The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem

Posted on | October 28, 2012 | 53 Comments

by Smitty

I had never seen or heard of Justice with Judge Jeanine, but this clip, apparently from last night, is succinct, on point, and brutal:

Deeper than the specifics of #Benghaziquiddick* is the leadership problem afoot here. You can overtly cripple the U.S. military with budget cuts. You can covertly cripple the U.S. military by trashing its morale.

On my first WESPAC cruise in 1989, we spent several days which were supposed to be a port call in Singapore carving circles in the water not far from that port. Why? A young deck seaman on one of the Knox-class frigates had gone overboard. Such tragedies occur for all manner of reasons, savory and less so. However, every squid in that battle group knew that, if it was them, the battle group was going to do precisely the same thing: make every reasonable effort to recover you alive, or at least recover you.

This notion of “never leaving a buddy” is pounded into every military head at every rank. Should you hold the privilege of commanding a unit, I perceive it counts double: you neither want to see a buddy left dangling in the breeze, and you really don’t want the anguish of explaining to the world why there was a death within you command.

Which brings us to our current Commander-in-Chief, #OccupyResoluteDesk. I don’t believe the principle of “never leaving a buddy” eluded George W. Bush, say whatever else you will of his policies. In contrast, you have the Obama White House needing to dispute a story that it sends form letters to families of the fallen. Wow.

The idea of a cowardly POTUS, whose ‘gutsy calls’ come only after excessive amounts of Hamlet-esque hand-wringing is staggering. If you don’t grasp the basic notion of “never-leave-a-buddy”, then you are not fit for the role of Commander-in-Chief at all. I would muster measurably more respect for BHO if it turned out he was a Machiavellian scoundrel who was using U.S. lives as hostage bait. Let Ambassador Stevens become a useful crisis for October, to own the news cycle, and freeze out Romney. In such a scenario, he’d do some grand deal around Halloween, and then victory laps until the election. One wishes for certainty that this was not the intent of Benghazi.

Now we see how, BHO’s lack of loyalty down turns into a lack of loyalty up. There exists a category of no-talent clown who thinks that rank or office is what matters, and fundamentals like “never leave a buddy” do not. Au contraire, mon fine French frere. Sir Blames-a-lot may point a finger, but the information leaks are going to continue to point back at him. Obama really isn’t anyone’s buddy, and he’s not actually getting left behind. At least not in the same sense as Stevens, Smith, Woods, and Doherty. Yet the same callous indifference Obama offered Americans in a real-world crisis is being repaid him in spades.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving piece of work.

via Mind-Numbed Robot

Update: linked at Obi’s Sister.

*Don’t “-gate” it when there is a death toll.


53 Responses to “Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem”

  1. rosalie
    October 28th, 2012 @ 8:28 am

    Wow! Both to the vid and to your post. I’m glad she threw Hillary in there. Hillary is every bit as despicable as the rest.

  2. Alan Markus
    October 28th, 2012 @ 8:37 am

    I want to see a Downfall parody (i.e, Hitler Finds Out About Benghazi Fail), Stat!

  3. Mike Rogers
    October 28th, 2012 @ 8:49 am

    Or as I commented over on yahoo yesterday:
    Pissed off the SpecOps, check.
    Pissed off the CIA, check.
    Pissed off the Marines, check.
    Pissed off the Clintons, check.
    Wake up and smell the toast, Dems!

  4. Mortimer Snerd
    October 28th, 2012 @ 9:13 am

    Wow! Ms Piro for president!

  5. Neo
    October 28th, 2012 @ 9:41 am

    … but .. but this is Pres**ent “Gutsy Call” who ended the threat from al Qaeda … LOL

    The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

    General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.

  6. McGehee
    October 28th, 2012 @ 9:56 am

    That was debunked yesterday.

  7. Soylent Green
    October 28th, 2012 @ 10:40 am

    The MFM will continue to black this out. The hurricane is the SCOAMF’s best friend. No one will know he is a feckless coward until…never if he wins. He will get a week of looking presidential “dealing with” a natural disaster. Unless, of course, he again believes in his own invincibility and flies to Vegas as people die.

  8. joethefatman
    October 28th, 2012 @ 10:42 am

    Heard her last night. It was powerful, and spot on

  9. Obama Going Down over Benghazi | ZION'S TRUMPET
    October 28th, 2012 @ 11:04 am

    […] Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem […]

  10. Aaron Cooper
    October 28th, 2012 @ 1:52 pm
  11. JustBetterThanU
    October 28th, 2012 @ 2:08 pm

    I honestly believe the attack was “to get” the ambassador either to quite what he knows, or for the hostage/election plot! And much like Scooby Doo, it would have worked too if it weren’t for those meddling, patriotic ex-Seals! An evil plan gone awry and he will deny deny deny. He must be called out on this, hopefully more than just Issa will pursue this..

  12. ramiro estrada
    October 28th, 2012 @ 2:34 pm


  13. Adjoran
    October 28th, 2012 @ 2:34 pm

    The point is the decision whether or not to send in a rescue team is a command decision. When it is into another country, the commanding general doesn’t make that call, the CIA doesn’t make that call, the SecDef doesn’t make that call. It’s a CinC call.

