The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Can AZ CheezburgerRehab?

by Smitty Via Gateway Pundit I am required to somehow feel sympathy for Jesse Jackson, Jr. Reading the Gospels, my personal reference point (Jesus) seemed to sort people into two groups: the hoi poloi, upon whom He poured endless compassion, and those who set themselves up in leadership positions, who were frequently on the receiving […]

Oh, My Goodness: Jesse Jackson Accused of Sexually Harassing Gay Staffer?

Well, well, well — what have we here? The Rev. Jesse Jackson is vehemently denying allegations from a member of President Obama’s gay rights issues panel, who claims he was fired from the civil rights leader’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition because he is openly gay. Tommy Bennett, who worked for the organization for more than two […]