The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is Democrat Operative Neal Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And Why It Matters)

Posted on | May 17, 2012 | 55 Comments

Former Patterico co-blogger Aaron Worthing details the efforts of convicted “Speedway Bomber” Brett Kimberlin to shut down conservative bloggers through a strategy of legal intimidation. Why am I not surprised that the notorious Democratic Party operative Neal Rauhauser’s name turns up in Worthing’s account?

As I have shown before, Kimberlin has at least two people — Ron Brynaert and Neal Rauhauser — who at the very least have proven to be willing conduits for any information that Kimberlin wants to put out in the public sphere. For instance, in regards to Brynaert (a former editor of Raw Story), when Seth Allen was arrested, Brynaert knew of this within twenty-four hours, even though this had not appeared in any public record at the time . . .
Indeed, Brynaert is only one degree of separation from Brett Kimberlin. He has guest blogged at Brad Friedman’s “The Brad Blog” and Mr. Freidman is an admitted business partner of Mr. Kimberlin . . .
Turning my attention to Neal Rauhauser, whom Kimberlin has described in court as his “associate,” he has obviously served as a conduit for information only available to Brett Kimberlin. . . .
And this crew — Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser and Ron Brynaert — had a long history of stalking and harassing others, and I expected the same to happen to me if Kimberlin got my real name.

Read the whole amazing story. The partnership between Brad Friedman and Kimberlin is shocking enough in its own right. That they have been so clumsy as to enable Worthing to document a connection between them and Rauhauser is the sort of foolish error that all such arrogant monsters can be expected eventually to make. Rauhauser is an online menace, and the fact that Kimberlin — a convicted and infamous felon — claims Rauhauser as an “associate” should not surprise anyone. This demonstrates the unscrupulous and vicious tendencies of Democrats who will employ any means, including outright lies and terroristic harassment by known criminals, in pursuit of their corrupt political aims.

UPDATE: Headline by Dan Collins at The Conservatory:

Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin Harassed,
Tried to Frame Blogger Aaron Worthing

Rauhauser has described himself as a consultant to Democrat Party officials, boasting Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva among his clients. This came to my attention in October 2010, when Rauhauser evidently created a sort of Twitter troll army he called “Beandogs” to harass Tea Party activists online. One of the “Beandog” accounts Tweeted that conservative blogger Greg Howard had “sexy, f***able children.” See, for example, these posts:

This became known as “TwitterGate,” which some liberal media outlets at the time dismissed as mere “pranks,” but the fact that Rauhauser is claimed as an associate by a convicted terror-bomber demonstrates that this conspiracy is far more dangerous than that.

Again, I refer you to Aaron Worthing’s thorough exposition of the connections between and activities of these deranged online stalkers.

UPDATE II: As I say, Rauhauser’s involvement as an alleged “associate” of connected terrorist Brad Kimberlin is not exactly surprising, because Rauhauser’s “Beandogs”/”TwitterGate” activities showed him to be utterly dishonest and despicably cruel. Nor am I really surprised that Rauhauser would permit his alleged “associate” Kimberlin to drag him into a legal proceeding so that Rauhauser’s online activities might now be subject to criminal investigation or civil complaint. People as arrogant as Rauhauser inevitably destroy themselves.

What is perhaps more surprising is Kimberlin’s claim that Brad “Bradblog” Friedman is his business partner. Friedman has long been treated as an entirely respectable and responsible member of the progressive Democrat blogosphere. For example, Friedman was prominently mentioned in a 2005 New York Times article, “Liberal Bloggers Reaching Out To Major Media.”

If Kimberlin is Friedman’s business partner — for so Kimberlin has claimed — then this would seem to be very damaging to Friedman and, by indirect association, to the liberal blogosphere.

UPDATE III: What kind of heinous creep is Brett Kimberlin? In addition to being a terrorist bomber — who by all rights should still be rotting in a federal prison — Kimberlin has been called “a world-class liar,” by award-winning journalist Mark Singer. Here is the Publisher’s Weekly review of Singer’s 1996 book, Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin:

After Garry Trudeau in “Doonesbury,” the New Yorker’s Mark Singer was possibly the most prominent journalist to sympathetically report allegations that convict Brett Kimberlin had sold marijuana to Dan Quayle when the Vice-President was a law student. Indeed, Singer signed a contract with Kimberlin to write a book, but Kimberlin turns out to be a top-flight con man — as the author reveals with dismay and near admiration. So this picaresque detective story has a mea culpa at its heart, an effort to explain how certain things — such as former Harvard Law dean Erwin Griswold’s support for Kimberlin’s court appeal and Kimberlin’s muzzling by federal officials — helped build an edifice of sand. Singer conscientiously reconstructs Kimberlin’s history of crime — he was a drug smuggler and, mostly likely, the man behind some vicious bombings in Indianapolis. Some of this narrative gets tedious, yet it’s part of Singer’s effort to contrast facts with Kimberlin’s confident but “apparitional” explanations. Leavening the story are Singer’s tales of Kimberlin’s charmed life behind bars: he wangled unlimited long-distance phone service, became the jailhouse lawyer for numerous Mafiosi and snared an impressive legal support group. Now free, the former dope smuggler helps ship commodities to Ukraine; but when Kimberlin (with Singer in tow) had a chance to meet Quayle at a book signing, he refused to confront him. Quayle, it now seems, deserves apologies.

You can call Kimberlin a sociopath or a “progressive,” but whatever you call him, he can never be accused of honesty. He is a proven liar, and everything about him is tainted by his evil lies.

UPDATE IV: “Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From Streisand, $20,000 from John Kerry’s Wife.”



55 Responses to “Is Democrat Operative Neal Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And Why It Matters)”

  1. AmeriKAZAM » Blog Archive » The New Left is the Old Left: SWATting
    May 28th, 2012 @ 1:22 am

    […] had harassed Worthing and his wife out of their jobs and into law suits.  They linked Kimberlin to Democrat operative Neal Rauhauser.  Kimberlin had received in the neighborhood of $1.8 million dollars to “get out the […]

  2. The Latest on The BK Bomber from Robert McCain | ZION'S TRUMPET
    May 28th, 2012 @ 9:23 am

    […] May 17: Is Democrat Operative Neal Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And… […]

  3. Somebody Tell Nina Totenberg Her Buddy Brett Kimberlin Is Making News : The Other McCain
    May 28th, 2012 @ 12:51 pm

    […] to notice them ignoring it.  Robert Stacy McCain, Whereabouts UnknownTHE KIMBERLIN FILES:May 17: Is Democrat Operative Neal Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And…May 17: Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From […]

  4. Datechguy's Blog » Blog Archive » Franz Liebkind Ron Brynaert updates Wikipedia » Datechguy's Blog
    May 29th, 2012 @ 7:39 am

    […] Brynaert you might recall a close associate of Mr. Kimberlin as Stacy McCain quoting Aaron Worthing said: As I have shown before, Kimberlin has at least two people — Ron […]

  5. REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case : The Other McCain
    May 29th, 2012 @ 2:06 pm

    […] a show of support.”– Robert Stacy McCain, Whereabouts Unknown THE KIMBERLIN FILES:May 17: Is Democrat Operative Neal Rauhauser an ‘Associate’ of Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin? (And…May 17: Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Received $70,000 From Tides Foundation, $10,000 From […]