    Obama MADE the call not to go, and is desperate to keep that secret until after the election. That’s WHY all the diversion over the video and the stonewalling. If the press were anything but hack propagandists, they would already have found this out.

  14. Kelly Swinson Pendleton
    October 28th, 2012 @ 2:42 pm
  15. Video: Senator Portman Calls Obama Out: We Need to Find Out if POTUS Issued a Directive or Not « Nice Deb
    October 28th, 2012 @ 2:44 pm

    […] Other McCain: Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem: I had never seen or heard of Justice with Judge Jeanine, but this clip, apparently from last night, […]

  16. George O'Brien
    October 28th, 2012 @ 2:52 pm

    Please watch the video embedded, couldn’t have said it better my self. It is only 2-3 minutes but dead on.

  17. K-Bob
    October 28th, 2012 @ 3:54 pm

    The thing to brace for, folks, is the hurricane.

    …of cries of Raaaaacism! You’ll be seeing lots of it as the One True Response to our pointing out the obvious lack of leadership. Stacy’s post, above, has Sully in full R5cism mode (and if you read the article Stacy linked to, you’ll see that most of the lefties commenting have decided to go full-bore-retard over the Skin Color Über Alles factor).

    We’ve been having to flush several from Scoop’s site lately. I’m sure many of you have seen the same thing.

    We need to roll out the big, Iowa class guns of ridicule and laughter, and pound these racial throwbacks with them until they join the Flat-Earthers and vampire cultists in the outer fringes of obscurity.

  18. Bob Belvedere
    October 28th, 2012 @ 5:29 pm

    As the only other member of the National Command Authority, could Panetta have made the call? Does anyone have an answer?

  19. Quote of the Day Election « Obi's Sister
    October 28th, 2012 @ 5:59 pm

    […] Smitty has fire in the belly (emphasis his): The idea of a cowardly POTUS, whose ‘gutsy calls’ come only after excessive amounts of Hamlet-esque hand-wringing is staggering. If you don’t grasp the basic notion of “never-leave-a-buddy”, then you are not fit for the role of Commander-in-Chief at all. I would muster measurably more respect for BHO if it turned out he was a Machiavellian scoundrel who was using U.S. lives as hostage bait. Let Ambassador Stevens become a useful crisis for October, to own the news cycle, and freeze out Romney. In such a scenario, he’d do some grand deal around Halloween, and then victory laps until the election. One wishes for certainty that this was not the intent of Benghazi. […]

  20. Questions To General Powell : The Other McCain
    October 28th, 2012 @ 8:05 pm

    […] to the point, how does your recent endorsement of #OccupyResoluteDesk square with the idea of a commander abandoning his troops in their hour of need? This bit from Hayward stretches credulity, emphasis mine:But I appraised the […]

  21. Mary Myers
    October 28th, 2012 @ 8:20 pm
  22. Times Are Changing
    October 28th, 2012 @ 8:59 pm

    Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem

  23. Lou Koper
    October 28th, 2012 @ 10:04 pm
  24. richard mcenroe
    October 28th, 2012 @ 10:06 pm

    Bush actually pulled one of his own security detachment out of a mob of Muslim fanatics in Turkey once.

  25. Dbarry
    October 28th, 2012 @ 10:20 pm

    You lying/dumb-asses should look at the Congressional Research Report on Benghazi.

  26. Jo Keely
    October 28th, 2012 @ 11:28 pm

    I think the emails (which were leaked first before the additional details emerged on Friday) came from a Clinton surrogate inside the administration somewhere.

    Hill & Bill have decided she has a better chance in 2016 if she ISN’T following on Obama – he is pure poison at this point for the Democrat Party and the Clintons know it.

  27. Jo Keely
    October 28th, 2012 @ 11:36 pm

    @Bob – No. Panetta would not have made that decision (or any decision, actually, about the ground game in Benghazi that night) without taking it to the President.

    Obama made the decision to not send help.

    This is the only reasonable explanation for the misdirection and excuses we’ve seen in the news reports and coming from the various Administration mouthpieces since that night – using the video, lack of intel, etc. etc. etc. to distract, dissemble, and delay the facts from getting out.

    He is absolutely desperate that the truth about the events in Benghazi do not reach the ears of Americans before Nov 6th.

    Absolutely Desperate.

  28. Jo Keely
    October 28th, 2012 @ 11:46 pm

    MSM will try. But hurricanes usually take only a day or so to blow themselves out. We still have 8+ days to go before vote day.

    CNN has already bailed on Obama. CBS is close. I would bet the execs at CBS and ABC are in arguments almost 24-7 about when (not if) they should make this story the headliner. Each will want to beat the other out, but its already too late.

    Amazing as it is to realize, this is the truth: msm STILL doesn’t understand people no longer depend on them for news.


