The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment

Posted on | June 1, 2014 | 36 Comments

HATTIESBURG, Mississippi
The final push of the Tea Party-backed fight to defeat Sen. Thad Cochran in the Republican primary brought big names to Mississippi this weekend in support of conservative challenger Chris McDaniel. Sarah Palin came to campaign for him Friday:

Had a great time today in the lovely Magnolia State rallying to elect Chris McDaniel to the U.S. Senate. It was wonderful meeting Chris’ beautiful family — and a special thank you to Chris’ son Cambridge for the gorgeous magnolia . . .
This Mississippi senate race is a clear case of We the People vs. the permanent political class in D.C. Many fellow conservatives like my friend Mark Levin have endorsed Chris because this is a crucial race for conservatives who know “the status quo has got to go” if we’re to get America on the right track. Chris is running for the right reasons with a positive conservative reform agenda to solve the problems facing our country. His priorities for government’s role in our lives are right on! Chris KNOWS we have to fight to put government back on our side, and he’s willing to fight for America as Mississippi’s new U.S. Senator!
The Mississippi primary is June 3rd, and the good people of the Magnolia State have the opportunity to remind America that we can and will restore our exceptional nation by electing conservative reformers like Chris McDaniel!
You can read more about Chris and support his campaign here:
– Sarah Palin

Matthew Boyle reports “a raucous audience of thousands” turned out for the Palin rally, where McDaniel took aim at the incumbent:

“Conservatives look at me for a moment, Republicans look at me for a moment: Name one fight that Sen. Thad Cochran has led against Barack Obama,” McDaniel said.
“Zero!” the crowd shouted, almost in unison. “None!” a woman near the front of the auditorium yelled.
McDaniel—feeding off the energy of the crowd—continued: “Sen. Mike Lee, he stands and fights for Utah. Sen. Rand Paul stands to fight for Kentucky. Sen. Ted Cruz stands to fight for Texas. Even a Governor from Alaska fights for us. It’s time for a son of Mississippi to stand and fight for us. I tell you, when Sen. Ted Cruz stood there that night and he laid his soul on the line for this government and for this country, we applauded him. When others joined him, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, we knew we had friends in Washington, D.C., finally. Reinforcements are coming.”
The thousands-strong crowd jumped to their feet to give McDaniel a standing ovation that lasted at least five seconds.
“Now it’s not that Sen. Cochran is a bad person,” McDaniel continued, cutting through the standing ovation. “I respect Sen. Cochran. I even like him, despite the attack ads. . . .”

Oh, yes: Attack ads — the Republican establishment is spending big money to smear Chris McDaniel, because destroying conservatives is what the Republican establishment is all about nowadays. Fortunately, conservatives are not easily deceived. The latest poll shows McDaniel with a narrow lead over the incumbent — 46%-44% — and Rick Santorum campaigned Saturday for McDaniel:

From the “sideline,” Rick Santorum had been keeping an eye on the U.S. Senate race in Mississippi and felt like State Sen. Chris McDaniel’s battle with six-term Sen. Thad Cochran looked like a fair fight.
“Then something happened here in the last few weeks that diverted attention away from that,” the 2012 presidential candidate said Saturday at a McDaniel rally in Diamondhead. “And when I saw that, I said you know what, they’re hiding the ball here. They’re hiding the ball and trying to make this race not about what’s important for our country and the next six years for the state of Mississippi, but they’re trying to make this about something else that has nothing to do with the two candidates.”
At that point, Santorum said he decided to jump in and back McDaniel with the primary just a few days out.

Yeah, the weirdest scandal in political historycaused by a blogger! — was an embarrassing distraction, but conservatives in Mississippi are still focused on “what’s important for our country,” and defeating Thad Cochran on Tuesday is the first step. How desperate is the incumbent? He’s running ads “explicitly calling on Democrats to cross party lines and vote in the GOP primary for Cochran.”

It’s time to beat these Establishment bastards. Beat the hell out of them. Tell ’em there is a limit beyond which we will not be pushed.

Got to be up early in the morning for a 4-hour drive to Tupelo.






36 Responses to “Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment”

  1. MrEvilMatt
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment: HATTIESBURG, Mississippi The final weeke…

  2. commonpatriot
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    via @rsmccain: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment #tcot

  3. CHideout
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment: HATTIESBURG, Mississippi The final weeke…

  4. Lockestep1776
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment: HATTIESBURG, Mississippi The final weeke…

  5. WeRResistance
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment: HATTIESBURG, Mississippi The final weeke…

  6. Citzcom
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:42 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment: HATTIESBURG, Mississippi The final weeke…

  7. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:43 pm

    Who do they think he is? Christine O’Donnell?

