Rule 5 Sunday: Blue Shirt Double-Dip Edition
Posted on | May 1, 2016 | 5 Comments
— compiled by Wombat-socho
May 1 is the annual day of celebration for unrepentant commie pinko hippies and other scum, and it’s a habit of long standing for Yr. Humble Linkmongler (and author of The Last Falangist) to wear the blue shirt as a subtle “screw you” to persons of that sort. That being the case, it seemed only appropriate to go with Denise Milani in her blue denim shirt and Daisy Dukes as this week’s appetizer. As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW, and failure to exercise discretion in the timing and location of your clicking may lead to many unpleasant consequences at the hands of the Matriarchy’s would-be enforcers. The Management is not responsible for whatever consequences ensue from your lack of discretion; save your last phone call before the self-criticism session for Domino’s.

Denise Milani, appropriately dressed for the occasion.
Animal Magnetism leads off last week’s contributions with Rule Five Friday and an Asian Invasion; Goodstuff follows with Gabrielle Drake, celebrating “all kinds of science and groovy chicks”. 90 Miles from Tyranny answers the call with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls with Guns; First Street Journal admires the ladies of the NYPD, while The Last Tradition adds Cindy Crawford and Kaci Fennell.
This week, Goodstuff explores the twisting pathways of space & time with Vanna White, 90 Miles from Tyranny delivers with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, Animal Magnetism returns to the Land of the Big PX with Rule 5 Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon, The Last Tradition chips in with Giezelle Buchin and Suelyn Medeiros, Also, First Street Journal considers women training for combat.
EBL’s herd of heifers included Manic Pixie Dream Girls, The Other Katarina, Morena Baccarin, Made In China, Harriet Tubman, Andrew Jackson’s Ladies, Game of Thrones Rule 5, Prettier Conservative Women, SJWs and Cheerleading at U. Wash., Ann-Margret, Andrea Tantaros, and Kelly Ripa.
A View from the Beach sends us Gold Coast Queen – Ellie-Jean Coffey, Star Trek “Impulse” Drive Comes Closer to Reality, Scrubbing the Files at, Singer Roasts Starbucks for Anti-Welsh Discrimination, “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”, Is Feminism Ruining Soccer?, Yoga is All the Rage These Days, Hits the Sauce, Did Skanky Humans Do In the Neanderthals? (with cave girls, of course), Once Upon a Time in the Land of Oompapa Dao, Still Generating News, Sunday Morning Stairway to Heaven, Dakota Johnson Not Into Faking It, Selfie Nation, The European All Father, It’s More Than OK, It’s Even Desirable, “Drop in the Bucket”, Lucky Bear, Wednesday Morning Workout!, Exelon, Feds Agree on Conowingo Fish Lift, Court Reinstates Gisele Bundchen’s Husband’s Deflategate Suspension, So How Come He’s Not Helping?, and Popsicle!
Soylent Siberia sent us Monday Motivationer: Finger-Licking Good, Tuesday Titillation, Humpday Hawtness Wax On, Fursday Fantastic, Latent Lingerie, and Weekender Yowza.
The DaleyGator’s DaleyBabes for this fortnight included Sexy Shadows, Ayaka Onoue, Alisa Reyes, Brandi Renee, Ikumi Hisamatsu, Bridgit Mendler, Shanica Knowles, Kim Flink, Jing Lusi, Jaymee Sire, Teedra Moses, Teressa Cee, and Tiffany Hines.
Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babes were Julianne Hough and Lauren Conrad, his Vintage Babes were Betta St. John and Adele Mara, and Sex in Advertising was covered by Casual Sox and Got Milk? At Dustbury, it was Melissa Joan Hart, Jessica Stam, Laura Vandervoort, and Dolly Singh.
Thanks to everyone for their linkagery! Deadline to submit links to the Rule 5 Wombat mailbox for Mother’s Day Rule 5 Sunday is midnight on Saturday, May 7. Your support of Rule 5 Sunday in the FMJRA is also appreciated; send your links in for that by noon on Saturday.
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5 Responses to “Rule 5 Sunday: Blue Shirt Double-Dip Edition”
May 2nd, 2016 @ 1:11 am
Thanks for lighting the way as Vanna White takes us through the twisting pathways of space and time
May 2nd, 2016 @ 7:31 am
The Left is always into Divide and Rule, and needs subversion, infiltration and distraction in order to get away with their TOTALITARIAN project.
The Left is inherently conspiratorial –
One might read about how they took over Czechoslovakia.
But TOO BAD FOR COMMIES that Yeltsin opened the Soviet Archives::
So – read about what they ACTUALLY DO – never mind their propaganda:
** Engineering Communism – How two americans spied for stalin and founded the soviet Silicon Valley.
Steven T. Usdin; (Yale University Press, 2005) (re Barr & Sarant)
* The Secret World of American Communism, Klehr, Haynes, Firsov; (Yale U, 1995)
* The Soviet World of American Communism, Klehr, Haynes, Anderson, (Yale U, 1998)
** The Crown Jewels, West, Tsarev; (Yale U, 1999)
* The Haunted Wood, Weinstein, Vassiliev, (RandomHouse, 1999)
* Perjury – the Hiss-Chambers case, Weinstein, (RandomHouse, 1997)
* Bombshell, Albright, Kunstel, (TimesBooks, 1997)
* Dossier -The secret history of Armand Hammer, Epstein, (RandomHouse,1996)
* Hollywood Party, Billingsley, (Forum, 1998)
* Commies, Radosh, (Encounter, 2001)
* Red Star over Hollywood, Radosh, (Encounter )
* The Venona Secrets, Romerstein, Breindel, (Regnery, 2000)
* Venona, Haynes, Klehr, (Yale 1999)
* Venona – the greatest secret of the cold war, Nigel West, (HarperCollins,2000)
* Clever Girl – Elizabeth Bentley, Lauren Kessler, (HarperCollins, 2003)
** Blacklisted by History, M. Stanton Evans, (Crown Forum 2007)
* Spies – The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America, Haynes, Klehr, Vassiliev, (Yale U, 2009)
* REDS, Ted Morgan, (RandomHouse 2003) – no mention of Richard Pipes work.
** In Stalin’s Secret Service, W.G.Krivitsky, (Enigma, 2000)
* The Man Behind the Rosenbergs, Alexander Feklisov, Sergei Kostin, intro R.Radosh (Enigma, 2001)
* Treason, Ann Coulter, (Crown Forum 2003)
* Red Files – Secrets from the Russian Archives, G. Feifer, (TV Books 2000)
* Roosevelt’s Secret War, Joseph E. Persico (Random House 2002)
* Target: Patton. The plot to assassinate General George S. Patton , Robert K. Wilcox, Regnery
** Double Lives, Stephen Koch (Enigma 2004)
** The Sword and the Shield – The Metrokhin Archive, Andrew & Metrokhin (Basic Books 1999)
** The Black Book of Communism.
*** Richard Pipes – The Unknown Lenin – and all other works
Denise looks great
May 2nd, 2016 @ 7:41 am
I remember my dad, a Korean war vet, mumbling in the car, “Thirty year ago we were shooting them in the face. Today we got them over here wearing three-piece suits.”
May 2nd, 2016 @ 8:26 pm
32 page anti-communism comic produced by the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (CACC)
The Two Faces of Communism was published at a time when communism still represented a threat to the world’s democracies. This comic accurately recounts communism’s shameful and deadly history.
Remember boys and girls, the Red Menace is real!
May 8th, 2016 @ 8:50 am
[…] Other McCain Full Metal Jacket. And Rule 5 Sunday! (last […]