The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Frank Zappa Salute To A No-Talent Rodeo Clown On The Occasion Of His Departure

Posted on | January 13, 2017 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

Powerline captures something key about #OccupyResoluteDeskLivesMatter:

Obama is a man from nowhere, a citizen of the world. So where will he live, post-presidency? Washington, D.C., of course–his only real home. He isn’t going anywhere.

This recalls some classic Frank Zappa from Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch (itself probably not a Nancy Pelosi fantasy):
Like every conscious American, I can’t help but feel relief that we have nearly passed Stompyfoot McPointyfinger, and that he’s not succeeded by another Soros meat puppet like Her Majesty. Whenever the Almighty calls that Bond villain to account, the world shall heave a sigh of relief. And I think we’ll come to understand what a pervasive Commie conspiracy these last decades have been.


One Response to “Frank Zappa Salute To A No-Talent Rodeo Clown On The Occasion Of His Departure”

  1. Out: (still) Trump / (still) In: Obama? | Regular Right Guy
    January 14th, 2017 @ 12:35 pm

    […] Frank Zappa Salute To A No-Talent Rodeo Clown On The Occasion Of His Departure […]