#FreeStacy #CPAC2016: I’ve Got Friends in Low Places (and Everywhere Else)
Posted on | March 5, 2016 | 20 Comments
Everybody at CPAC is talking Trump (his supporters walked out on Ted Cruz) but I find it impossible to get excited about the presidential campaign. As I pointed out in my column at The American Spectator, Andrew Breitbart always said, “Politics is downstream from culture.” If conservatives will not fight on the level of culture, we will always lose on the level of politics. The Trump phenomenon (whether you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump) is a reflection of culture. People who don’t wish to think past the most recent headline will never understand why some people support Donald Trump, no matter what he says or does.
The #FreeStacy hashtag campaign continues. I had people ask me, basically, “What’s next?” To which I answered, basically, “We’ll see.” There are people more influential than me who are working behind the scenes to try to correct the situation. Some of these people are lawyers.
You can figure out what that means.
Speaking of which, how can we figure out what false rape accusations mean? Ashe Schow at the Washington Examiner writes:
Women who make false rape and sexual assault accusations are just looking for help, according to a social worker in Boise, Idaho.
Becky Waggaman with Warm Springs Counseling Center told Boise’s CBS affiliate KBOI2 that false accusers are troubled and looking for sympathy.
“Sexual assaults get a lot of attention,” Waggaman said. “They get a lot of media. If that’s [the] primary goal, then that’s what they’re going to go for.”
Waggaman said this was the case even when the accuser is anonymous.
“So it’s still out there, and they can say: ‘That’s me, that’s me,'” Waggaman said, “and they can get a lot of other people involved in their storytelling.” . . .
Waggaman’s comments come after a second sexual assault accusation in Boise proved to be false. And while Waggaman may be correct about men and women who completely make up accusations involving strangers, she misses other reasons people falsely report rape and sexual assault when the accused is known to the accuser. . . .
Some accusers — particularly those on college campuses — make accusations for revenge against a lover who did not want to continue with a relationship. Some accusations come after an accuser cheated on their significant other (the second case linked there involved a woman who slept with another man after a break-up, then claimed she was raped in a bid to get back together with her ex). Some accusations are the result of accusers failing classes or their grades slipping. The Rolling Stone rape hoaxer known as “Jackie” first made up her gang-rape story after being rebuffed by her crush, and only reported it to the school after her grades began to fall.
(Hat-tip: Instapundit.) The fact that women do sometimes make false accusations of sexual assault — indeed, as with Jackie Coakley and “Haven Monahan” at UVA, sometimes they invent imaginary rapists — is dismissed by feminists as an irrelevant and trivial matter.
#freestacy #CPAC2016 pic.twitter.com/NO5qXzmBVw
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) March 5, 2016
Friday night at the Project Veritas party, I had the opportunity to talk to a Yale University sophomore who assured me that the expulsion of Jack Montague, senior captain of the basketball team, was “all bulls–t.” Although no details of the accusation against Montague have been made public, there was this story Friday in the Yale Daily News:
The father of former Yale men’s basketball captain Jack Montague told the New Haven Register on Thursday that Montague has been expelled from the University. . . .
“We have strict orders from our lawyers,” Jim Montague told the Register while explaining he had been advised not to comment. “Soon enough, I’d love to tell the other side of the story. It’s ridiculous, why he’s expelled. It’s probably going to set some sort of precedent. We’re trying to do things the gentleman’s way, so we’re keeping things close-knit. But you guys will get a story.”
"Rape culture" witch hunt at Yale https://t.co/tAZz43IXxn pic.twitter.com/UjQ7NWuxGK
— FreeStacy (@Not_RSMcCain) March 4, 2016
#FreeStacy Is Jack Montague a Rapist? https://t.co/q7eOv2BnMN pic.twitter.com/9ksTFA9vI4
— RWB (@readwriteblue) March 4, 2016
In the climate of fear generated by feminist “rape culture” discourse at colleges and universities, false accusations have proliferated, and more than 100 male students have filed lawsuits claiming they were denied due process rights in the campus kangaroo court tribunals where these cases are heard. This is highly relevant to the situation at Yale, where administrators made a “peculiar decision to broaden the campus definition of ‘sexual assault,’ beyond all recognition,” as K.C. Johnson says. If the captain of Yale’s basketball team can be expelled on such a basis, who is safe? Guys: Never talk to a college girl.
