The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | January 30, 2010 | 49 Comments

Police and other emergency responders were called to the scene of a riot Saturday night at the annual Directors Guild Awards, but were reportedly unable to quell the violent disturbance.

Traumatized attendees at the glitzy gala were being treated by paramedics at the Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, yet police SWAT teams and riot squads were clearly outmanned in the mass pandemonium. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger mobilized National Guard units to deal with the unexpected crisis caused by Christina Hendricks’ breasts.


49 Responses to “BREAKING URGENT!”

  1. Paco
    January 31st, 2010 @ 4:50 am

    Who’s that guy with her, Donnie Osmond?

  2. Paco
    January 30th, 2010 @ 11:50 pm

    Who’s that guy with her, Donnie Osmond?

  3. Richard McEnroe
    January 31st, 2010 @ 4:53 am

    What guy where?

  4. Jim Rose
    January 31st, 2010 @ 4:53 am


  5. Richard McEnroe
    January 30th, 2010 @ 11:53 pm

    What guy where?

  6. Jim Rose
    January 30th, 2010 @ 11:53 pm


  7. David Smith
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:15 am

    Holy cannoli! What a rack!

  8. David Smith
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:15 am

    Holy cannoli! What a rack!

  9. BruceC
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:28 am

    January 30th, 2010 @ 11 50

    Who’s that guy with her, Donnie Osmond?”

    Nah, that’s Harry Potter and the Goblets of Fire.

  10. BruceC
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:28 am

    January 30th, 2010 @ 11 50

    Who’s that guy with her, Donnie Osmond?”

    Nah, that’s Harry Potter and the Goblets of Fire.

  11. Miss Sharon
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:34 am

    A bit over the top, don’t you think?

  12. Miss Sharon
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:34 am

    A bit over the top, don’t you think?

  13. BruceC
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:39 am

    “Miss Sharon
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12 34

    A bit over the top, don’t you think?”

    Well, yeah, but far be it from us to tell Ms Hendricks what to wear.

  14. BruceC
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:39 am

    “Miss Sharon
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12 34

    A bit over the top, don’t you think?”

    Well, yeah, but far be it from us to tell Ms Hendricks what to wear.

  15. Kirk Hall
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:44 am

    Just lovely.

  16. Kirk Hall
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:44 am

    Just lovely.

  17. Dave C
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:58 am

    The guy she’s with is her husband..

    He played one of the terrorists in the movie, ‘An American Carol’.

    Mohammed: It is getting harder to recruit suicide bombers, and all the really good ones are gone.

  18. Dave C
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:58 am

    The guy she’s with is her husband..

    He played one of the terrorists in the movie, ‘An American Carol’.

    Mohammed: It is getting harder to recruit suicide bombers, and all the really good ones are gone.

  19. TBinSTL
    January 31st, 2010 @ 6:28 am

    Its Yo-saff-bridge!!

  20. TBinSTL
    January 31st, 2010 @ 1:28 am

    Its Yo-saff-bridge!!

  21. DMB
    January 31st, 2010 @ 6:30 am

    Mmmm… Good Bible…

  22. DMB
    January 31st, 2010 @ 1:30 am

    Mmmm… Good Bible…

  23. Patrick
    January 31st, 2010 @ 1:58 am

    You Turkey, I thought it was something important. 😉

  24. Patrick
    January 31st, 2010 @ 6:58 am

    You Turkey, I thought it was something important. 😉

  25. Glenn Mark Cassel AMH1(AW) USN
    January 31st, 2010 @ 7:23 am

    A man could get lost in there.

  26. Glenn Mark Cassel AMH1(AW) USN Ret.
    January 31st, 2010 @ 2:23 am

    A man could get lost in there.

  27. Oxbay
    January 31st, 2010 @ 10:45 am

    Are they real or are they memorex?

  28. Oxbay
    January 31st, 2010 @ 5:45 am

    Are they real or are they memorex?

  29. RRmike
    January 31st, 2010 @ 11:44 am

    My Word!

