The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s Wife

Posted on | May 17, 2012 | 102 Comments

‘Speedway Bomber’: Criminal terrorist Brett Kimberlin was convicted in 1981

Investigative journalist Matthew Vadum reports a blockbuster: Brett Kimberlin, the convicted felon who terrorized an Indiana town during a weeklong 1978 bombing spree, has received funding from influential “progressive” foundations:

“Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin . . . is a director and founder of the Justice Through Music Project, a seven year old Bethesda, Maryland-based 501c3 nonprofit entity. . . .
Kimberlin is the business partner of leftist blogger Brad Friedman … They are both involved with a group called Velvet Revolution which also receives funding from the Tides Foundation.
JTMP has received at least $70,000 in grants from the far-left Tides Foundation since 2006.
Another noteworthy donor is . . Barbra Streisand who has given JTMP at least $10,000 through her Barbra Streisand Foundation since 2006 . . .
Yet another is Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Sen. John Kerry (D-Massachusetts). Mrs. Kerry is CEO of the Heinz Family Foundation which has given JTMP at least $20,000 since 2006 . . .

A self-described “associate” of Democrat political consultant Neal Rauhauser, Kimberlin’s recent activities are under increased scrutiny because of his alleged harassment of blogger Aaron Worthing.

UPDATE: The disclosure of Kimberlin’s funding from prestigious liberals matters, because of this convicted criminal’s apparently close connections to other key figures in the progressive online community, not only his business partnership with Brad Friedman, but also his claims to be an “associate” of Democrat political consultant Neal Rauhauser.

In October 2010, conservative blogger Patrick Read documented how “Rauhauser was soliciting some of the worst provocateurs he could find in an effort to deliberately elicit angered responses from the Tea Party.” The online activists alleged to have been part of Rauhauser’s network made conservative blogger Greg W. Howard an especial target for vicious Twitter harassment. (Warning: Extremely graphic language.)

Rauhauser’s “Beandogs,” as he called them, all operated under aliases. The Rauhauser-Friedman-Kimberlin nexus therefore suggests at least the possibility that funding from major progressive non-profits helped enable this vicious campaign of online harassment.

UPDATE II: In October 2010, Big Journalism’s Mandy Nagy extensively documented the heinous history of “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin — a must read — and the question now to be considered is asked by Matthew Vadum:

Do the people at the Tides Foundation, Barbra Streisand Foundation, and Heinz Family Foundation know that they have given money to an organization run by a litigious, violent, radical felon who appears to delight in intimidating people whose views he disagrees with?

UPDATE III: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin? You might recognize the name. Just sayin’ . . .




102 Responses to “Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s Wife”

  1. Lawyer Arrested for Constitutionally-Protected Blogging Against Convicted Bomber, After Hearing Before Judge C.J. Vaughey
    May 31st, 2012 @ 1:10 pm

    […] “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin, who is now a left-wing activist subsidized by the Tides Foundation and the Barbra Streisand Foundation.On Wednesday, Judge C.J. Vaughey issued a restraining order […]

  2. Aaron Walker Court Hearing Confirms Kimberlin-Rauhauser Collaboration : The Other McCain
    May 31st, 2012 @ 3:22 pm

    […] Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And Why It Matters)May 17: Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From Streisand, …May 18: Who Warned Us About Brett Kimberlin?May 19: Domestic Terrorist Now Using ‘Lawfare’? […]