+ o + o +
My last tweet. It was good while it lasted but as an American EVERYONE should have a voice. #FreeStacy pic.twitter.com/VwXZVAdn6c
— Juan Martinez (@dajuannonly28) March 5, 2016
#FreeStacy #CPAC #CPAC2016 pic.twitter.com/0tk9dUXDCT
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) March 4, 2016
The Hateful Lies of Feminism https://t.co/JatuF1ttan #FreeStacy pic.twitter.com/WmYeQwAmFk
— Þe Political Hat (@ThePoliticalHat) February 23, 2016
Me and my man Stacy from TWT days. #FreeStacy pic.twitter.com/FDNvLAYnTO
— Jim Lakely (@jlakely) March 5, 2016
#TrustAndSafety #FreeStacy pic.twitter.com/gLSnngbhgT
— Planet Evans (@ExoplanetEvans) March 5, 2016
Look who I found, @wjjhoge! #FreeStacy pic.twitter.com/1GLJzNW3ma
— Dee In Houston (@DeeInHouston) March 5, 2016
Denying Reality in the hope of destroying it: Feminism Is a Death Cult https://t.co/j1Enk9XQY1 #FreeStacy
— Jen B (@LibertyImages) March 1, 2016
#FreeStacy #CPAC2016 pic.twitter.com/jhSzr8dKfw
— Jack Blakely (@CapitalMinority) March 5, 2016
Conservative Reporter Milo Yiannopolous Crashes White House Briefing — #FreeStacy https://t.co/EuUZRGV2sp
— kjcopp (@kjcopp) March 5, 2016
Your daily #FreeStacy reminder. pic.twitter.com/6PYdsUTLym
— Þe Political Hat (@ThePoliticalHat) March 3, 2016
The #FreeStacy movement, a grassroots response to Twitter’s Feb. 19 decision to suspend my popular @rsmccain account, has received international attention. You can help support this movement by including the #FreeStacy hashtag on your Twitter messages, by retweeting messages in support of this movement, and by signing up at PublicStatus.org, which is dedicated to defending free speech rights on social media. Thanks to everyone who has helped spread the word.
#FreeStacy #CPAC2016 Dinner tonight w @johnhawkinsrwn @AmileWilson @alexa_heather and more! pic.twitter.com/wjUJXHd9Zg
— FreeStacy (@Not_RSMcCain) March 5, 2016
- Feb. 20: The #FreeStacy Story: Why Was My @rsmccain Account Suspended?
- Feb. 21: #FreeStacy: ‘A Girl’s Name’
- Feb. 22: #FreeStacy: @rsmccain ‘Will Not Be Restored’; @SexTroubleBook Suspended
- Feb. 22: The Hateful Lies of Feminism
- Feb. 23: What @FemFreq Didn’t Say
- Feb. 23: The #FreeStacy Protest Continues
- Feb. 24: #FreeStacy: Have You Mentioned @srhbutts Lately? Perhaps You Should
- Feb. 25: #FreeStacy: Does @Twitter @Support Child-Porn Defender @AlisonRapp?
- Feb. 25: #FreeStacy: Why Won’t @Jack Make @Twitter Stop Harassing @PaxDickinson?
