The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Absolutely 100% Lena Dunham Free

Posted on | November 2, 2014 | 17 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

After that last post by Stacy I felt compelled to add the assurance in the post title. Because.
As usual, some of the following links lead to pix normally considered NSFW, so exercise discretion in the clicking.

The Roar of the Jaguars

Leading off this week is Average Bubba’s Rule 5 Friday: Can You Say Fore? followed by Loose Endz with Alice Krige, Goodstuff’s Blogging Magazine with Jessica Alba, Valley of the Shadow with Nicole Sixx, and First Street Journal with the women of the YPJ. Ninety Miles from Tyranny checks in with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and the Natalie Dormer edition of Girls with Guns. Animal Magnetism has Rule Five Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL brings us some Vintage Halloween Rule 5, Danielle Fishel, Alicia von Rittberg from “Fury”, and a twofer post featuring Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn.

A View from the Beach serves up Wednesday Child – Christina RicciTrick or Treat!Wombat’s Friday Fodder“I Put a Spell on You”Foreigners Doing Jobs Americans Can’tYou Can Turn Almost Anything Into a Rule 5 PostWombat’s Wednesday TipsGirls with Big GunsTMI from Amy PoehlerAnd Worth Every Penny I’m SureAnd It’s . . .“Close to My Fire”Pre-Halloween Obamacare Schadenfreude, and “Don’t That Road Look Rocky”.

At Soylent Siberia, it’s your morning coffee creamer, Afternooner Lisa Kate, Monday Motivationer Harvest Time, Evening Outstanding…Well, Something Is, Tuesday Titillation Animation, Happy Hour Hawt, Humpday Ha-wet-ness, Late Nighty Header For Irish, Fursday Auburn Awesome Fantasy, Overnighty Lanny, Corset Colossus Mit Snoochfrau, T-GIF Friday She Rises, A Soylent Halloween Costume Suggestion, Soylent Halloween Spassfabrik, Weekender Linky Love Contender, Smokin’, and Bath Night Halloween Holdover.

Proof Positive provides Friday Night Babes: The Halloween Edition; his vintage babe was Grace Kelly, Teri Garr covers Sex in Advertising, and of course there’s the obligatory 49ers cheerleader. At Dustbury, it’s Melba Moore and Sophie B. Hawkins.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery! Deadline to submit links to the Rule 5 Wombat mailbox for next week’s Rule 5 roundup is midnight on Saturday, November 8.

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17 Responses to “Rule 5 Sunday: Absolutely 100% Lena Dunham Free”

  1. Good Stuff
    November 2nd, 2014 @ 10:26 pm

    Thanks for linking to the Jessica Alba Issue!

    I found this infograph and thought you guys would like it…

    Rule 5 branding (ring around)

  2. Animal
    November 2nd, 2014 @ 10:47 pm

    Thanks once again for the links!

  3. Wombat_socho
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 12:30 am

    You’re both very welcome!

  4. Zohydro
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 2:33 am

    Did anyone catch the “Canned Wombat” spread near the bottom of GoodStuff’s link? (It’s well below the Jessica Alba pics.)

    When I think of tinned wombat, images of greasy, stringy brown mush (with lots of Sriracha sauce) come to mind…

    : )

  5. Proof
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 3:01 am

    The 49er’s have nice looking cheer leaders. (I just keep telling myself that over and over after today’s game!)

  6. Fail Burton
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 4:56 am

    The thing I love about PC gender feminists is they consider that photo of cheerleaders to be the height of heterosexual patriarchal depravity and actual depravity to be social justice and a cry for a place in the sun.

    One of us is insane. Could it be me and Mother Nature? Trees and rivers and salmon, birds and bees? You never know. Could be. Bees seem very angry all the time.

  7. Phil_McG
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 8:57 am

    Especially those Africanised killer bees.

  8. M. Thompson
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 9:21 am

    Like manna from heaven

  9. Fail Burton
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 9:26 am

    You mean the misogynist ones?

  10. Quartermaster
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 1:36 pm

    Do you often have these arguments with yourself?

  11. Quartermaster
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 1:37 pm

    Would that be with a vegemite chaser?

  12. Proof
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 1:51 pm

    It’s my new mantra. I chant it over and over to remind myself why I’m a Niner fan.

  13. Quartermaster
    November 3rd, 2014 @ 6:49 pm

    OK. There for a bit I thought you might be garden variety insane instead of TOM insane.

  14. Rule 5 Friday: Summertime Flashback | Average Bubba
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