  29. Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Benghazi sources edition) | SENTRY JOURNAL
    October 29th, 2012 @ 12:25 am

    […] THE OTHER McCAIN: Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem […]

  30. Sunday Links | What Would The Founders Think?
    October 29th, 2012 @ 12:27 am

    […] The Other McCain | Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem […]

  31. Laura Cambria
    October 29th, 2012 @ 5:42 am

    For the life of me I do not understand how these people are not in prison. The continuous offenses are too incredible and too numerous to believe. He was treasonous in his 1st year in office!!! My God!

  32. Laura Cambria
    October 29th, 2012 @ 5:43 am

    You know you are so right! He has proven time and again that the opposite of what he says is more than likely the truth!

  33. Meet Judge Jeanine On Benghazi, Video | Wis U.P. North
    October 29th, 2012 @ 8:40 am

    […] from and read more at The Other McCain. Story via Dad […]

  34. natalie I. Howard
    October 29th, 2012 @ 8:58 am

    Obama has been supplying the AlQaeda in Libya
    and surrounding areas. Note that the two Navy Seals were there
    about the “Guns.” Chris Stevens and the Seals were deliberately
    murdered by Obama because of what they discovered. Obama was
    doing what he had done with GUNS as in Mexico “Fast &
    Furious”. Obama has been funding the AlQaeda with the USA Tax
    Dollars. He is a Traitor.

    Remember Ron Howard and how he was murdered by Clinton before

    Secondly, let me suggest that Romney recommend that Sesame
    Street’s [Big Bird] should take the Gift from US Tax Payers and
    that the full amount be given to the injured Veterans and our
    Fallen Heroes.

    God Bless Mitt Romney and I pray that He brings Romney a new Job
    as our President.

  35. Mike Rogers
    October 29th, 2012 @ 10:13 am

    I think you are on the right track, but would add that the Clinton’s were being. Are ful not to attack Obama while he had a chance, but now they see him in danger of losing, and of dragging Hillary’s chances down with him, hey are sticking the knife in. (and then they will twist it)
    Mike Rogers
    eMail by iPad 🙂
    Errors by Mike :-/

  36. Irene Peduto
    October 29th, 2012 @ 10:17 am

    Only just received the email to this video – Judge Janine has expressed the indignation held by many patriots – happy she has the position to get the word out to like-minded people who know how right she is.

  37. Michael Mattei
    October 29th, 2012 @ 10:24 am

    Horry Clap, she is DYNO-MITE.

  38. Wilson
    October 29th, 2012 @ 2:22 pm

    Without a way to get this story out the public will continue to be brainwashed by the MSM and the lies from this corrupt administration.

  39. creeper
    October 29th, 2012 @ 2:51 pm

    How is it preferable for them to follow Romney if he gets the economy rolling again?

    Quite frankly, I think the Clintons are toast. There is no good scenario for Hillary now. That she does not acknowledge this and will not tell the truth about Libya makes her a despicable figure. She will never live in the White House again. And that is as it should be.

    I’ve defended Bill’s presidency, but not the man, many times. Though I voted twice for him I would never do so again (if it were possible for him to run), nor will Hillary ever get my vote. In their slavish service to Barack Obama they have made of themselves caricatures of the people they once were. Good riddance.

  40. Diana Leigh McCullough Ward
    October 29th, 2012 @ 6:45 pm
  41. Pops Hillegas
    October 29th, 2012 @ 8:02 pm
  42. Kimberly Small
    October 29th, 2012 @ 11:38 pm

    Judge Jeanine Rips BHO Over Benghazi, And There Is A Larger Problem

  43. Mack
    October 30th, 2012 @ 10:25 am

    McGehee…I am always on the search for the “truth” in all this craziness! Would you please give me a link to the “debunking”? Thanks!

  44. McGehee
    October 30th, 2012 @ 10:51 am

    Gen. Ham is being reassigned as part of a normal rotation. Lots of commentators on the right have reported this.

    The 48-hour rule is our friend.

  45. Philip Paul Sacco
    October 30th, 2012 @ 12:19 pm

    Just keeping up on the controversy. Check my page, I had the up to the minute reports and it is not what is being said by the current administration.

  46. Jeff Roller
    October 30th, 2012 @ 5:46 pm
  47. reggiec
    October 31st, 2012 @ 2:01 pm

    A coward dies a thousand deaths! A hero dies but once!

  48. Wee Geordie
    October 31st, 2012 @ 5:31 pm

    The economy IS rolling, better than a year ago, but not what we’d all like to see. Compared with 1991, it’s the same thing folks wanted to give credit to Bush for.

  49. Ed Thompson
    October 31st, 2012 @ 11:27 pm
  50. old cavalry colonel
    October 31st, 2012 @ 11:57 pm

    the president should be tried for treason as he gave away secrets after Bin Laden and malfeasance for failure to sent help to Benghazi. I have heard he relieved the commander of AFRICOM from command as the AFRICOM commander was on the way to the operations center to dispatch all available assets to Benghazi. the only person who can relieve a combantant commander is our gutless president. No one else has the authroity under current law. The president appoints them and he relieves them. Check out the story on the AFRICOM command GEN Carter Ham and see how he was treated.