The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’

Posted on | December 14, 2016 | 4 Comments

Left: Justin Dennis in 2012. Right: Riley J. Dennis in 2015.

“Would you date a trans person? Honestly? . . . Well, if you said ‘no,’ I’m sorry, but that’s pretty discriminatory.”
Riley J. Dennis, November 2016

Justin Dennis, a/k/a Riley J. Dennis, is a transgender activist who describes himself/“herself” as an “intersectional feminist” who is “also super queer (transfeminine lesbian to be specific).” Also, not coincidentally, Riley J. Dennis is a deranged totalitarian who doesn’t believe that other people have a right to their own opinions. Riley J. Dennis wants to tell you what to think, and even presumes to tell you who you are required to date. Your romantic preferences are wrong!


Here’s some news for Riley Dennis: Men and women are different.

No matter what they teach in college Gender Studies classes, the truth is still the truth, and the truth is men and women are different. Feminists can shriek all they want about “gender essentialism,” and lecture us from the Cliff Notes version of Judith Butler — the social construction of the gender binary within the heterosexual matrix — but they still can never change the fact that men and women are different.

Orwellian word games, in which other people’s personal preferences are condemned as illegitimate — racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. — are an attempt to impose a totalitarian regime on society. By invoking the concept of “civil rights” and accusing others of discrimination and prejudice, the “social justice” totalitarians seek to silence criticism, by implying that all opposition to their views is analogous Bull Connor unleashing police dogs against black people in Birmingham in 1963.


“Because we associate penises with men and vaginas with women” (gosh, I wonder why?) “some people think they could never date a trans man with a vagina or a trans woman with a penis.”

Riley J. Dennis majored in English at Whittier College, so perhaps he/“she” might contemplate the meaning of the word could, as opposed to the word would or the word should. We are not dealing with hypotheticals here, and thus the word “could” is inappropriate. You could do many things, conceivably, that you never actually would do. If you were to ask me what you should do, my advice would be to stay away from the kind of weirdos who go to Whittier College. But please, continue . . .


“But I think that people are more than their genitals” (as if this were a startling discovery) “I think that you could feel attraction to someone without knowing what’s between their legs.” Here again we have the word “could” used to suggest a hypothetical, and the word “attraction” is extracted from any practical context. What is the teleological purpose of “attraction”? Riley J. Dennis is talking about genitals — “what’s between their legs” — and therefore we might ask, why do genitals matter in terms of “attraction”? Do you really need me to explain this? Didn’t your mother give you the where-do-babies-come-from talk when you were a child?


Unlike kids at Whittier College, when I was in school, we not only studied grammar, logic and rhetoric, but we also studied science

Sex is about reproductive biology. Human beings are mammals, and any eighth-grader can figure out what that means in terms of sex.
Once you understand this scientific definition of sex, everything else is just details. Young people have to figure out how to attract potential partners, how to choose a good partner from among the prospective candidates, and how to negotiate a relationship that will lead toward lifelong monogamous pair-bonding — i.e., a successful marriage — because this is the ideal situation in which to raise children.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply . . .”
Genesis 1:27-28 (KJV)

This is very simple. Sex is about procreation, and therefore sexual success can be measured. There are winners — the ones who are blessed, in obedience to the divine commandment — and there are losers.

All of my ancestors were successful in this regard, or else I wouldn’t be here. As the descendant of a long line of sexual winners, therefore, I have inherited a legacy of winning, much the same way the University of Alabama football team has inherited its own winning legacy. Carrying on that victorious tradition, I’ve got six children of my own — the oldest three already married, with two grandchildren so far — and dare to hope that future generations of my descendants will continue this reproductive winning streak. Meanwhile, there’s the intersectional feminist . . .

“I’m very atheist. Like atheist with all of my soul. Except I don’t have a soul, so just like with all of my being. . . . I was raised Christian, and I don’t think I ever bought into it like 100 percent, but it was sometime around eighth grade when I decided like, for sure, I am an atheist.”
Riley J. Dennis, May 2016

In eighth grade, Justin Dennis decided he was an atheist, and now, at age 23, Riley J. Dennis has decided “she” is a “transfeminine lesbian.” Gosh, it’s almost as if there were a “strong delusion” involved here.


Riley Dennis accuses those who disagree with him/“her” of “reducing people to their genitals” — you’re guilty of an ignorant prejudice if you don’t want to date a “woman” with XY chromosomes and a penis, you see. Perhaps the best reply to such an accusation is, “So what?”