- Feb. 26: Feminist Hates White Heterosexual Men
- Feb. 27: #FreeStacy: Email to My Samoan Lawyer: Taylor Swift Is Decadent and Depraved
- Feb. 28: #FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up
- Feb. 29: Did @Nian_Hu ‘Friend-Zone’ You? #FreeStacy: Feminism Is a Death Cult
- March 1: #FreeStacy: $2,090,000,000.00
- March 2: #FreeStacy #CPAC2016: Because ‘Freedom of Expression Is Essential’
- March 3: #CPAC2016: Trumpsters and RINOs and Immunity for Witnesses, Oh, My!
- March 3: #FreeStacy #CPAC2016 ‘Free Speech Should Flourish’ #DontTreadOnTheNet
20 Responses to “#FreeStacy #CPAC2016: I’ve Got Friends in Low Places (and Everywhere Else)”
March 5th, 2016 @ 11:27 am
Why would anyone think women who are members of an ideology constructed entirely of self-pity and paranoia who have blue hair, nose rings and obsessive tattoos would concoct lies with themselves at the center of historic and global persecution which happened last week at 10 pm on the corner of Elm St. and 2nd Ave.?
March 5th, 2016 @ 11:49 am
Women who make false rape and sexual assault accusations are just looking for help,
To which everyone who is even remotely paying attention responds, “No shit, Sherlock.” Especially given the feminist Tumblr is the “crowd-sourced” equivalent of the DSM-5.
March 5th, 2016 @ 1:50 pm
Stacy’s sartorial splender
March 5th, 2016 @ 2:51 pm
I know nothing about law but there is an intriguing proposition here: if Twitter has falsely presented itself as a welcoming and neutral place that is the first problem. The second is one of equal access to what by now is clearly a site which can enhance the promotion of one’s business. Worse is if Twitter has done anything to reinforce that perception and people like Milo and Stacy can claim lost income.
Where the real problem starts if is one can make a case for open and public collusion to purposefully ignore a neutral definition of the word “harassment” in favor of protecting an ideology, especially one as questionable as modern feminism, which makes its bones on group defamation no different than the way the word is used in the titles of GLAAD and the ADL. The public record of such collusion is plain, as is the pattern of “toxic masculinity,” “male tears” and “white fragility” Twitter would never accept were they applied to Jews or non-whites.
Worse yet is if their are insiders willing to testify to such collusion. If there is such a legal case, then it is one that is pretty much a slam dunk, especially if one can get members of the Trust and Safety Council such as GLAAD and the ADL to testify as to the moral authority whereby they use the word “defamation.” They would have no choice but to describe it in neutral terms or testify in open court they are nothing but supremacist organizations unconcerned with the concept of the defamation of other groups, thereby testifying to their own bias and unreliability. That is not the feminist Kafkatrap, but a legitimate perceptual trap from which they cannot escape. Twitter and its rancid feminists may find a court room is not an echo chamber full of their equally rancid doublespeak about power/privilege and punching up. It is a place of law, not a place which provides covering fire for sick supremacist ideologies full to the brim with racial and sexual double standards.
March 5th, 2016 @ 3:45 pm
Of course, it had to extend to the other sciences …
Glaciers, gender, and science: A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research
March 5th, 2016 @ 5:24 pm
Glaciers got some significant white privilege.
March 5th, 2016 @ 5:44 pm
With slightly less than half the vote counted in the Kansas caucus, CNN has called it for Ted Cruz:
Cruz 49%
Trump 25%
Rubio 15%
Kasich 10%
At this point the only question is: will Cruz get >50% (which may give him all of Kansas’s 40 delegates, I dunno for certain on the rules there).
March 5th, 2016 @ 7:04 pm
“Trump (his supporters walked out on Ted Cruz)”
Probably didn’t have anybody with them who could explain the grown up words to them.
March 5th, 2016 @ 8:31 pm
I am furious.
It’s inexcusable to minimize the harm and the utter villainy of a false rape charge. It’s one thing if a rape victim (a real one) misidentifies someone due to being a mental mess. It’s entirely different to accuse someone of rape, knowing it to be false. It makes me sick. It needs to stop.
