The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Blagojevich to Return to Rock’n’Roll

It looks like the effort to out-Biden Biden didn’t work:

And the Rick Played On

An inadvertantly funny title from Rick Moran: “WHY CONSERVATISM IS DISCONNECTED FROM REALITY”. Emphasis mine throughout.

I debated whether or not to make this a piece about “some conservatives” eschewing reality for an alternate universe or if I should make it about much of modern conservatism’s disconnect from the reality

Delivering the Goods

by Smitty Jimmie Bise over at the Sundries Shack is having too much fun. I’ll admit to having been remiss in picking up on The Delivery. Dealing with the podcast itself is challenging. I have an iPod shuffle. I love Jimmie. But can I really drop the Motörhead for Jimmie? This is a serious dilemma. […]

Among the Reasons For Discomfort When Some Call the US a Christian Nation

The Future of Capitalism mentions a Watertown Daily Times report about the Amish in the context of health

Just Bought My Ticket to Boston

An eight-hour train ride on two hours sleep? Yeah, I can do that, for a “far-right teabagger”: Martha Coakley is running to fill the rest of Ted Kennedy’s term, and her opponent is a far-right tea-bagger Republican. . . . The special election is coming up on Tuesday, and it’s going to be close. Read Vicki’s […]

Kos Spins Mass. Senate Campaign: ‘Teabaggers’ Doom Scott Brown?

Jumping in Pools gives this spin a thorough fisking, but here’s just a taste of Kos in whistle-past-the-graveyard mode: Brown has been caught in a vice. His support from teabaggers was critical to becoming competitive . . . On the other hand, that conservative support has come at a cost. . . . The teabaggers demand ideological purity, and he’s […]

Massachusetts’ Chief Law Enforcement Official Ignores Political Assault; UPDATE: DSCC’s Meehan Apologizes

UPDATE 4:45 p.m. ET: Michael “I Work For Me” Meehan admits he was “was a little too aggressive” with John McCormack — a convenient admission, considering that the incident was caught on video and photographs. PREVIOUSLY: What else can you say about this photo? A campaign aide to Martha Coakley has just shoved reporter John McCormack […]

Iraq Veterans for Congress:
‘Pulling Down Tyrants’

Thanks to Richard McEnroe of Three Beers Later for calling my attention to Iraq Veterans for Congress: Thanks to the support of more than four thousand Americans from across the country we are proud to report that we have raised more than $100,000 to support our mission: Recruit, Fund and Elect to Congress conservative Republican […]

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