How is your “transphobic” prejudice different from, or worse than, Riley J. Dennis’s blatant prejudice against normal people? Riley J. Dennis is abnormal, and expects the rest of us to tolerate his/“her” preference for female clothing and effeminate mannerisms. Most of us do grant such tolerance, so long as these weirdos stay away from our children. If you want to live your life like an extra from the cast of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, you are free to move to San Francisco and let your freak flag fly. And I’ll keep my kids 2,500 miles away from San Francisco.

America is a free country, see? “Riley J. Dennis is a polyamorous, atheist, gender non-binary transwoman . . . educating people on the nuances of gender, sexuality, and intersectional feminism,” and I am a Christian conservative father of six who says Riley J. Dennis is crazy.

Under the First Amendment of the Constitution, I have the right to say that Riley J. Dennis is crazy, and I also have the right to tell you that Riley J. Dennis is a selfish liar, promoting a false concept of “discrimination” for his/“her” personal gain. Riley J. Dennis hopes to get rich selling “intersectional feminism” like Colonel Sanders got rich selling fried chicken. Feminism is being sold as a commodity, and these ideological vendors do not work for free. Riley J. Dennis claims to be an atheist, but he/“she” is in fact a fanatical member of a quasi-religious cult.

Why do devotees of the “intersectional feminist” cult make these false accusations of “discrimination” against their critics? For the same reason that the pagan silversmith Demetrius slandered the early Christians, provoking a famous riot: “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!”

Because their livelihood depends on public acceptance of feminism — there are jobs to be had and money to be made by promoting this ideology — the cult leaders preach to their followers that anyone who criticizes feminism is a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot. Therefore, feminists have succeeded in banishing critics from university campuses, which function as temple shrines of the feminist cult.

This is why feminists tried to shout down K.C. Johnson at Ohio University. This is why feminists called in a bomb threat to a journalism conference where Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak. Feminists cannot exercise total control unless they can silence their critics, which is how feminists have seized control of academia.

Why does Riley J. Dennis believe he/“she” has the authority to condemn other people’s romantic attractions as “discrimination”? Because he/“she” is a recent graduate of Whittier College where the annual tuition is $44,574, plus $12,902 room and board, and a Special Snowflake™ who attends that kind of private liberal arts college is not accustomed to hearing the word “no.” For $57,476 a year, whatever the Special Snowflake™ wants, the Special Snowflake™ gets. The faculty at Whittier College kowtow to their precious little darlings, and after four years of being pampered, these impudent young brats consider themselves qualified to lecture the rest of us about . . . Well, everything.

Riley J. Dennis, Class of 2015, is an expert, “educating people on the nuances of gender, sexuality, and intersectional feminism,” and the rest of us are expected to sit silently while he/“she” educates us. Riley J. Dennis claims to be “a strong believer in equal rights for everyone” — except anyone who disagrees with him/“her.” Nobody has a right to disagree with Riley J. Dennis. To feminist totalitarians like Riley J. Dennis, disagreement is “hate speech” and criticism is “harassment.” If you don’t want to date Riley J. Dennis, that’s “discrimination.”

Yes, Riley J. Dennis made a video called “How to Date a Feminist,” because obviously everybody wants to do that, right? I mean, right?

By the way, did I mention that Riley J. Dennis is a “pacifist . . . socialist, anti-capitalist” who voted for Hillary Clinton? Did I mention that Riley J. Dennis hates all 62 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump?


Don’t “normalize” voting Republican, says Riley J. Dennis. Instead, he/“she” wants you to “normalize” weirdos like him/“her.”

Remember: He/“she” is an atheist, and doesn’t have a soul.



4 Responses to “Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’”

  1. ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’ : The Other McCain
    December 15th, 2016 @ 8:13 pm

    […] Dec. 14: Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’ […]

  2. That Birth Certificate? Still Fake… | Regular Right Guy
    December 16th, 2016 @ 4:05 pm

    […] Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’ […]

  3. Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’ –
    December 18th, 2016 @ 2:37 pm

    […] Source: Tranny ‘Feminist’ Declares You Are ‘Discriminatory’ Not to Date Him/‘Her’ […]

  4. News of the Week (December 18th, 2016) | The Political Hat
    December 24th, 2016 @ 4:40 pm

    […] Tranny “Feminist” Declares You Are “Discriminatory” Not to Date Him/”H… Justin Dennis, a/k/a Riley J. Dennis, is a transgender activist who describes himself/”herself” as an “intersectional feminist” who is “also super queer (transfeminine lesbian to be specific).” […]

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