  8. Chris McDaniel for Mississippi U.S. Senate | Batshit Crazy News
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:53 pm

    […] Chris McDaniel for U.S. Senate: Now Is The Time Instapundit: McDaniel leads Cochran by 2 TOM: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights The GOP Establishment […]

  9. rsmccain
    June 1st, 2014 @ 10:54 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment #tcot

  10. Adjoran
    June 1st, 2014 @ 11:15 pm

    Hey, I had high hopes for McDaniel, Cochran is certainly no prize and very expendable. But he’s fumbled the ball on this nursing home thing. One of the other three arrested is his former talk radio co-host. When asked directly when he first learned of the intrusion, McDaniel declined to answer.

    But mentioning that is considered a “smear” by some, who evidently define “smear” as “unpleasant truths about my guy.”

    And Boyle is a sorry reporter. That auditorium of the rally described here doesn’t hold “thousands” – they don’t build auditoriums that big at schools with student bodies in the 4000 range and in towns with about that population.

    The school reporter estimated 1100, which “nearly filled” the place – meaning it wasn’t even a capacity crowd to see Palin in a place McDaniel used to live. But forgive Boyle, who makes his living supposedly reporting facts – it took me a whole two minutes to find her story.

  11. Josh_Painter
    June 1st, 2014 @ 11:20 pm

    RT @rsmccain: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment #tcot

  12. BobBelvedere
    June 1st, 2014 @ 11:42 pm

    RT @rsmccain: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment #tcot

  13. Eric Ashley
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 12:19 am

    I was recently in Tupelo, but for the Buffalo Farm, not the politics.

  14. neshobanakni
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 12:35 am

    Tupelo might be my favorite town, ever. It’s a little big town, dontcha know.

  15. carolynkeener54
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 12:36 am

    RT @rsmccain: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment #tcot

  16. OldmanRick
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 3:11 am

    It’s up to the voters. Let’s hope they do their homework and elect the best guy for the job.

  17. ophidianpilot
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 6:41 am

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment
    #tcot #pjnet via @rsmccain

    June 2nd, 2014 @ 6:45 am

    RT @ophidianpilot: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment
    #tcot #pjnet via @rsmccain

  19. gntlman
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 6:53 am

    RT @ophidianpilot: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment
    #tcot #pjnet via @rsmccain

  20. McGehee
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 8:35 am

    Cochran’s also got the Mass Stupidity Media giving him tongue baths in the home stretch, so that tells you which guy they think can be beat in November.

    June 2nd, 2014 @ 9:18 am

    adjoran’s agin him. We need him.

  22. richard mcenroe
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 10:14 am

    Time for Karl to break out the alleged ex-mistresses! Get Gloria Allred on the phone, stat!

  23. vechorik
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 10:18 am

    1 used his wife as political capital
    1 solicited Democrat votes
    1 D- rating from the American Conservative Union
    THAT’s Thad Cochran!

    ? Vote McDaniel MS US Senate THIS TUESDAY June 3rd

  24. ThePaganTemple
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 11:11 am

    I’m very much afraid the Tea Party is pretty much a thing of the past. Yeah, they’re still around, but they’re little more than just another corrupt wing of the GOP. If they every do gin power, which is unlikely enough on the face of it, by the time they’ve had it for a couple of years people will be ready to chuck them out with yesterday’s garbage.

  25. rsmccain
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 11:32 am

    RT @ophidianpilot: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment
    #tcot #pjnet via @rsmccain

  26. RamblingMother
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 11:33 am

    RT @ophidianpilot: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment
    #tcot #pjnet via @rsmccain

  27. PubliusNV
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 12:10 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment

  28. JustPlainBill
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 1:57 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment

  29. Can Chris McDaniel Close the Deal? : The Other McCain
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 2:20 pm

    […] of the naysayers in the comments on last night’s post were skeptical of McDaniel’s chances, but this election will hinge on turnout, and if […]

  30. politsoutherner
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 2:28 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment : The Other McCain #tcot #teaparty @GOP #RINO

  31. #Bergdahl: Something Stinks in Yahya Kheyl | Regular Right Guy
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 3:05 pm

    […] Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment […]

  32. thatMrGguy
    June 2nd, 2014 @ 8:45 pm

    Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment

  33. K-Bob
    June 3rd, 2014 @ 12:09 am

    Gives a whole new meaning to “Kiss his ring,” doesn’t it?

  34. K-Bob
    June 3rd, 2014 @ 12:15 am

    Well Saturday gives what Sunday steals
    And a child is born on his brothers heels
    Come Sunday morn the first-born dead
    In a shoebox tied with a ribbon of red

    That Tupelo?

  35. Chris McDaniel for U.S. Senate–the primary is today, do the right thing Mississippi | Batshit Crazy News
    June 3rd, 2014 @ 8:59 am

    […] TOM: McDaniel vs GOP […]

  36. Mississippi Primary Results HQ : The Other McCain
    June 3rd, 2014 @ 8:14 pm

    […] June 1: Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment […]

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