The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#Spambot Wars: Fake @Twitter Accounts With (Coincidentally) Large Breasts

Posted on | September 14, 2013 | 52 Comments

Coincidences just keep piling up everywhere, like big-breasted spambots on Twitter. John Hoge writes:

Have I mentioned that someone keeps trying to have around 15,000 sock accounts follow Aaron Walker, Stacy McCain, and me?

All three of us are targets of a lawsuit by Brett Kimberlin and so, yeah, this is probably all just a coincidence, right? Donald Douglas:

Fake Follower @Twitter Spam
Mars Company’s IPO Rollout

Coincidence? Let’s ask six eminent online specialists, Melba Hermiston DDS (@DrSusanChristia), Rosamond Borer (@LuisBorer5682), Thurman McCullough (@Flavie_Graham__), Anjali Mertz IV (@Lou__Bailey8565), Miss Bailee Tremblay (@BertNitzsche116) and Cruz Halvorson MD (@Cooper_Walter_I):

Perhaps some readers may ask, “Stacy, do all these spambots following you have large breasts?” No, of course not. Some of these fake Twitter accounts have incredibly ginormous breasts:

You may wish to confirm this finding with such respected social-media research experts as Emile Stokes Jr. (@Mann__Noah_2840), Agustina Jacobi (@DrDevyn_Sipes__), Earnestine Kirlin (@MrCarlos_Marks_), Abigayle Spinka (@MrJohnsonDestin), Devon Wilderman (@MrsBarrett_Lebs) and Mrs. Sean Lebsack (@MissRolfsonTerr):

Of course, not all of the thousands of fake accounts following me are large-breasted females. It’s just that when I wanted to illustrate the point — i.e., that the same few hundred avatar photos are being re-used over and over in these spambots generated by an algorithmic software program — certain examples struck me as visually compelling.

Coincidental? Hardly. And neither is the fact that I’ve been targeted by thousands of these swarming spambots, which is why I really want to see Twitter pursue criminal charges against the creator of these fake accounts. Until there’s a federal indictment, we’re not going to know who is responsible for this harassment.

And if Twitter doesn’t pursue charges — well, I guess they’re not really serious about cracking down on fraudulent accounts, are they?

Guess everybody’s excited about the Twitter IPO, huh?





52 Responses to “#Spambot Wars: Fake @Twitter Accounts With (Coincidentally) Large Breasts”

  1. LP Morning: Answering the Burning Questions of the Day
    September 16th, 2013 @ 5:32 pm

    […] seems somebody (or some thing) has hammered the crap out of the ‘down thumb’ doohickey on a few of my posts, and […]

  2. Matthew W
    September 17th, 2013 @ 6:56 am

    Do you look like “Wreck it Ralph??”
