The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Economics: What If the Experts Are Wrong? And What If They’re Lying?

After the stock market lost 500 points last week, I figured it was well past time to produce another financial news aggregation at NTC News. In a more-or-less random way, I collected these items: Futures trading points to stock rebound; Bernanke confirmation more likely; U.S. dollar declines in overseas trading; CNN poll: Most oppose stimulus; Treasury […]

‘Who Is Ellie Light?’

That’s the John Galt-like question Michelle Malkin ponders this morning: It’s a handy rhetorical rejoinder the next the White House or your nutroots neighbors and co-workers try to tar the Tea Party or any other grass-roots revolts against President Obama as phony, top-down operations. When Obama’s Soros-funded, Big Labor-directed, K Street-organized goons engage in classic […]

POTUS and TOTUS in Falls Church

by Smitty (h/t Dan Riehl) “Let me be perfectly clear: when I was your age, my mommy used to put me on my little circular mat like this and have me talk like the President. Some say I have come full circle. Others say that I couldn’t do it without the shiny hardware.  But I […]

Rule 5 Sunday — Part 2

by Smitty I got caught up to last weekend earlier today, and this cleans out the Rule 5 label in Gmail.

More LGF Fallout: New York Times ‘Casually Defames’ Filip DeWinter

So says Diana West: As many readers know, I have written extensively about Filip and his party’s  courageous political battle to halt and reverse the Islamization of Belgium since I first met him almost exactly three years ago. . . . Diana West is certainly no fascist sympathizer. Unlike Charles Johnson, she’s actually been to […]

NFL Sunday: Vikings Will Stomp Saints

Having accurately predicted the outcome of the Colts-Jets game, let’s see if I can go 2-0 this Sunday. UPDATE: As the WhoDats in the comment field note, the final stomping of the Saints has been postponed until the Super Bowl. So I went 1-1 on championship Sunday. I’m awaiting a “Downfall” video about the Vikings […]

Rule 5 Sunday — Part 1

by Smitty Tempers flared. Pitchforks were shouldered. Plowshares beaten to swords. One oldtimer from a farming county had mounted a turreted ballista on a

NFL Sunday: Colts Will Stomp Jets

OK, I’ve got no inside info on today’s playoff game. All I know is that Jumping in Pools is a Jets fan, and he picked Texas to win the BCS championship. Ergo, the Colts win.

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