March 5th, 2016 @ 8:33 pm
OK, that is scary.
Please tell me that’s a satire, or I officially abandon all hope for the survival of the human race.
March 5th, 2016 @ 9:05 pm
I was just there for MAGFest a few weeks ago. Kind of weird not seeing it crammed with cosplayers. Huh.
March 5th, 2016 @ 11:21 pm
There’s more, from 21 years ago, available on JSTOR:
Moving Towards a Feminist Epistemology of Mathematics
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Vol. 28, No. 3, Mathematics and Gender (Apr., 1995), pp. 275-291
March 6th, 2016 @ 12:44 am
Twitter embolden a group of folks who are dedicated to defaming me with the most horrific lies and yet I’m the one suspended. If there is a group legal action please include me.
March 6th, 2016 @ 2:13 am
Robert Stacy McCain’s #FreeStacy old feminist rival & pro-paedophilia protagonist Ginger Goreman (http://www.gingergorman.com/about/)
aka @freshchilli has deleted her twitter account after being exposed
supporting paedophilia by yours truly and Robert! I found more stuff
after Robert did last month and she pulled the plug. I have claimed
quiet a few self redacted twitter scalps.
Please read this alternative theory to see why Robert got his @rsmccain account censored! Not just anti-militant feminist involvement but I believe he was targeted for being an anti-pedophile activist!
In her case it wasn’t censored by the twitter feminist panel.
She’s done lots more work that Just Mark Newton and Peter Truong normalizing paedophilia since that incident you know! (Stacy – reply for examples) She is writing stories for news.com.au about young boys who decide to become transexuals with court approval.
Twitter has links to the gay lobby too – that is the other reason. They had their own float in Sydney’s gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras yesterday and I have the footage. Google also co-sponsored the event.
But she goes on the ABC the Drum Page and calls Robert Stacy McCain a right wing
extremist columinist. He was also critized in ABC NEWS! Worse than that – she calls you an internet troll in the “meet the trolls” link who needs to have their account removed. It could have been her!
My twitter account too reported on your blog got
The Drum link has been redacted with everyones comments against her.
“Some of the hateful tweets and blog posts have questioned my
journalistic integrity and accused me of assisting these paedophiles. ”
“Closer to home the ABC has also received complaints about the radio and
online story I did in 2010. (You will not find that story on the ABC’s
website now because the police requested the ABC pull it down to protect
Boy 1’s identity.)”
Listen to it here: http://archive.org/details/Two…
See this video cited in austlii.edu.au referenced case law as crime to link to “tinyurl dot com / abcplugspedos” (remove spaces to turn into a url before searching on there)
” exposing she’s not the only Lesbian friendly journalist with no integruity at the ABC!
Further reading:
http://theothermccain.com/2014/05/02/gay-baby-surrogate-drewitt-barlow-british-million/ (about me vs @gaydads – and I got twitter censored too due to their influence. Rob? Has he sued you yet as he claims he would on twitter?)
http://theothermccain.com/2013/07/02/neutral-objective-incompetence-how-ginger-gorham-aided-pedophile-network/ (@rsmccain vs Gorman @freschilli)
I have new scandals about Crimes that the Barlow’s are doing in America
where they have moved. There will be a jury trial against them in California soon! Hint. RXGENESIS.COM / BritishSurrogacyCentre.com / PrincetonConsumerResearch.com PremierEggDonors.com and the woman they abused. Contact me via email for the dossier. Yet more fraud this time in the USA from them! You know my email, and please report on how we are being persecuted too for breaking the same story you did!
March 6th, 2016 @ 2:15 am
Robert Stacy McCain’s #FreeStacy old feminist rival &
pro-paedophilia protagonist Ginger Goreman
aka @freshchilli has deleted her twitter account after being exposed supporting paedophilia by yours truly and Robert! I found more stuff after Robert did last month and she pulled the plug. I have claimed
quiet a few self redacted twitter scalps.