  30. RRmike
    January 31st, 2010 @ 6:44 am

    My Word!

  31. Milo
    January 31st, 2010 @ 11:57 am

    They’re real, and they’re *magnificent*!

  32. Milo
    January 31st, 2010 @ 6:57 am

    They’re real, and they’re *magnificent*!

  33. snaggletoothie
    January 31st, 2010 @ 12:52 pm

    Oh, to be a white flower of the mountains.

    “And I said, ‘Can I?’
    And she said, ‘Yes.’
    And I said, ‘Can . . . ‘
    And she said, ‘Yes.’
    And I said, ‘. . I?’
    And she said, ‘Yes . . Yes’
    And I said, ‘Can I?’
    And she said, ‘Yes . . . Yes . . Yes’
    And again she said, ‘Yes . . . Yes, yes, YES.'”

  34. snaggletoothie
    January 31st, 2010 @ 7:52 am

    Oh, to be a white flower of the mountains.

    “And I said, ‘Can I?’
    And she said, ‘Yes.’
    And I said, ‘Can . . . ‘
    And she said, ‘Yes.’
    And I said, ‘. . I?’
    And she said, ‘Yes . . Yes’
    And I said, ‘Can I?’
    And she said, ‘Yes . . . Yes . . Yes’
    And again she said, ‘Yes . . . Yes, yes, YES.'”

  35. Stacy’s Magnificat
    January 31st, 2010 @ 9:51 am

    […] When he testifies, Stacy swears “By the Breasts of Christina Hendricks.” […]

  36. Chuck Cross
    January 31st, 2010 @ 2:53 pm

    definitely no handbridge required for those.

  37. Chuck Cross
    January 31st, 2010 @ 9:53 am

    definitely no handbridge required for those.

  38. Proof
    January 31st, 2010 @ 3:04 pm

    Nice, healthy looking young lady!
    Must be a pleasure just to watch her breathe!

  39. Proof
    January 31st, 2010 @ 10:04 am

    Nice, healthy looking young lady!
    Must be a pleasure just to watch her breathe!

  40. Americaneocon
    January 31st, 2010 @ 3:48 pm

    She’s lovely!

  41. Americaneocon
    January 31st, 2010 @ 10:48 am

    She’s lovely!

  42. See, I told you Stacy McCain was a sex fiend! « The Daley Gator
    January 31st, 2010 @ 10:58 am

    […] Woods sex addict treatment? Anyway, this morning McCain is posting about the Battle of the Boobs. Meghan’s Melons vs Hendrick’s Hooters! This is not a game show, this is being touted by McCain as the Knockers Knock-Down and apparently, […]

  43. CW4, US Army
    January 31st, 2010 @ 4:37 pm


    A man could always hope. Unfortunately, we are reminded of the old adage from the Chief: Hope in one hand, poop in the other and which one do you think will fill up first?

    But yummy, nonetheless!!!

  44. CW4, US Army
    January 31st, 2010 @ 11:37 am


    A man could always hope. Unfortunately, we are reminded of the old adage from the Chief: Hope in one hand, poop in the other and which one do you think will fill up first?

    But yummy, nonetheless!!!

  45. BuddyOne
    January 31st, 2010 @ 8:34 pm

    Some husband that guy is, he can only afford a little tiny dress like that…

  46. BuddyOne
    January 31st, 2010 @ 3:34 pm

    Some husband that guy is, he can only afford a little tiny dress like that…

  47. culpering355
    January 31st, 2010 @ 9:09 pm

    “BOOOOOOOOMMM” *collective jaw hitting floor*

  48. culpering355
    January 31st, 2010 @ 4:09 pm

    “BOOOOOOOOMMM” *collective jaw hitting floor*

  49. Carrie Underwood & Washington Wind Power
    February 1st, 2010 @ 12:41 pm

    […] Loredana Jolie asks: is Tiger Woods Gay?   BREAKING URGENT! […]

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