which version is that in? And the part about crapping on cop cars. Was it article #2?

  33. William_Teach
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:48 pm

     Maybe they shouldn’t attack the police.

    And, because you probably received a liberal education, only 4 were killed at Kent State. I’m sure your drug addled hippie liberals teachers made you think it was much more.

    But, hey, perhaps the occupiers should also stop assaulting people and raping women.

  34. robertstacymccain
    March 18th, 2012 @ 8:50 pm

    I’m always astonished by the willingness of the left to pretend history did not happen.

    But if they actually knew history, they wouldn’t be on the Left, would they?

  35. Bunk X
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:04 pm

    Minor correction: Not all of the folks on Diary of Daedalus are ex-lizards. Many are there purely for the entertainment  provided by the endless soap opera farce known as Little Green Footballs.

  36. elaine
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:08 pm

     Excessive force?  Please.

    However, the occupods have not only threatened violence against the police, they have committed repeated acts of violence against them.  (Pelting them with rocks, bottles, and other projectiles; trying to pull them off their mounts; attacking them while they drive past.)  They’ve also done their level best to set up the police so they could cry “Police brutality!” if the cops took any action against them at all.  (See for instance, the occupod who threw himself under a police motorcycle and then pretended he was run over.)

    Further, they aren’t merely “walking in the street or staying in the park past curfew.”  They have robbed local cart vendors, vandalized local businesses, stolen from local churches who gave them sanctuary, accosted passers-by — including small children — and attacked their own.  These are not the actions of “innocent” protesters, and everyone knows it.  Or would, if the complicit media weren’t busily trying to pretend none of this is happening…

    The police have acted thus far with a great deal of forbearance, because they fear what will happen if the occupods can make their bogus accusations stick with fools like you.

    So please don’t act as if the police haven’t any reason to use force — even excessive force — against these people.  Because they’ve proven they exist far outside the scope of the law-abiding citizen.

  37. Dianna Deeley
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:18 pm

     I am so sorry his issues make him focus on you.

    On the other hand, if I hadn’t been over there, I might never have come over to read you, so things may eventually balance out.

  38. Dianna Deeley
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:19 pm

     If you cannot spot satirical hyperbole, you need to spend some time learning to do so.

  39. Dianna Deeley
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:22 pm

     Worry not – they resume breathing after they pass out. At that point, I generally offer them a kleenex and some water – for some reason, there’s always a lot of snot involved.

  40. MrPaulRevere
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:26 pm

    From the whack job leftist blog ‘Lawyers Guns and Money’ and something tells me there is nothing at all tounge in cheek here: “The upshot: We have to prepare for a decades-long fight to the death. That’s the nation’s only hope.”

  41. Asian_chic
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:34 pm

    I was one of those refugees. My father fought against the Viet Congs and was able to come to America on Political Asylum. I was young so the only thing I can remember was running in the streets with bombs going off everywhere. My parents use to talk about how we were never free and oppressed ever which way. Since coming to America, my father have always been a Republican. He believed that this is the party of liberty and freedom and he is so right. Unbelievably, two of my sisters are liberals. Ugh… Another thing I can’t believe is we ran from a Communist country just to be in a country with a Communist Prez. 

  42. SDN
    March 18th, 2012 @ 9:36 pm

     Well, Francis, if you want to put up with Copperhead scum, you do that. Me, I don’t compromise with slavers. Replacing “plantation” with “collective” cuts no ice. Democrats are what they’ve been since 1861: the party of slavery.

  43. Adjoran
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:01 pm

     Well, you can’t be TOO careful about these things, or the next thing you know one of them will be elected President or something.  So you always want to err on the side that ends with more dead commies.

    You seem veeeeery concerned about this, Comrade . . .

  44. Adjoran
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:24 pm

     The protesting students starting throwing rocks at NG soldiers, who drilled two weeks once and year and one weekend a month in those days. 

    Those who were killed weren’t the rock-throwers, but the actual ones to cast the first stones should have been held criminally liable for the deaths.

  45. Garym
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:25 pm

    Not to demean your sisters, but the left has a propaganda machine that makes thier ideology appealing to anyone. If you only pay half attention and do not take the time to uncover thier lies, you can easily be sucked in.

  46. Adjoran
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:25 pm

     Turns out his whole gang loves the smell of his bicycle seat.

  47. Alborn
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:35 pm

    Peaceful but prepared not paranoid. Charles Johnson is a mental case. I guess that can be said about all progressives.

  48. Cube
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:41 pm

     I’m a little younger than you but I also remember reading and
    understanding about communism – that it is one of the great evils of the
    world.  Some of these fools don’t know or care about history, so when their willful ignorance comes back to bite them they’ll get no sympathy from me either. 

    The others that do know history are a different matter.  Some are merely deluded enough to think that they will be on the winning side and will be viewed kindly because they believed the politically correct things.  They’re in for a rude surprise when the Stalin types exterminate them as no longer useful.  The rest are evil and must be fought until their ideas are extinct.

  49. Adjoran
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:50 pm

     Wow, you even had to cut and paste the reply!

    Hey, kids, we’ve got us a live one!

  50. Pathfinder's wife
    March 18th, 2012 @ 10:51 pm

    That’s the unfortunate part.  Most, by themselves, are merely naive and not terribly harmful.
    But, there are always some evil jackwagons who get the little sheep rounded up into a big herd, whip them up, and send them to trample all over things (and wind up hurting other sheep as well as themselves in the process as well as incurring the everlasting enmity of the sheepdogs).
    The evil jackwagons are what we often refer to as “wolves” (although that’s a bit of a slur on the actual animal if you ask me).

    Ugh, this summer is going to be a fun one; I can tell.