Please read this alternative theory to see why Robert got his @rsmccain account censored! Not just anti-militant feminist involvement but I believe he was targeted for being an anti-pedophile activist!
In her case it wasn’t censored by the twitter feminist panel.
NEWTON AND PETER TRUONG – affecting her career in journalism – SHE GOT FIRED FROM THE
done lots more work that Just Mark Newton and Peter Truong normalizing
paedophilia since that incident you know! (Stacy – reply for examples)
She is writing stories for news.com.au about young boys who decide to
become transexuals with court approval.
Twitter has links to the
gay lobby too – that is the other reason. They had their own float in
Sydney’s gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras yesterday and I have the footage.
Google also co-sponsored the event.
But she goes on the ABC the Drum Page and calls Robert Stacy McCain a right wing
columinist. He was also critized in ABC NEWS! Worse than that – she
calls you an internet troll in the “meet the trolls” link who needs to
have their account removed. It could have been her!
My twitter account too reported on your blog got
The Drum link has been redacted with everyones comments against her.
“Some of the hateful tweets and blog posts have questioned my
journalistic integrity and accused me of assisting these paedophiles. ”
“Closer to home the ABC has also received complaints about the radio and
online story I did in 2010. (You will not find that story on the ABC’s
website now because the police requested the ABC pull it down to protect
Boy 1’s identity.)”
Listen to it here: http://archive.org/details/Two…
this video cited in austlii.edu.au referenced case law as crime to link
to “tinyurl dot com / abcplugspedos” (remove spaces to turn into a url
before searching on there)
” exposing she’s not the only Lesbian friendly journalist with no integruity at the ABC!
Further reading:
(about me vs @gaydads – and I got twitter censored too due to their
influence. Rob? Has he sued you yet as he claims he would on twitter?)
(@rsmccain vs Gorman @freschilli)
I have new scandals about Crimes that the Barlow’s are doing in America
where they have moved. There will be a jury trial against them in
California soon! Hint. RXGENESIS.COM / BritishSurrogacyCentre.com /
PrincetonConsumerResearch.com PremierEggDonors.com and the woman they
abused. Contact me via email for the dossier. Yet more fraud this time
in the USA from them! You know my email, and please report on how we are
being persecuted too for breaking the same story you did!
March 6th, 2016 @ 3:56 am
Judith Butler’s bible of queer feminism – Gender Trouble (1990) – uses the word “incest” or “incestuous” almost 70 times. The thin excuse there is men created the incest taboo to control women and suppress homosexuality. That means incest is a statement of anti-oppression in that it subverts the oppression of heterosexuality, the evil gender binary. You don’t have to be a genius to figure out who benefits from institutionalizing perversion to the point it is taught in college as having the overtones of nobility. Today it is normal to see people talking about the gender binary like it is Jim Crow or some medieval instrument of torture.
Lauren Southern just had some liquid dumped on her head on the street when she was talking to a few feminists who used the term “gender binary” like it was some disease. I don’t underestimate how women’s and gender studies classes not only are intent on mainstreaming hate speech but also perversion and calling it “social justice” or civil rights. That’s why we need Senate hearings to look into this violation of Title IX because of how it stigmatizes men and heterosexuals.
March 6th, 2016 @ 6:08 am
Get Robert’s attention for me. He wants to do a story (but doesn’t know it yet
) on twitter’s connection to the gay lobby in Australia and the pedophile loving praising journalist who called for his twitter account before it was axed.
March 6th, 2016 @ 7:49 am
March 6th, 2016 @ 8:48 am
Ah I remember you! These are the most vile depraved people round who want to destroy our children and anyone who stands in their way.
March 6th, 2016 @ 6:37 pm
[…] #FreeStacy #CPAC2016: I’ve Got Friends in Low Places (and Everywhere Else) Everybody at CPAC is talking Trump (his supporters walked out on Ted Cruz) but I find it impossible to get excited about the presidential campaign. […]