The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Q: What Is Better Than A Rose On A Clavier?

Posted on | January 29, 2010 | Comments Off on Q: What Is Better Than A Rose On A Clavier?

by Smitty

A: Tulips on an organ of the state:

“Thank you Mr. President,” [T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII] concluded. “You are truly that big pianist we’ve all been waiting for.”

Yet another excellent Iowahawk outing.

Recall, at the old blog, Stacy had a similar Thurston Howell-meets-cranial-rectalitis character, Brooks Rossington Frumdreher III. At one point, Stacy outlined to me a variety of mis-adventures of a fallen blue-blood, who never found a political issue without a bit of space on the wrong side of it for his presence to inhabit.

One wonders what sort of tip jar bounty would be required to shake loose just a bit more of that justice from Stacy.


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